Drunken Confessions.

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It's been a week since the barbeque and I don't think I've ever been happier, well maybe when I left this town. Chris and the guys get here yesterday and told me that they might stop by after they hit the studio. I was excited to see all of the guys again and more so because tomorrow was my day off so I didn't have to worry about getting up early.

I rolled out of my bed and started getting ready for work. I hadn't slept at Mike's in a few days but that was okay because he was really busy this past week with album stuff. I saw him almost every day though so it was fine between us. I liked how we weren't like attached at the hip like a lot of couples.

I was soon finishing my cup of coffee and on my way to work. Today was going to be a very busy day because we were booked almost solid with exceptions of maybe a handful of breaks in between appointments. I pulled around back and made my way into the shop. We had only just opened and the first couple appointments showed up.

I was stressing out with all the paper work and calls coming in along with everyone rushing in and out but it all dissipated when my boyfriend walked through the door. There was no way I could take my normal half hour lunch break with him but I could at least eat whatever he brought me.

"Working hard babe?" he chuckled and I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. He handed me a grilled chicken wrap from the deli down the street. I don't even know how he knew that this one was my favorite but I took it graciously. I walked back and told Dave I would be outside taking a small break for lunch and he told me no more than fifteen minutes.

We walked out back and sat in my car. We made small talk, mostly him talking about how well the album sounded so far, until my break was over. He walked me to the front and swallowed me up in his arms.

"I'll see you after work" he said more as a question and I thought. The guys from motionless were supposed to be coming over when they were done in the studio, maybe this could be an excuse for a bonfire!

"Well..." I smiled and he looked at me, curiosity lurking in the depths of his eyes.

"Chris and the guy were supposed to stop by my house when they were done in the studio and seeing as you guys have been working so hard, how about we have a little relaxing bonfire?" I suggested with a small smile and watched as he mulled the idea over in his head then slowly nodded as if he was agreeing with himself.

"Alright, sounds good. I know Vic could really use some chill time anyways. He's freaking out about this album." He chuckled and I smiled brightly.

"Music is going to be the death of him." I shook my head.

"Alright, I'll be around a little after you get home. I love you babe." He leaned down and kissed my lips but I was in shock. That was the first time he has dropped the 'L-bomb' I blinked a few times but no doubt had a smile on my face. He didn't even give me a chance to say it back as he was already pulling out of the lot with a weird look on his face. I chuckled to myself and sat back at the desk, both my coworkers smiling at me.

It was finally closing and I was beyond happy to be going home. The mad rush of the day was finally over and we were all sluggishly making our way out. Dave locked the door and we all walked back to our cars.

"Hey, I'm having a bonfire at my house if you guys want to swing by." I mentioned with a slight yawn and they both looked at me skeptically.

"It's literally like a dozen people and alcohol... and maybe food." I negotiated and they nodded finally.

"Fine, it'll be later for me though. I go some things to do." Dave said with a smirk. Casey and I both just shook our head at him as he got in his car and left.

"I'll be over in like an hour, who is gonna be there though?" she said anxiously from her window.

"My guys and the guys from Motionless in White." I said with a nonchalant sigh.

"You and these bands, I swear you're gonna be the death of me. I'll see you later babes!" she blew a kiss and drove off.

I made a few stops before arriving home to find no one is waiting for me to walk in the door this time. I grabbed the groceries, booze and other things I had to pick up for this little bonfire thing. I smiled as I pulled out the s'mores ingredients; they brought back some nice memories from long ago.

I stuck some wings and pizza bites in the oven knowing everyone would be hungry but not hungry enough for me to actually cook something. As I pulled the tiny snacks out of the oven to cool my front door slowly opened. It scared me for a split second until my lovely boyfriend, his brother and two best friends came through the door.

"Thanks for creeping the fuck outta me, Mike." I smacked his arm with the oven mit I was using before cracking a small smile.

"Sowwy." He said before he kissed my forehead and leaned against the counter.

"You've got him so whipped, Jay." Tony chuckled and I shrugged as I walked upstairs to change out of my work clothes into something much more comfortable. I changed into dark wash denim cut off shorts and a stark white tank but threw on the Pantera hoodie Scotty had sent me in that box of goodies. It was a size too big so it fell a little past my shorts but I didn't care.

I walked back downstairs and found everyone setting up the chairs outside around the fire pit. There was a loud knocking beat at my door just as I stepped out of my door. I quickly walked back in and got to the door and found my boys, my best freaky looking friends.

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