Smile; It's Beautiful On You.

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She let me in; she finally let me in and even though we have never directly said it out loud to each other, last night said it all. I knew we were on the same page as soon as our lips connected. It's so cliché to say but there was definitely a spark between us.

I had woken up no more than an hour ago and I just lay next to Jayme watching her sleep with the slightest bit of a smile on her face. I decided to be nice and make her breakfast since I left before she woke up yesterday.

I carefully untangled myself from her comforter and slipped my boxers on. As I finishing up the pancakes, I heard her come walking down the stairs. She only had an oversized Pantera shirt on and panties.

"Good morning!" I smiled and placed a plate with two pancakes and a few sausage links in front of her along with maple syrup. She just smiled but it wasn't a full smile, there was something so empty about it. I fixed myself a plate and sat down and watched her get up and make her coffee.

We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast. It was uncomfortable and I couldn't help but think I did something wrong, or even worse, she felt guilty about last night. I finished up my food and washed the dish before walking outside and lighting up my first cigarette of the day.

"Hey, I don't know if you're gonna hang around today but I have to do some things and I won't be home." She said with her head popped out of her sliding glass doors.

"I'll probably just go home. I'm sure you don't want me just chilling in your house without you here anyways." I sighed and she just looked at me with a dumbfounded look.

"Mike, I don't mind you being here when I'm not but don't make it sound like I'm telling you to get the fuck out." She said with her arms crossed over her barely covered body.

"I'm not making you sound like that!" I defended.

"Whatever Mike." She sighed and walked back inside. I butted out my cigarette and walked back inside to gather my things and leave. I wrote out a little note like I did yesterday before going upstairs and getting dressed again.

The drive home was short and uneventful. I could see Vic's truck parked in the driveway and I sighed again.

"Hey, where were you last night?" Tony asked from my couch as I sat down.

"I was at Jayme's." I mumbled and out my keys on the small table in front of me.

"Doing what?" Vic asked curiously and I just looked at him.

"Really? You need to stop-" I cut him off before he could finish his overused phrase again.

"I'm not. She wanted me to come over." the guys looked at me like I was the biggest liar.

"Why? She has an array of people she could call over you. You were there yesterday too." Jaime said obliviously and I wasn't sure if I should say anything but it spilled out of my mouth before I could contain it.

"Her mom died." They looked at me in disbelief, Vic even shook his head.

"No, she would have called us." Tony said as he kept his stare on the floor.

"That's why she hasn't answered anyone in the past few days. As far as I know, I'm the only one she's told." I shrugged and leaned back against my couch.

They didn't say anything but just continued playing their video game. I sat there aimlessly watching the play while I thought about Jayme. She was all I really thought about aside from music.

She was perfection and I know I have fucked it up so many times between us but I'm hoping that after last night she realizes my intentions are good and my heart is good but my actions are what fucked everything up.

I rubbed my faced a few times to keep the negative thoughts away but they seemed to keep popping up.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked quietly because he sat next to me but still kept his eyes on the game being played.

"It's Jayme, man." I sighed quietly and looked away from his knowing gaze.

"What about her?"

"I had sex with her last night but it wasn't like fucking, it was sweet and passionate and this morning she was just so blank and didn't seem to care." I frowned. He just shook his head.

"You know how she gets the only thing different this time is she isn't fighting feelings for other guys." He said wisely.

"I know but still. The girl has me like wrapped around her little fingers, you know?" I sighed. He just looked at me with a pitiful expression and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That's girls, dude." He chuckled and we went back to the silence. We sat there for a few more hours before they left and left me to be by myself.

I sat on my couch sipping on a corona all fixed up with salt and lime going through my social media accounts and texts. As I went through it, all I could think about was Jayme. It was a terrible thing to have someone invade your mind all day every day. I hated how she could finagle her way into my heart and head so easily and not even know it.

I hated to love her and loved to hate her at the same time. She was so addictive and toxic and I loved every bit of it.

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