No One Does It Better

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"So, what are we doing today?" Ben asked and I looked around. "Yeah, I'm asking you sweet cheeks." I felt like his little pet name had a deeper meaning because of last night but I pushed it aside.

"I don't know. It's my day off, I usually just watch movies and relax all day but I guess we have to clean up too." I said while subconsciously thinking of what we can do.

"Well, we can't stay for long but we'll help you clean up." Austin said while looking around at his band mates for confirmation. I nodded and watched as Ben got up.

"Where's the other shower you said we could use?" I led him into the house and showed him into my mother's old room. He abruptly pushed me against the door and planted a rough kiss on my lips.

"You were such a good whore last night." He mumbled between kisses and I pushed him off me slightly. Of course I didn't like being called a whore but coming from Ben, it turned me on.

"Just go take your shower." I chuckled and started to walk back out of the room.

"You know you want to join me." he smirked as I turned my body so I was facing him.

"As fun as it sounds, it would be rude to all of my guests. Not to mention I already turned Mike down for a double shower." He shrugged and undressed. I was mesmerized by all of his tattoos, all of him really.

"Like what you see?" he said, butt naked. I blushed and walked completely out of the room, closing the door behind me and walking back downstairs. I could hear all three showers going and when I walked outside some of them were actually cleaning up my yard. I quickly walked back in and grabbed a bunch of trash bags and handed them each one and before we knew it, my yard looked cleaner than it was before the party. I guess someone had actually used the fire pit because the embers were still smoldering giving off the tiniest bit of smoke.

"So, movie day?" Vic asked and I nodded.

"I guess." I said as I struggled to sit down on the hard lawn chair.

"What's wrong with you?" Jaime inquired and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"I, uhh, I think I fell last night." I stuttered. I got a smirk from Ben, James and Mike while I just rolled my eyes. They looked to each other and snickered quietly to each other.

"Well, we're gonna head out. Hopefully we'll see you all soon." Tino said as he looked at his phone. I gave them all a quick awkward hug and thanked them for helping me clean up. The house seemed much quieter now that a group of us had left.

"Can we go watch movies now?" Jaime whined while asking. I made a hand motion for him to go inside and I swear at that moment, he turned into a five year old. We all wondered inside but Priscilla stopped me just before we were gonna walk in. she closed the door and looked at me. I knew that look. It was the same look I got when first slept with Mike.

"Dude, what did you do?" she asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did you sleep with Mike again?" she said bluntly. I nodded slowly.

"Was it a drunk hook up like the last time?" she snipped and I took it to heart.

"Jesus Christ, Priscilla! So I slept with him again. Why does it always make you mad?!" I yelled and looked at her as she crossed her arms.

"Because I have liked him since freshman year! All he ever goes after is you!" my angry façade dropped and I looked at her sadly.

"Priscilla, why didn't you ever tell me! All of the times that I've told you I hated loving him and this whole time you've liked him. I would have never-" she stopped me mid apology.

"I know you didn't know but the only reason I never told you is because I knew you really liked him. I remember you calling me one day, drunk, and confessing that. I just don't want to see you get hurt again." She mumbled before walking inside. I could hear her saying goodbye to everyone before leaving. Is stood outside dumbfound that my bestfriend loved the guy I have fucked three times. All that confidence from earlier went down the drain as guilt took over. I felt guilty for hurting my, basically, only friends feelings.

I walked back inside and saw everyone comfy in their seats watching Saw: The Final Chapter. I smiled at the choice but stopped in the kitchen to make some tea. I was hoping it would soothe away my guilt, even for a little while. The couches were still moved back and I noticed my blankets from my room where now down here. I looked at Mike and he just smiled up from the floor. I snuggled in between the two Fuentes brothers and enjoyed the gruesome movie.
My mind still fluttered around what Priscilla told me but the day went fairly smooth, other than arguing about what we were gonna eat which ended up being Chinese food.

I leaned my head on Mike's shoulder during the third moving and knew that by the end I was going to be out like a light. He didn't seem to mind but I could feel that everyone was looking at us. None of that really mattered to me as my eyes fluttered shut and let out a quiet yawn before slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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