Accidentally In Love

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"I did like Vic at first." she said cutting through the tear filled silence and I felt my blood boiled for a moment and could almost hear my heart shatter.

"Wh-What?" I said wiping more tears from my eyes.

"I-I just... He was always there for me on those really bad nights when you and your friends had just ripped me down and my mother was gone. He was always the one person who would listen with unbiased ears even though he was your brother. I grew really close to him over the numerous nights that we had talked in the park by your guys' house; all the times that he would just be there for me. He had always respected that we would just be friends and knew that I loved you after all of the bs. He was like the comforting blanket or teddy bear that a little kid carries around." She looked down with tears in her eyes knowing that It hurt me to hear that she, at one point, had feelings for my brother.

I just stared at her in disbelief, tears streaming down my face. I was the one hurt this time. Even though I had known about her and Vic's friendship all throughout high school, it still hurt to hear.

"I always hated that he hung out with you." I mumbled and she looked up at me through her long wet lashes. "I always figured that he was what was best for you. I knew that he was the kind of guy that any girl would be lucky to have. He's sweet and would treat any girl like the princess she is. I'm nothing like him. I don't think I ever will be." I sighed, feeling sorry for myself.

"Hey." she said with a stern tone causing me to snap my head up to look at her.

"You, You don't have to treat me like a princess, shit, I DON'T WANT TO BE." she said with a slight chuckle. "I want a real relationship. I want the fights over ridiculos things, I want to be pissed off at you and want to slap you in the face sometimes. I don't know what I would do if you just never fought back like I know Vic would. Vic is a softy and yesh, any girl would be pretty damn lucky to have someone like him but not me! I would probably get more pissed off at him for not yelling back at me and trying to solve everything in the most timid way." she started to laughed wickedly.

"That's what I love about you, you crazy piece of shit. You're not afraid to 'damage' my pride or hurt my feelings a little or even raise your voice to me. I may be a little fucked for wanting that but.. I really wouldn't know what to do with someone like your brother." she chuckled one last time and i did too.
I wasn't too sure what to say to all of that. I had fought with my own brother over this crazy girl and doubted her love for me numerous times after a hardcore night of drinking and a lot of over thinking these past few months. She was amazing and I was honestly grateful to have someone like her.

She looked at me, expecting something to come out of my mouth but I truly had no words to add to what she had said. All I could do was smile a ridiculous grin and shake my head.

We spent the day just lounging around, as we always did when I came back from tour. We told each other more things that neither of us knew about each other and it was nice to learn even more about her. She told me all about Santa Barbara and the fucked up things she did while she was there and I told her about the early days of the band and how bad I had become. It was an amazing thing to be able to get all of these things that held us down, like cinder blocks tied to our ankles, off of our chests with no fear of the other getting mad.

We had now created a special bond between each other, trusting that neither would tell someone about what had been said behind these walls. It was a day of emotional firsts for the both of us. Every thing that came out of one of our mouths both hurt and fascinated us. We cried, laughed, kept quiet and were just plain honest with each other.

I think it's something every couple that's about to get married should do. No holding back no matter how much it could hurt the other, being one hundred percent honest with each other about everything and anything even if it just something you thought was stupid like you didn't accidentally break her favorite cup.

I think that by the end of it all, when we were finally done confessing things, we loved and respected each other far more than we ever thought possible.
When we went up to bed, there was no wondering how the other felt or doubting the others love or even going through the 'what ifs' that most people do. We knew where we stood.

We fell accidentally in love on purpose and it just worked. She wasn't perfect and niether was I but somehow, we were perfect for each other.

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