Overtime. 3

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We went to concession stand and got two redbulls and tried plan something quick because their sound check was in ten minutes.

"How about you hid behind the curtain and when they get on stage they'll freak out!" Josh said as we sat pondering what to do.

"That's a little obvious though. They'll see me right away." I sighed.

"How about you hide on the other side of the cases so only Tony will see then pop up behind Mike and freak him out?" I looked at him and nodded my head sadistically.

"That could work." I smiled devilishly.

"Well, hurry up because here they come!" he said and we both scurried away to get into place. I could just barely see Josh behind the left side curtain and he okayed me making sure I was able to get behind Mike without being seen by him. I quickly made up a plan in my head and I decided to wait until they were halfway through the first song to make my move.

Normally, I would hear laughter and jokes when they came in for their sound checks but there was just a tense lingering silence over the venue.

I listened as they started to play Bulls in the Bronx and I started to get too into it to the point where I wanted to burst out singing. As they got to the second chorus I checked with Josh to make sure I was good to go and he gave me a quick thumbs up and I quickly moved like a ninja and got behind Mike.

I was trying hard not to get hit my one of his furiously moving arms and dangerous drumsticks. They finished the song and that's when I moved again. I started kissing Mike's neck and he instantly screamed. I wasn't expecting that so when he freaked I stumbled back and fell two feet to the floor on my ass. He looked like he saw a ghost.

"Surprise!" I said from the floor as the rest of the guys. Vic looked super happy to see me while my boyfriend still looked shocked.

"Jayme, what the hell are you doing here?!" Vic said happily as he helped me back up.

"I decided to take a trip." I said and Josh popped out of the corner. "And I came with!" he said and gave Vic a quick hug along with my now not so shocked boyfriend.

"I missed you so much." Mike said as he grabbed a hold of me and kissed me. He was crying too. I could feel the slight wetness between our faces and heard a little scoff from the background.

"You guys should probably finish sound check. I don't want you to get yelled at. We'll just go to the bus and wait for you. Maybe we can all go out to lunch or something?" I said and they nodded. Josh and I left them to their business and walked to the bus lot.

As always, the bus was clean thanks to Vic and his slight OCD-ness. We sat in the front lounge and were mostly quiet. a little this or that just to break the silence.
The boys finally came back and in exchange for Josh and mines weird silence we got a tense one from all of the boys. They all sat in the front lounge with us and bullshitted for a little while.

"Can I talk to you?" Mike whispered in my ear and he pulled me off to the back lounge and shut the door.

"What is it?" I asked with false happiness.

"Why are you here? I don't want to sound mean, I love that you're here but why fly all the way to the other coast?" he sighed and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Honestly, Jaime called me and said you and Vic were fighting and not talking. He wanted me to help because he and Tony didn't know what to do." I said nervously not sure on how he would react. He just hung his head shamefully.

"So what happened?" I asked hesitantly and made him look at me.

"You should talk to Vic first, not me." he said before getting up and leaving the room soon to be replaced by his brother.

"Hey, uh, Mike said you wanted to talk to me." Vic said as he sat across from me.

"Well, he told me I should." I said with a shrug. I could feel my hands starting to sweat from the nerves that coursed through my body. He just looked at me with a slightly scared but shocked expression and nodded.

"So, what's going on with you two? Why aren't you talking?" I asked to just get it over with and not ramble.

"It's nothing." He said waving it off but not playing it off well enough for me to leave it alone.

"Now that's a damn lie. You and I both know that I wouldn't have come all the way out here over nothing. I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. You might as well just tell me so we can get this over and done with." I sighed. I didn't want to play this stupid cat and mouse game of trying to figure out what in the fuck was going on.

"Mike!" he yelled and Mike walked back in. I glared between the two boys and instead of a tense silence, there was a nervous one. Mike sat near his brother and they just looked at each other then back at me.

"Ok, now that we're all here, NOW can I know why the fuck I got upset phone calls from your own bandmates saying you two weren't talking?" I said getting frustrated at this point. They looked at each other again and didn't answer me.

"Seriously? Now I'm getting pissed. I had to come here to sort out shit between the two ofyou and now you won't talk? One of you better fucking tell me or I'm done." I sneered and sat back waiting for one of them to speak.

"IToldMikeIStillLoveYou" Vic blurted out and Mike looked insanely pissed.


"He told me he still fucking loves you and that I don't deserve someone as amazing as you. That's why we're not talking. I also punched him in the face for saying it." Mike snapped and folded his arms over his chest and looked away.

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