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I sat quietly on the couch playing solitaire while the guys along with Priscilla were playing beer pong. I had no urge to drink or have anyone over tonight but Mike had invited them over before all of the wedding excitement. One good bash before 'things change' as Jaime put it. I'm not too sure how things would change but I guess everyone thought Mike and I would be somehow different. As if we wouldn't have a few ragers a year or not drink or have fun again; Like we would turn into boring church goer, not saying people who go to church are boring but compared to us they were.

Tony and Priscilla had finally made it official and I was really excited for them because now they both had someone to come home to and that was amazing since they both traveled so frequently. It was cute seeing Priscilla get all mushy with someone. She hated to be all mushy with someone unless they really meant something to her and Tony meant everything to her.

I started to struggle with the last few rounds of solitaire and gave up when I couldn't sort them out. I started a new game but was interrupted by a tap to my head.

"Oh, hey!" I smiled and shuffled the deck in my hands.

"What are you doing in here by yourself?" Jaime asked, handing me a drink.

"Just don't feel like doing much tonight, ya know?" I said with a sip to the drink he gave me. Fireball and Coke of course.

"Not really, but I'll agree for more information." he said with a dimple filled smile. I shook my head with a smile but obliged him.

"I just wanted to relax tonight and not the kind of 'drink it all off' relax but the 'watch tv and be quiet' kind of relax." I took another sip from my drink when I saw the slight frown form on Jaime's face but soon bounce back to his usual happy glow.

"I understand that but why? You could have played cards with us outside. I would have played Go Fish with you!" He whined playfully and I smiled, picking up my deck of JD cards and my drink and walked outside with him to be a little more social.

I sat at the patio table and set the cards up while Vic, Mike, Tony and Priscilla played another round of beer pong. Jaime and I were enjoying just playing card games and watching the others make fools of themselves. It was calming to not bee excessively drinking or being bothered by Mike's wandering hands. I loved Mike but sometimes he became too clingy.

We must have spent the whole night outside because before I even knew it, the sun was beginning to show and only Jaime and I were awake. He had stopped drinking as soon as I came outside.

"So, are you excited for the wedding?" Jaime asked quietly and I took a quick sip of my chai tea.

"Yea, I guess so." I said while furrowing my eyebrows, thinking about my doubts.

"Come one, tell Hime-Time what you're feeling." He said with a knowing look strewn on his face.

I thought about just lying to him but he was pretty good at seeing right through my lies.

"Well, I don't really know. I love Mike and I want to marry him but at the same time I don't. I'm scared of what will happen." I said timidly and fiddled with my hands. Jaime just looked at me with a 'continue' kind of expression.

"I guess I just don't want us to get comfortable with each other, you know? Like turn into people who just do the same thing all the time and slowly lose our interest in each other." I said with a sad small sigh and looked at Jaime.

"You two will never get sick of each other. It's impossible. The two of you are like gasoline and a lit match. Everyone knows that the two of you were made for each other, even Vic even though he hates to admit it. Nobody could ever get bored of you. You always surprise all of us! For example, tonight you sat inside by yourself playing solitare. You never just chill by yourself!" he said with a slight chuckle and then went back to being serious.

"You are the most...undecided person I know. You never cease to amazing me because one minute you could be this quiet shy little mouse and the next minute you're singing at the top of your lungs and dancing around. You're a firecracker to say the least." He smiled genuinely and I smiled back at him.

I didn't say anything back, instead I just soaked in his kind words. He could be really insightful when he wanted to be and he amazed me sometimes with the things he says.
The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon when I ushered him inside to help me make some breakfast for everyone.

"Why don't we just go pick something up for breakfast, I don't feel like cooking." Jaime said and I nodded in agreement. I threw on my flip flops and grabbed my keys.

We came back and everyone else was now awake, dead looking but awake nonetheless. I set the food down on the table and grabbed the Advil from the cabinet and giving everyone two pills each. I chuckled to myself as they swarmed the McDonalds bags. I looked over at my soon-to-be husband and wondered what it would be like when we were officially bound to each other.

I grabbed my sausage mcgriddle from the bag and pondered all of the things that went through my head about married life while I ate. We all stayed fairly silent until the pain relievers kicked in, then it was just tired groaning.

"Then go home and go to sleep or go up to the guest room and sleep or sleep on the couch! Jaime and I didn't sleep and we're not complaining!" I said with a slight chuckle but completely serious. I watched the looks of deep thought cross over their faces; except Mike's he just went upstairs with his food, not bothering to look back.

I saw Priscilla practically drag zombie-Tony up the stairs and into the guest room and Vic looked at me just before curling up under the blanket I had left there last night.

"Well, what now?" Jaime asked curiously and I shrugged.

"I dunno, Hime." I said quietly as Vic was trying to fall asleep.
Hime and I sat outside just enjoying the warmth and letting everyone sleep off their hangovers.

We talked about random things and just hung out until he wanted to go home himself to finally sleep. I gave him a ride home and took my time getting home just to think about what I was actually about to do in just a few months.

Is this really what I want?

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