Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Fire Away.

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I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, there was music blaring and I could hear a lot of people talking and when I hopped out of my bunk, my suspicions were confirmed.

"Hey, Jayme!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Ben with two cups in his hand.

"Hey, Ben. I can see you've brought the party here tonight, aye?" I chuckled and he handed me the cup in his left hand.

"Yeah, since we're already at the next venue we told everyone to just do some bus parties and we knew you didn't really want to go out tonight and we didn't want to leave you here alone." just as he finished his sentence we heard a loud moan.

"And we figured we'd rather wake you up with loud music than loud moans." He laughed and ushered me out of the occupied bunk area.

We walked out of the crowded bus and said hi to a few that hung around outside. I saw a very familiar face and ran up and hugged her from behind.

"If this is some type of rape, it's very comforting." She said with a smirk as she turned to face me. As always, she gave me a tight hug and let me go, saying a quick hello to Ben.

"Vic told me to go see you earlier but you didn't answer the door." She frowned and I chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I think I fell asleep. I told Vic about the whole you and Tony thing. He's gonna put in a good word because he likes you too." I winked and she squealed. She received a few strange glares from it but she couldn't give two fucks.

"Really!? Oh my god." She whisper yelled.

"I heard about the Mike thing from yesterday, you okay?" she said quietly as I subconsciously rubbed my arm where a large bruise was.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Not so sure about Mike but from the looks of it, I'm sure he is too." I pointed behind Priscilla to Mike who had his arm tightly around a short blondes shoulders. A rush of jealously rushed through me but was soon gone when Priscilla turned back to me.

"Yeah, that's Alysha. I guess she's some friend of his from back in the day. I haven't met her but everyone is talking about her." She shrugged and took a sip from her drink.

"Cool." I said in a rather bitter tone. I had a feeling he was just flaunting her around to piss me off. Then again, maybe it was just the jealously toying with my head. Priscilla had the smirk just tugging at the corners of her mouth when I finally took my gaze off of Alysha and Mike. I rolled my eyes and chatted with her about whatever until I saw Mike walking towards us.

"Hey, girls, I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, Alysha." He smirked at me and I scoffed but put on the best fake smile. Girlfriend. Really, Mike?

"Hi, I'm Jayme." I held my hand out to shake hers but she just smiled a little less than politely. Priscilla went to do the same but got the same result. We both looked at each other and glared at her. She stood with a cocked eyebrow and then looked up at Mike.

"Mikey, can you go get me a drink?" she pouted out her bottom lip which he kissed and stalked off, obeying her request. We all stood there tensely exchanging glances at each other.

"Listen, bitches. Mike's mine now. Don't either of you even dare to put your cutesy little moves on him, kay?" she smiled like the sadistic twisted bitch she was but did we both just get called bitches?

"How about you listen, Alysha? Neither of us want him. go try and threaten someone who is actually scared of you, kay?" I sassed back and Priscilla gave me a worried look. She stepped back a little and watched as both of us held each other in a strong eye lock.

"I'd watch your fucking mouth if I was you." She growled and I laughed.

"Really? Well, you're not me so... go fuck yourself." I smiled sweetly and crossed my tatted arms over my chest. This bitch really wanted to start with me? That's funny. I could feel whatever Ben had handed me earlier start to kick in and I watched as Alysha got more and more pissed off.

"How about you go fuck yourself, cunt." She smiled and I lost it. I got about two centimeters from her face and looked her dead in the eye

"Excuse me?" I questioned and I could tell she wanted to back down but her pride was too strong.

"You heard me." she smirked and pushed me back. I could see a few people starting to look and circle around us to watch the interaction but I didn't care. This whore just called me a fucking cunt?!

Her smirk grew wider and I threw all of my calm intentions away. I lunged at her and got a good grasp on her hair and threw her hard to the ground. She got back up but stumbled when she went to swing so I hard enough time to dodge it. I smirked and cocked my arm back and planted a nice one against that pretty face.

"You still wanna go, bitch?" the devil inside of me kept telling me to beat the shit out of her but I was soon held back by the arms by someone I didn't know. I could see Mike going to help his pathetic excuse of a girlfriend.

"What the fuck, Jayme?!" Mike got in my face as I was still being held back tightly but trying hard to get away. I let my body calm down as Mike still stared at me and the person let me go.

"Does it bother you that much that your girl can't fight for shit?" I laughed and glanced over mikes frame to see her with fire in her eyes which just made me laugh even harder. I shook my head at them and started to walk away but I was pulled back by someone grabbing my wrist. I was again faced with Alysha and her tightly clenched fist. She held one of my shoulders and swung. I fell right on my ass and spit out the blood that flowed from my mouth.

"Fuck you!" she screamed and I laughed.

"You hit like a bitch too!" I laughed again and spit out more blood. I watched as her and Mike stalked off somewhere while someone I didn't know helped me up. I gotta admit, she threw a pretty good punch but she could suck my dick if she really wanted to fight me.

The people who were watching went back to chatting amongst their friends and bandmates while I walked me and my bleeding mouth back to the bus to get cleaned up. my once white shirt was now covered in blood as was my arm but I still trudged through the packed bus to find the bathroom was occupied. I walked into the little kitchen and got a biggie, some ice and a towel to hold to my face after I rinsed it out in the sink.

"Whoa, What happened?" I heard someone gasp while I washed out my blood soaked mouth. i finished up and saw Cameron and James staring at me in awe.

"A bitch wanted to fight with me." I mumbled but it came out slurred because of the swelling that was now occurring from the blow to my mouth. They looked at me with worried eyes but I just walked past them to get another drink to wash away the pain searing through my jaw.

"Are you okay?" one of them asked as I took a shot of whiskey. I could feel the slightest bit of relief so I made myself a drink and sat down on the couch in the front of the bus. Ben, Danny and some chicks were sitting there too but looked at me confused. James explained for me as I took a large gulp and felt my pain quickly go away and the warmth of my drink wrap its arms around me.

"Damn, Jay!" Ben gasped and I let out a crooked smile. I saw someone run onto the bus out of breath and I immediately recognized him.

"I heard about the fight, I had to see the chick that did it." None other than Oliver Sykes said with a strange look. His eyes settled on me and sat down quickly.

"Congrats, Mike's new girlfriend tried to start with Hannah too. I'm glad someone hit her." he smiled and I smiled in triumph.

"You're welcome?" I said oddly and awkwardly. Looks like the bitch had it coming to her at least.

We all, well the guys, sat around talking about the fight and other things as I polished off my drink and could feel myself gradually getting more tired.

"Alright, I'll see you guys in the morning." I yawned painfully and got up slowly as I felt all the alcohol I just consumed go straight to my head. I almost fell but was caught and led to the bunks. I could still hear the moaning and just assumed it was Sam because I hadn't seen him all night. I was helped up by Cameron. I thanked him and made myself comfortable.

I gingerly laid my head down and knew that I would be in a lot of pain tomorrow but it didn't matter, I still got the last laugh. It may not have been pretty but I was still on top this time. If Mike wants to do this them let's go.

Two can play this game.

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