When The Music Stops

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A month went by with ease and comfort because I was so busy planning the wedding. I had fired Marco and he understood and said that if I had any questions at all about the wedding that he would be happy to answer them. I appreciated his offer and that he wasn't upset about this. I had talked to Mike and we figured that we would have the wedding at the end of next summer.

That gave me enough time to get a dress, get the bridesmaids dresses and it was enough time for people to make sure they could be there since it would mostly be Mike's family and our friends who were mostly in bands and all had crazy schedules.

I booked a beautiful beach property for the ceremony. It had a medium sized cottage looking house that was painted yellow. It just looked so beautiful and romantic. I booked it for August thirtieth. I knew some of our friends would be at Warped Tour and this guaranteed them being able to come.

I had been talking to Vic regularly like I said I would and it's been nice to just talk to him. With so much going on lately, it had been hard to talk to just him for a long period of time. Priscilla and Tony had been texting each other and to say the both of them were happy was the understatement of the year.

It was so cute to hear both sides of the forming relationship. Both of them were incredibly nervous to talk each other. I would definitely have to pair them up at the wedding. I hope it works out for the both of them.

Mike comes home tomorrow and I go shopping for a dress tomorrow with Priscilla, Damon and his friends Matt, Nick and Edwin. I wish I had more girl friends to do this with but I knew Damon would tell me if something didn't look right and I figured his friends, who I had become pretty close with too, would do the same.

I laid back in bed with a hot cup of tea and just cuddled up. I had just gotten home from a long days work and it felt good to be in a quiet home. I started to doze off a bit when I heard Layla start barking loudly. I groaned and got out of bed figuring she just had to go outside before bed.

"Shh!" I paused at the top of the stairs and flicked the light on.

"Dammit, Layla. You got me busted!" a man sighed frustratingly.

I ran down the stairs, careful not to fall and jumped on my baby's back.

"How was tour, you sneaky little shit?" I giggled into his ear and gave his neck a little kiss before jumping down.

"It was good, great even! It's always fun but I broke my finger again." Mike said with a frown and I gently grabbed his hand and gave it tiny kisses to make him feel better. He chuckled at me and gave me a hug.

"I missed you a lot." he mumbled and I squeezed him a little tighter. I didn't want to tell him that he wasn't my first priority or that I had fired Marco because I was planning the wedding all on my own. All he knew was that I had booked the venue and what day.

"I missed you too." It wasn't a lie; I did miss him when I wasn't doing things that required my full attention but he wasn't on my mind twenty-four-seven like when he went on tour before.

It was only about five in the afternoon so I made him something quick since I had already eaten and let him tell me all about this tour and all about the fans. He loved doing this; I loved it too, to be honest. I loved hearing about his experiences and he loved telling me about them.

"C'mon, Let's go upstairs." he winked after I finished the dishes. I chuckled and followed him up the stairs and closed the door behind us. He gently pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me passionately. I pulled his shirt off and we continued our vigorous make out session until we were both naked.

This wasn't just sex; It felt like something so much more. We had had passionate sex before but this was just... more than that. It wasn't 'I just got home and I missed you' it was more like 'I can't wait to spend my life with you' if you know what I mean.

It was amazing feeling; Being able to feel someone's love for you without them telling you.

Mike had finally fallen asleep just wrapped up in each others arms soaking up each others love.

I had stayed awake just thinking about how different my life could be once I'm married. Will we become like a lot of couples who deal with long distance often and send each other risque pictures and videos or will we cheat on one another and be fine with it? Will I become so detached from Mike to the point of divorce or the opposite; becoming so attached that I need him near me all the time? Will Mike go back to his old player ways and find a girl who is better than me and leave? Will I end up cheating on him because I'm lonely while he's gone?

I doubt that either of us will cheat on each other. Well, I know that I would never cheat on Mike but what if he 'messes up' again?

These thing boggled my mind as his arms wrapped comfortingly around my naked waist as if he knew that I was contemplating stressful things.

I fell asleep with many scenarios and questions swirling around in my head. Maybe I was just getting cold feet way before the wedding or maybe I was just an over thinking idiot whose mind liked to fuck with her all the time.

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