The First Punch

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I stormed off to my car. How the hell could she not know what was going to happen?! I held back the threatening tears until I reached my car. I watched as she walked away, like nothing affected her. I knew she was upset but, fuck! I took my frustrations out on my car, almost like I did to her car so long ago. It was almost ironic, how the tables have turned, all the shit I did to her made her do this to me and it was my turn to get upset.

I started my car and called Vic up to tell him I most likely wouldn't be home any time soon but in my state I couldn't form the words when he answered.

"Hey, Mike. What's up?" he asked happily and it made me sick. Fuck being happy right now.

"I- I'm not coming home. I, I just, I can't." I growled.

"Mike, what happened? are you okay?" he asked quickly.

"I just need time. She fucked me over and... and I just... I can't right now. I need to go." I rushed and stumbled over my words.

"Mike, stay where you are. Don't do anything stupid over some girl." He sighed. I panicked and got angry.

"Don't you get it? She was never just some girl! Don't bother coming to look for me." I yelled and immediately hung up.

Being as furious and upset as I am, I peeled out of my parking space and drove to the local package store, bought myself a few bottles of whiskey and drove off. I didn't know where I was going but I just didn't want to be near anybody.

I know drinking and driving was not a good thing but I needed it. I needed to get away from my emotions and quick. This is the exact reason why I have never had good relationships. I get way to attached and do stupid things.

I sped down a curling road, somewhere along the coast, and parked on the beach. I pulled my bottles and pack of cigarettes with me and found a secluded area near the rocks where the water crashed on the shore. Nobody would find me here. This was not a place that tourists knew about nor really did anyone else come because the surf was ragged.

I finished off my first bottle and felt the effects of it. I tossed it to the rocks and watched as the glass shattered and shimmered down into the water. I was trying hard to not let anything get to me but it was so hard when someone rips you apart.

I didn't know in high school, I don't think anybody does, that I would have such strong feelings for someone. I wish I realized it back then because this feeling, the feeling of your heart being crushed, was unbearable. I chugged half of my second bottle and started to feel... calmer. The tears stopped but I still wanted to cry.

Three bottles of Jack Daniels and a pack of cigarettes later, I decided to go home. Driving in my condition, I knew it wasn't a good thing but I had to try. I got in my car and it was like the emotions I had just pushed back, came at me full force.

I wiped the flooding tears from my eyes and sped to my home. I lost control of my car at an intersection and the last thing I saw was a semi heading straight for the front of my car.

Then it all went black.

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