One Step Down With A Million Left To Go.

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"I chose and choose to be with you because no matter how bad you treated me, you made up for it. There were times when I would cry in the corner of my bathroom staring at a piece of metal and then I would think of the times you were actually nice to me and I would forget why I was crying. There were so many time when I wished you would come over just to hang out because I was alone. Back then, all I wanted to do was hate you but I knew there was no denying that something was there between us. I loved you then and I still love you now, Mike.
Please, just stop drinking for the night and feeling sorry for yourself and over thinking because believe me, it gets you nowhere." I chuckled a little but there was all silence with the lightest of sniffles in the background. I started to cry more as the silence grew and I couldn't hold in my choking sobs.

"I'm no good for you. I'm so sorry, I love you, Jayme." Was all he said before he hung up. I kind of stared at my phone hoping that he would call back or send me a text to explain what was going on.

I set my phone down and pondered all of the things that could have possibly set him off like this; he and Vic could have gotten into it again but Jaime or Tony would have called me... maybe he was just in one of those overthinking moods again. I don't know anymore.

Mike's POV

I set my phone down and just cried as I drank more from the bottle. It felt like I had just broken up with her but I know I didn't. I mean, I could have, I don't really know what I just said or did just now. For all I know she thinks we just broke up and doesn't want to see or hear from me ever again. I just never know what to do anymore. This girl has broken me down from the hard exterior I used to have to this emotional piece of shit.

The more I drank the more I thought; that's just how it worked. This time all I thought about was life with Jayme. I loved her way too much to lose her and I just want to be with her and protect her from everything bad in life. What if I'm the bad thing in her life?

I made a quick decision and before I knew it, I was running around in the town we were in looking for a special shop.

I got back to the bus and everyone was there looking worried as ever.

"Mike!? Jesus, where the fuck did you go?" Vic yelled with worried strewn about his face. I looked around the group of people staring me down and I smiled a crooked grin. I pulled out what I had just bought and they all gasped.

"Are you really?" Jaime stopped and ogled at what I was holding. I just nodded and smiled like a mad man. I feel like this is the right choice. I'm doing something one hundred percent right this time.

Jayme's POV


I woke up just feeling sad. I didn't know what was up with Mike last night. It must have just been a onetime thing because no one called me freaking out or asking questions. I was hoping he was better today. I picked up my cell phone and made my coffee while it rang.

"Hey babe." Mike groaned and I frowned a bit but at least he was talking like he usually would.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I asked a little cautiously.

"A hangover is no match for me, I'll live. Listen, I'm so sorry for last night. I was drinking and just being irrational about everything. I'll make it up to you when I get home, I promise." He sighed sadly.

"It's okay; I figured you were just drunk thinking again. We all go there at one point or another." I chuckled a bit and so did he.

"I'm sending out the stuff the fans gave us today before we leave the states. I want you to go through them and see what we can give to charity and put in the storage locker and what we should keep at the house. I know there's a lot of double and triple of things." he said happily and laughed. He adored his fans so much. They were so amazing to him and so accepting of us... most of them anyways.

"Of course! Just make sure you label what things are mine and what things are yours."

"Gotcha babe! Well, I gotta get up and get ready for sound check. I'll call you after the show if you're still up. All the guys really want to Skype with you." He chuckled. I loved his little laughs.

"All right! I'll stay up just for you guys. Have a good show babe! I love you." I smiled to myself.

"Thanks. I love you too Jayme, more than you'll ever EVER know. I'll talk to you later." He laughed slightly and we both hung up.

I was happy that he was happy and all was good.

I kept myself busy over the day. I went to work and was probably in the best mood and I also got a lot done because I was so much looking forward to seeing the guys even if it was just through a screen.

I finished my day on positive note and stopped to pick up food on the way home. It was around six by the time I got home. I guess that the guys were just starting their set and I would have a good two hours until they called. That gave me enough time to take a shower, eat and set up my computer.

I did all of that and switch on the TV until they called. I watch Layla play with her ample amounts of toys and drag them all throughout the house while Mittens was quite content with being curled up in my lap and watching TV with me.

A little while later I heard the distinct ring of Skype and quickly answered with a bright smile.

"Hey guys!" I smiled and moved a little more in frame.
There a jumble of 'hellos' along with a single 'where's the babies?!' while Mike sat there laughing. I got up setting Mittens down in front of the computer to awed at while I got Layla.

"Holy fucking shit. I'm dead. I've died of cuteness overload." Jaime said and dramatically dropped out of frame. We all got a little chuckle out of it while he got back up.

"I can't wait to get home and snuggle with those two forever." Mike said as he stared at the two of them.

"She's a pretty good guard dog so you might have to watch out when you get home." I chuckled and they all look pretty confused but smiled.

"She howled at Carlile's feet the other day to let me know someone was here. It was the cutest thing." I chuckled and set them both down next to me. "She is probably used to you though; I've been wearing you're hoodies a lot so she probably smells you." I smiled down at her and then at Mike who was beaming. They laughed and then kind of stared at Mike with a little secretive anticipation as if he was gonna do a trick or something.

"So, how was the show tonight?" I asked and they kind of snapped out of whatever trance they were in.

"It was good! The crowd was great and so lively!" Vic said with that special glimmer in his eyes that Mike often got when talking about anything related to his music.

They all added there little bit about the show and the crowd and all of them had that stupid smile and glimmer in their eyes.

"Good! I can't wait until you guys get home so I can hear all of the tour stories in full." I smiled and so did they.

"Well, we'll be coming back and doing on last special show in SD so you'll see us then." Vic said with a slightly devilish grin. The other guys looked really confused; like they didn't know anything about it.

"I didn't know you were doing another show here until the next tour..." I said while I suspiciously glared. There was something up with only Vic knew about a show.

"Yeah, I just set it up. I figured we could come home with a BANG! Ya know, end the tour on a hometown high note. But anyways, we gotta get some serious rest. Big day tomorrow. Night Jayme!" Vic said along with Jaime and Tony before the three of them walked off.

"Well, I suppose Vic is right, big day tomorrow. Lots of press and whatnot. I miss you so much and I can't wait to come home. I love you lots Jayme, goodnight." He smiled.

"I love you and miss you so much too. Be safe and let me know how everything is every once and a while, okay?"


"Alright, I love you, Mike. Goodnight." I smiled and he frowned a little as he ended the call.

I pondered what Vic could be planning that not even the others would know about as I walked up to bed and soon fell asleep.

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