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"Make it stooooop!" I groaned into my pillow and blindly searched for my phone to shut my alarm off. I took me a while but I finally found it. I got up and started to get ready for work.
About a month has past and everything was good and going well. Mike and I have been really good lately but he has been away and a little distant lately which worried me but I chalked it up to being busy with stuff to do with the recent album drop. The response to it was outrageous!

They were so stoked to see how fans and friends were reacting to it. I loved it and almost everyone else did too. It was a little different from CWTS, being a little harder, a little like their second album but I love to see how much they've progressed between albums and how the styles have change every time. They never fail to put out amazing music.

I grabbed an apple and my tumbler full of coffee and headed to work. The drive was boring and the day was a little bleak for a normal sunny California.

I spent the day filing papers and going through various statements with Dave. Seeing as tourist season was coming to a fast close, walk-ins and appointments were scarce. It was mostly just regulars that came in during our 'off season' as Casey put it.


Before I knew it, I was homeward bound. I drove back home silently, no radio or my usual call from Mike. Ever since the party, he has been acting so strange. I didn't know what was going on with him. It scared me to death to think this relationship was already on the brink of ending but it was my mind doing all of the negative thoughts that swirled in my head late at night when Mike wasn't there to hold me.

I pulled into my driveway to the delightful sight of Jaime's SUV parked by my mailbox. I snagged my mail before quietly walking in my house. I slipped my sneakers off and stopped when I heard the guys talking very quietly in my kitchen. I could barely hear them, they were like mice, and they were so quiet.

"Hey Jay, how was your day?" Tony said hurriedly and I shot them all a suspicious look while Vic, Jaime and Tony looked innocent and Mike looked guilty as fuck. I shrugged and started making my tea and they continued to argue in a hushed tone.

"What are you guys bickering about now?" I asked jokingly but Mike snapped up.

"Nothing!" he said and stormed off. I sighed and looked at the guys.

"What's going on with him? He's barely around anymore and I haven't seen him in almost two weeks for more than ten minutes. Did I do something wrong?" his actions just now made my eyes well up but I pushed back the tears when Vic cleared his throat to speak.

"You didn't do anything. He's just... he's been in a bit of a funk lately. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll talk to you soon about it." Vic shot the other two a glance and they made a sly attempt at hiding their shrugs while I took my tea and curled up on the couch. I assumed Mike went out for a smoke to simmer down from whatever he was pissed off about. He came back in with a somber look on his face but paid me no mind as he went back in the kitchen. I sighed again and wiped away a small tear that formed.

I felt so shut out from him, like he was pushing me away for some reason. It's like it was in the beginning with a little less skin ripping hurt. The only difference was he was the one pushing me away and not the other way around.

You have to tell her soon!

Yeah dude, we're leaving soon and you are just going to hurt her more if you don't tell her.

Yeah, she thinks she did something wrong since you have been avoiding her lately.

I heard faintly a bit of the conversation and I got nervous. Leaving, where? Why? I got up and walked into the kitchen and they stopped talking again until I left.

I can't tell her yet! I don't want her to get upset, I know she's going to be and I hate seeing her upset.

I got back up with determination and stood in the doorway.

"What's going on? Why are you all being so secretive? And in my house nonetheless." I asked partly anxious and partly scared of what would come out of their mouths. They shared a few looks before Jaime got up.

"I can't be here anymore. Tell her or I do." He said before leaving the house and going out back. Tony nodded in agreement and left too. I looked between the brothers and Vic motioned for his little brother to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. I saw his fist clench and body stiffen. Vic shook his head and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Jayme, we're.." Mike cut him off with his hand.

"No, I should tell her. Just go outside with the other two." He sighed and Vic nodded and left with a weak smile aimed towards me.

"Jayme, I... dammit. I'm, I'm leaving for tour in a few weeks." He said bluntly but hesitantly. I stood there in a bit of shock. Tour, so soon?

"When and for how long?" I asked timidly as I slowly receded into my little shell that comforted me ever so slightly.

"Two weeks and it's a six month tour." he said sadly and looked at me. I nodded and tried to come to terms with how I would be without him for six months, without all of them for six months. I mean, I've done it before, I've been alone before but this time it was different.

"You're leaving in two weeks and you're just telling me now?!" I screamed through my tears that started pouring out of my baby blue eyes. He nodded slightly and went to speak but I cut him off.

"Save it, save the excuses about how you didn't want me to get upset. This just pissed me off. You should have told me when you found out about the tour!" I slammed my fist on the counter and screamed.

"Jayme, I honestly didn't know how to tell you!" he went to say more but I cut him off again.

"We both know that's bullshit. Telling me then when you found out would have hurt a hell of a lot less than two weeks before you left. Can you just leave? I don't want to say something to you that I'm gonna regret tomorrow. Tell the guys I said goodnight." I said pissed off and with tears streaming down my face.

I stormed up my stairs and slammed my bedroom door and crashed down on my bed. I kicked and hit and screamed into my downy pillow until I was calmer. I lay flat on my back and just stared at the ceiling as the anger boiled inside of me.

He was leaving in two fucking weeks! How could he just not tell me?! He was going to be gone for six months for Christ sake and he couldn't take two seconds out of his day to tell me he was leaving? It's such bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit! What am I going to do without him for six months? I don't even remember what it was like to be on my own for that long.

Ever since he came into the mix my life has changed so drastically. I had someone to share everything with and be around all the time and just love and hold. I'm going to be without that for twenty four weeks, one hundred and eighty four days.

I let my mind swirl around the idea of being alone for that long and it hurt a lot to even think about. I hated when I didn't see him for the week he recorded the album, how in the hell am I going to survive six months of that?

I let every negative and repetitive thing swish back and forth in my mind until I finally fell asleep. It was going to be tough and would I survive? Maybe. Would it hurt? Hell yeah. It's going to happen regardless so I have to push through. I have to survive six months without Mike.

I knew this would come eventually but it sucks knowing it's come so soon.

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