Another Day, Another Dollar

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Waking up this morning was refreshing. I was mostly glad that I didn't wake up a flustered like I did yesterday. That dream was so vivid and seemed so unbelievably real! Mike's party was tomorrow and I was both excited but nervous. The dream definitely fucked with my head along with Danny and Sam's, mostly Danny, antics. I had work today and tomorrow but best believe once I'm off from work tomorrow; I'm turning into an alcoholic.

I made myself look presentable, changing out of my seats and into dark skinnies and a Jack Daniels neon green muscle shirt. I slipped on my flip flops and decided I would make myself lunch because I didn't feel like eating at some fast food place again. I know Vic said they had to be at the studio all day today but knowing him, he'll show up.

I made myself a chef's salad with red wine vinaigrette and grated parmesan cheese on the side so nothing got soggy and gross. I packed up my tasty looking lunch and grabbed my phone and keys before driving to work.

I said hi to my co-workers of the day, normally it was just Dave, Casey and I but today we had Melanie with us. She was just a part time worker because she was a student too but we were expected to be busy today so Dave had me call her in.

By the time noon came around I had to actually force Melanie to take over for me so I could eat something. I walked back to the back room, grabbed my salad and walked out the back door to the quiet comforts of my car.

It was extremely loud and I had a huge headache so being in my car that was parked in the shady part of the back lot was definitely a nice change of 'scenery' I watched as people passed by the shop and suddenly I just felt stressed. I don't want to go back in there. If I go back then I have to deal with all of the assholes that come in and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle that without exploding like and Angry Bird hitting a 2x4. I guess that was the only down side to this job; we would get swamped with people and me being me would just want to pop.

A tapping on my window nearly scared me to death. I turned my head to see who bothered me; it happened to be Casey. I opened my door and she smiled a little.

"Hey, there's some people that came in looking for you." She handed me a piece of paper with some writing on it and I nodded. I still had fifteen minutes until my break was over so I just sat there with my door open. I let the last fifteen minutes be filled with the sound of the town. It calmed me down just enough to make it back inside. Thankfully, there weren't people flooding through the doors, just a handful sitting in the waiting area.

Dave and Casey zipped through everyone and when they were finally done with the last people,
we were all glad to get the hell outta here.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I yawned and walked back to my car after locking up. I sat in my car for a few minutes before actually stating it up and when I did, the note that Casey handed me a few hours ago blew upward from the blasting a/c.

Call Vic/Tony/Jaime

Casey's chicken scratch was easily deciphered so I dialed up Vic's number until he answered.

"Hey Jay." He sounded so tired.

"Hey, I just got the message to call one of you guys. What's up?" I said as I put my phone on speaker and started to drive home.

"Oh, I just stopped by to tell you we're not coming over but I guess Danny said something about hitting you up and hanging out for a while. I told him I'd check with you." I sighed. I'd love to chill with Danny but today was just shitty and I just wanted to relax.

"I don't know, I kinda just want to be by myself tonight. It was a long day at work and I don't think I could handle Danny and his bandmates." I pulled into my driveway and grabbed everything before walking into my house. I was glad I found my house empty for the first time in about a week.

"Okay. I'll call him and tell him. He is a little much sometimes. I'll see you tomorrow, we'll come by early to help you move stuff and get stuff for the party. Take it easy tonight, I expect tomorrow to be a little on the hectic side."

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow, Vic." I yawned as I made a small drink and a cup of tea. We said our goodbyes and I downed my strong shot of whiskey before walking up to my room. I set my scolding cup of tea on my nightstand and stripped down for a quick shower.

I came out and felt so much better. I cuddled up in bed and just watched some shows and movies until I fell asleep. I knew I was going to have to rest up because I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a lot to handle.

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