I Won't Blackout

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It's Friday again and I was dreading getting out of my car. I had been drinking and smoking since the beach incident Saturday. Mike and his friends still killed me with their words and I still cut up my skin because of it but I eased some of the pain with a little alcohol and smoke. My mother went away on a two month long business trip so that left me all alone at home. I was fine with it but it sucked to know you were really alone.

Priscilla is still pretty mad that I even talked to Mike in a nice way on Saturday but I hope she'll get over it. I finally built up the strength to get out of my car and walk into school. I signed myself in since I was late and walked to first block. I now hated this class because Mike was in it. In fact, I hated him in general. He seemed to be crueler after the beach than ever. He would bring up my weight more often, leading me to eat less and less each time, along with my general looks. Every hurtful, demeaning word he and his friends spoke just broke me down and soon I would be going on a downward spiral.

Thankfully, school will be over in a mother month for me and a handful of other classmates. I was graduating early, being smart really paid off at times like these now I just had to make it through another month and I'll be fine.

I walked, awkwardly, into math and found my usual seat, Mike right behind me, and handed my teacher my homework.

"Why so late?" Mike whispered in my ear but I ignored him and worked on the problems our teacher had written on the board. He kept bugging me throughout class and I kept ignoring him but he was really getting on my nerves. I was more than happy to get out of that class before I exploded.

I went through the day pretty much ignoring all the comments from Mike and his friends, I even ignored my teachers. I had no patience for school, or the people in it, today.

I was ready to pop with emotions. I was angry, upset and sad. All the insults and comments from everyone seemed to seep more into my head as I made my way to my car. I almost lost it when I saw Mike leaned up against my car.

"Mike, get the fuck off my car. I am not in the fucking mood to deal with you today." I snapped and he stayed in his place on my hood.

"Damn girl, no need to be a bitch about it. I just came by to see if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight." He slid off my car and stomped his cigarette out.

"Now why would I go to party with you when you and your friends have been nothing but diabolical to me all week? Answer me that, Mike. Because to me, that would be pretty ignorant of me to go anywhere with you." I started to lose it but I bit my tongue to stop myself for continuing.

"Whatever. If you change your mind just give me a call and I'll come get you." He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it and I really had to bite my tongue; to stop myself from ripping the paper up and laughing in his face.

I got in my car and drove home without saying another word to Mike. His offer was nice it just wasn't a good day for me, I don't feel bad about yelling at him though. He is a dick to me after all.

I immediately went for my growing stash of alcohol and marijuana to drown out every word, every cruel words spoken towards me today. I wanted to drown myself in intoxicants and not worry about what people were saying about or to me.

It was a little after five when I heard someone knocking on my door. I set my freshly rolled up joint down and stumbled to the door to answer it.

"Hi Mikey!" I giggled and held onto the door so I wouldn't fall over.

"Damn, seems like you've smoked enough to clam bake your whole house." He said from outside and I giggled again.

"So what's up?" I like being high, I'm such a happy person when I'm high.

"I just came by to see if you actually wanted to go to the party I told you about earlier or not but I can see that you're clearly busy." He peered in and noticed my numerous bottles of liquor scattered on the coffee table.

"I'm not really feelin' going out tonight, sorry." I sighed, wanting nothing more than for him to go away so I can go back to getting shitfaced.

"Well, can then I come in?" he asked politely while Josh yelled for him to hurry up, which in turn he just told him to go without him.

I stepped away from the door to let him pass by and closed the door behind me. he made himself comfortable on my couch as I stumbled into the kitchen to grab a cup for him.

I made my way back into the living room and set his cup down before plopping on the couch next to him.

I don't know how much we really drank or smoked but I felt good, really good, and a little tired so

I rested my head on Mike's shoulder. I felt his fingers lifting my chin up to face him. His brown eyes at half mast, the slight flush in his cheeks from drinking and the little grin that graced his lips all drew me closer to him. Before I knew what was going on we were in a full blown heated make-out session. It was escalating fairly quickly and now we were both down to just our underwear.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked but I didn't answer, the alcohol and weed was taking over my actions and I started palming him through his boxers.

That was the last thing I remember before completely blacking out.

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