I Just Wanna Run, Throw It Away.

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I can't win. While walking back, speedily, to the bus I cried. I let the frustrated tears fall and didn't give a fuck who saw. I got to the bus and wiped away the tears so I could clearly see the key pad to punch in the code. I stumbled up the steps and it took all I had to not just break down as soon as the door closed.

I hopped up to my bunk and curled into my blankets. I cried everything out until I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, with a numb feeling. I heard the bus door click open and the guys loudly walk on the bus. I quickly hid myself under the blanket and listened as someone opened the curtain that separated me from the outside.

"She's sleeping guys." Cameron said quietly.

"No she's not." I heard someone else say bluntly. Did they really know me that well? I heard a second pair of footsteps get closer.

"Jayme, get up." someone shook me and I recognized the voice to be Danny.

"Go away, please." I mumbled into my pillow and tried really hard to mask the fact that I had been crying.

"No. get up!" he yelled and shook me a little harder.

"GO THE FUCK AWAY." I snapped my head to look at him and they were all stranding there and were staring at my red teary eyed face. I ripped the curtain shut and laid back down. I could hear them quietly talk and it got softer and softer until I heard the door to the back lounge shut.

"SHE FUCKING KISSED HIM!" I heard someone yell and I could only assume it was James. I felt my heart crawl up to my throat and let the tears go again. I soon heard the door click open and I had to quiet my sobs down so they wouldn't bother me again but it was no use, the curtain opened anyways.

"Jay..." the same voice that had a heart-to-heart with me this morning rang through my head and I turned to face him. He looked at me with those sad eyes that everyone always seemed to have and I hated it.

"Ben, I don't want to hear it. Just please, go away." I mumbled through my cracking voice.

"I'm not here to lecture you, I promise." He said as he crossed his arms on the ledge of my bunk and dropped his head on top of them. I turned my whole body so I wouldn't be straining my neck and totally faced him, looking deep into his eyes.

"Why did Mike kiss you?" he asked carefully and stared. I cleared my throat but my voice was nothing more than I whisper.

"I don't know. He came up to me and just... did it." I whimpered.

"Don't let this hurt you. So he kissed you, so what? I hate to see you cry and hide away like this." He sighed and jumped up, laying down and holding me in his arms.

"You don't get it Ben! James is pissed and thinks I kissed him. Ben, he's mad at me! I can't..." I didn't get to finish my sentence when there was loud banging on the door of the bus. Ben walked away to get it and see whoever was banging the door down.

"Where is she?" I hopped out of my bunk so fast and slipped in my shoes and practically dragged Priscilla out of the bus.

"We'll talk later, Ben." I sighed and wiped the tears that escaped, away from my eyes. We walked and walked until we were totally out of the venue; Out of sight out of mind, right?

"Hey, Hey, slow down." Priscilla said and pulled me back, stopping me in the process.

"Tell me what happened." she looked deep into my eyes and sighed. She knew, she just wanted my side.

"I was taking pictures and heard my name being called when I turned around, Mike was there. I went back to shooting and he called my name again so I turned to face him but when I did... he kissed me! he ran off and I turned back around in shock and James was glaring at me with like, daggers. I seriously just want to run away right now and never look back like I did in high school.

I can't deal with all these bullshit mind games, Pris!" I fell to the ground and set my back against the brick wall of a local building, not even caring at this point.

"We've tried to tell Mike so many times to just leave you alone but I'm so sorry babe, he never listens. I'm sure James knows it wasn't your fault. None of this shit really is." She sighed in frustration but comforted me nonetheless.

"He said I kissed him, Pris. He really thinks I did it." I cried into her shoulder and she continued to comfort me.

"We'll get it sorted, I promise. I know you want to just run but you can't. I have an idea, how about I take you somewhere that I know you'll enjoy." She smiled and I looked at her like she was nuts. Now was not the time to go out to a bar or a club. She pulled me up and started walking back to the bus lot. We walked past both our busses and turned and kept walking until we stopped at a bus I didn't know. She smiled at me and knocked loudly on the door. I could hear loud music from inside and it amplified when the door opened. I swear I had to of stumbled back in shock when Chris Motionless smiled at me. I had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. I would never act on it but damn that boy was fine.

"Hey Chris, can we hang out with you guys for a while." Priscilla smiled and I looked at her as if saying 'you know them and didn't introduce me sooner?!' she just shrugged.

"Sure!" I died a little, mostly because I looked like complete crap and still had a few tears escaping my eyes.

Priscilla led me on the bus after I snapped out of my little stupor and I couldn't help but laugh. I could honestly hang out with any of my favorite bands this whole tour and now it just so happens to be MIW.

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