Hell & High Water

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I waited patiently for the last months to pass by until I could see my boys. I was always busy either with work or sorting through the copious amounts of stuff that Mike sent home. Once a week I would Skype with Mike and the boys for a little while. It was nice to get into some kind of routine of talking to them while they were on tour. It kept me sane and gave me something to look forward to until that day came, the day I had so patiently waited for the day that they came home, today.

I woke up giddy as fuck and determined to look as good as I possibly could. I pulled out a few outfits, mostly dresses; just a few very cute options for the day. I made myself a cup of coffee and breakfast for myself, Mittens and Layla. I was meeting up with Damon and some of his friends along with Lyci a little before the concert to get something to eat and just chill. I'm pretty sure he said he was bringing the same people he brought to my party though I couldn't for the life of me remember who they were. I didn't really care though. all I cared about was having my baby back for a while.

I finished my coffee fairly quickly and started getting ready by hopping in the shower. I had used one of Mike's favorites scents on me; vanilla brown sugar. I used it all the time in high school then just stopped and I picked it up on a run to the mall one day and fell in love with it all over again. Mike always said it made him want to 'eat me up' and has been asking me to get it again for the longest time. It was just another cute little add on to make tonight even better.

I had work so I had to be fairly appropriate so I grabbed a light jacket to put over my dress. I was very casual going into work. I brought my heels with me so I could change once I got off work. I tried to conceal my excitement as I walked in but it was very hard because for the past month everyone had started a countdown and when I saw that today was circled I just couldn't contain myself and did a little happy dance. Dave looked at me like I had ten heads but he understood my happiness.

"Well, I see you're not very excited about today." he said with a cheeky smile. I simply shook my head with a goofy grin plastered on it. The day went by so slowly! The one day I want to go by as fast as it can and just doesn't. By the last half hour of my shift I was squirming around and fidgeting with excitement and anxiousness that Dave let me leave early. I nearly dug a rut in the floor because I ran out of there so fast. I started up my car and quickly drove home to fix myself up before heading out to pick up Lyci and meet up with Damon. I fixed my makeup to a more subtle night look and slipped my heels on and let the animals out for a little while before they needed to go back into their crates.

I said goodbye to my little ones and set off to pick up Lyci. She was excited about seeing PTV tonight as was I but for different reasons. I pulled up to her apartment and texted her that I was here. When she came out my jaw dropped because she looked gorgeous. She was in black high waisted shorts and a brightly tie-dyed muscle cut shirt with her hair curled. She just looked beautiful in a simplistic way.

"Hey Jayme!" she said with a bright smile on her face as she hopped in my car.
We chatted about various things on the ride to the venues parking garage. We all had decided to meet at some pizza place that Damon recommended that wasn't far from the venue itself. It took all my might to not just run in and stay with the boys but I had made promises with Damon to hang out before so I couldn't.

"Jay!" Damon yelled and gave me a hug. I introduced Lyci to Damon and his friends Matt, Nick, and Edwin as we sat down in the booth. We all ordered just a slice or two of our favorites, mine being mashed potato and bacon one with red sauce and the other with white. So damn good. It was definitely a very weird guilty pleasure of mine.

We all talked for a while and just got hyped up for the show before we got going. With each step closer to the venue I got more and more anxious. It was an excited kind of anxiousness but anxiety nonetheless. As we reached the venue door with the security guy holding the clipboard with the guest list on it I felt my heart start to race and the breath got caught in my throat. I didn't even realize that I had stopped walking.

"What's wrong, Jayme?" Damon asked when he noticed I wasn't right next to the group by te door.

"Something... just fells... weird." I huffed out through ragged breaths. He looked at me concerningly and shook his head.

"Jay, we both know that nothing bad could possibly happen tonight. I won't let anything bad happen tonight. I'm gonna be right by your side the whole night, I promise." he smiled and I calmed down just a bit but there was still a reservation inside of me as we walked into the building.

And then I saw him. He was drumming against the brick wall in the dressing room. Everyone but Damon had gone off to the arena to get good spots to watch the show. Damon and I were just standing in the doorway, none of them had realized that we were even here. They were more concerned with getting ready for the show.

"Jay!!" Jaime screamed all of a sudden with a big grin on his face as he jogged towards me with open arms. I couldn't help but smile to be back around my bestfriends.

"I missed you Hime!" I said with a slight sadness in my voice that I didn't mean to convey. Before I knew it I was surrounded by hugs and numerous 'I missed you's'

I was crying because the love that surrounded me was just so incredible. I hadn't realized how lonely I had been these past few months until this moment.

"Aww, babe don't cry!" Mike said as he scooped me up in a big hug. I clung to him like a monkey clings to his bananas. It felt amazing to be in his arms again.

"Alright, Everyone's gotta go! We gotta warm up before the show." Vic said with a bright smile while making a shooing motion with his hands.

"Go enjoy the show, Jay. Come see me before we go on." Mike said with a kiss to my forehead and a slap to my ass. I chuckled and left with Damon to go wonder. I had noticed him talking with the guys so it was good to know that they were already getting along.

While we walked through I noticed a large group of people and as we got closer I realized that they were my friends! Almost everyone was here. The guys from AA, Of Mice and Motionless.
Now this was very weird to me. Never have I ever in my life seen this many people from bands in one place other than Warped.

"Well, look who it is, the little devil herself." Ben grinned and I rolled my eyes.
It was greetings all around followed by weird hugs.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I asked suspiciously and everyone seemed to look around at each other but not me directly.

"Vic texted all of us and asked us to come. He said this show was going to blow our minds!" Chris said with a chuckle. They all seemed to nod in agreement. I shrugged it off but I could shake the suspicions in my head.

We all hung out back stage and watched the bands play from afar. It was nice to see all of my friends again, It was like Warped but with less drama.

"Hey, I'm gonna go find Edwin, I'll meet up with you after the show, okay?" Damon said and I nodded.

"If you see Lyci tell her to meet me where we came in. I have to drive her home." He simply nodded and waved.

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