Smile, Tell Me I'm Alright With A Goodbye.

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Today was the day, the day I was dreading. I lay in Mike's bed watching him frantically pack everything away because he failed to do it this whole time. We had to get up earlier to leave my house to come to his just so he could finish packing. He was leaving to meet up at Vic's house in two hours and as time passed the realization of him leaving set in more and more.

"What time do we have to leave?" I asked quietly.

"What?!" he snapped and I lay back down. He went back to running around his room like a chicken with his head cut off.

Last night was perfect. I couldn't even bring myself to think back to it because it killed me knowing that it wouldn't happen again for almost six months. I toyed with the beautiful promise ring he gave me that was secured around my neck and I smiled. The little silver band meant so much more than just a promise to be faithful to me. It meant that he really did love me and wanted to stay with me. I can't even really put it into words what it meant to me.

"Almost ready babe?" I peeped as I saw him looking around aimlessly, checking to see if he was missing anything.

"Yeah, I just have to take a shower and I'll be good. Can you bring my bags down to the car?"

"Sure, I'll meet you down there." I said and grabbed the first, smallest, suitcase and started to walk down the stairs.

I made three trips to bring all his bags down and then just sat in the car waiting for him. I started tearing up as I looked at his bags in the backseat. I wiped my eyes as he came out of the house so he wouldn't notice I was crying even though he always knew.

He got in the car and grabbed my hand as we drove to Vic's. We stayed quiet the whole drive because I think we both knew if the other said something we would break. We were both trying to be strong for each other.

We soon pulled into Vic's driveway and I quietly sighed as we got out of the car. As Mike got hid bags out of the car and packed into their vibrant blue tour bus I walked over to the guys and their families.

"How ya holding up, Jay?" Vic asked as he pulled me into a hug. I simply shrugged and gave a sight smile because I knew I would burst into tears if I tried to talk. The guys and their parents knew how I was feeling about Mike leaving for so long. I was sad that all of them were leaving for almost six months. They were my boys; my bestfriends.

I stepped back so the guys could say their goodbyes to their families and finish packing up the bus.

"Babe! Come check out the bus!" Mike yelled and motioned for me to get on. I somberly walked onto the bus and saw them all settling themselves in. It was pretty comfy in here. Being inside the bus really just made this whole situation a little worse than it already was.

"What do you think? I mean, it's nothing like being home with you but it'll have to do for now." Mike said with sadness in his eyes.

"It's nice." I squeaked out and faked a small smile. We all walked back off the bus for the final goodbyes. I could physically feel my body shaking as I held back the welling tears. I tried as hard as I could to keep calm but it was so hard to say goodbye to them all for six months.

All the guys rounded the group of family and friends that were here; Mike and Vic's parents, Tony's Mom and sister, Jaime's brother and parents, Jaxin and his wife, a few other friends and myself. I was always the last one hugged, couldn't tell you why but I always was.

"Darling, You'll be okay." Jaime whispered in my ear with a little smirk.

"I hate it when you do that." I chuckled at him.

"Yeah, but I knew it would make you smile." He said with his flashy grin.

"I'm gonna miss you, Hime-Time. What am I supposed to do without my clown for six months?" I sighed in his comfy bear hug.

"Snapchat, DUH!" he laughed and I just shook my head and went to hug Vic.

"I'll watch out for you, like always. With what he pulled last night I doubt he'll do anything but I'll still watch." He said with a smirk and I looked down at my ring-clad chain around my neck and smiled.

"Thanks, just remind him to call me or even text me in case he gets too busy. That's all I really want. I highly doubt he'd ever do anything to hurt me ever again." I whispered and he nodded. I moved along to Tony. I wrapped the kid in a huge hug.

"I'm gonna miss you, Turtle." I frowned up at him. He frowned down back at me.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you too but before you know it we'll all be back and appearing at your house when you least expect it." he chuckled making me chuckle as I wiped a few tears from my eyes.

"Don't even cry over us. You know you'll hear from me and Hime all the time." He said with a reassuring smile and another quick squeeze before Mike shooed him away.

I looked up at him, not even knowing what to say to him. I could see the tears in his eyes as he went to talk but fail each time he opened his mouth. This was one of the most intense 'goodbyes' I've ever had.

"I'm gonna miss you so much baby girl." He whispered as he scooped me up in his arms. We both broke at that point. I was going to miss everything about him. I couldn't even talk because I was crying so hard. We stayed in each other's arms until his tour manager called for them to finish up.

"I love you, Michael." I croaked out as he let me go.

"I love you more, Jayme." He said softly. He leaned down and gave me an extended kiss before walking away. I could see him wipe the tear from his eyes and as soon as he got onto the bus I went into full hysterics.

I practically ran for the car and just sat there crying. I heard the door open and close and someone soothingly rub my back.

"It's gonna be okay, Jayme. They always come back and Mike will always find some time to talk to you." Jaxin said with another sigh. I looked over at him through blurry tear filled eyes.

"I know he will but I'm just sad I won't be able to physically be with him for six months. Six fucking months! Like what the fuck am I supposed to do without my boys for six months?" my sad tears turned into angry ones as I thought of how boring I actually am without them around.

"I know it'll be tough but I know you'll find something or someone to keep yourself occupied while their gone." He smiled slightly and I sighed knowing he was right.

"I should probably get going. Gotta get back to my girls." He sighed and gave me a small hug before leaving the car. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose before driving back to my empty home to go back to sleep. I wanted to sleep the sad away.

I arrived home but it just didn't feel right. I locked the front door, made a small cup of mint chamomile tea before trekking upstairs and crawling into my bed. It killed not having Mike's arms around me but the tea helped lull me back to sleep.

The darkness made all the tears, sadness and heavy-heartedness fade away and I peacefully fell asleep again.

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