One Step Down With A Million Left To Go.

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It has been a week and Josh was getting ready to go back home. It was a bittersweet thing.

While I like having Josh, well anyone, around to hang out with when I got home from work or to do stuff with on my days off it just sucked knowing I was going to be alone for the majority of the time until Mike got home.

I stayed in my pajamas as Josh got ready to leave for the airport. It was my day off and I wasn't gonna go anywhere far, at most I'd talk Layla for a walk to the park later and that's about it. It was far too early for me to even function anyways.

"You ready?" I asked Josh as I filled my tumbler up with more coffee and he just sighed.

"Yeah, I suppose." He looked so sad to be leaving. I would think he would be excited to be getting back to this girl he was hanging around. She sounded pretty perfect for him to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I locked Layla and Mittens into their crates so they couldn't destroy the house while I was gone.

"Nothing. I just hate leaving you all alone here. I know you have other friends but I know how you are and I just wish that you had someone here full time." he said thoughtfully.

"I know but I'll be fine. Only a few more weeks until Mike and the guys come home for a while; I'll be okay by myself until then." I smiled as I locked up the house and helped him out his stuff in the backseat.

"I know you'll be okay now that the guys give you a call or shoot you a text at least once a day but it still bugs me that you're here by yourself. I don't know... I'm just a worry some person" he chuckled slightly as we started to drive.

It was a long drive to the airport but it was fun. Even at six in the morning we were able to sing to the cheesiest song that played from my phone. It was all shits and giggles until we got to the airport. I figured I would stay until he boarded the plane. I parked and followed him into the airport.

I must have looked so silly in my super hero lounge pants and one of Mike's hoodies with my flip flops. I didn't really care. He checked in and we sat just outside of where he was supposed to be. I found a newspaper someone must have left and I read off the things I found hysterical to lighten the mood.

It was fun and everything was fine until it was time to say goodbye. I walked with him as far as I could without getting yelled at by security and hugged him. We didn't say anything because we didn't have to. I sadly watched my bestfriend disappear into the terminal.

It was a sad ride home without someone to joke with. By the time I got back to San Diego it was close to noon. I made a quick stop to Taco Bell and went home. I could see the lights on in my house and a car in my parking spot. I sighed out of anger for a second but I was honestly relieved to a certain extent.

I cautiously walked into my house and was instantly happy with who I saw. I dropped my Taco Bell on the counter and ran to give them a hug.

"Oh my god! What are you two doing here?!" I squealed happily and they just laughed.

"I came by because I hadn't seen you since the party and I wanted to hang out with someone other than Edwin." Damon chuckled and I just shook my head with a smile plastered on my face.

"I just came by because I think I left my wallet here. I haven't been able to find it since the party." Austin said with a sad face. "And it's always good to see my favorite short person that's not Alan." He added and we all got a laugh out of it.

"Yeah, I was beyond gone the night of the party so I have no idea where your wallet could be. I'll go check if someone put it upstairs. I have to let my babies out anyways." I said remembering that I now had two furry children that probably had to pee really badly right now.

I ran upstairs and found them both whining at the front of their crates. I let them out and looked around my room to see if Austin's wallet was in my room. I didn't get far when I heard a tiny set of howls and then laughing. I walked out of my room to see what was going on and Layla was sitting at Austin's feet howling up at him while he and Damon were cracking up. I laughed and picked her up and actually handed her to Austin. Kudos to her for 'protecting' the house and letting me know someone was here. She sniffed him then squirmed to get down.

I just shook my head and opened my back door so she and Mittens could go run outside while I looked for the wallet. I checked all around upstairs and couldn't find it anywhere.

"I can't find it. Sorry Aust." I said with a slight frown. He sighed and hung his head slightly.
"It's okay. I'm sure it's around somewhere." He sighed again.

I grabbed my Taco bell bag and sat on the couch where they were. They were just kind of sitting there doing nothing so I turned on the TV and started to 'unbox' my food. I had gotten two beefy 5 layer burritos, a loaded griller and a large Baja blast slushy. I know, a bit much, but I was really hungry when I order it all. I knew I wouldn't finish it all in one sitting so I would have it for later.

"Damn girl, you can eat." Austin chuckled and Damon just shook his head. I smirked as I focus on putting the right amount of sauce on my burrito and folding it back up.

"Only when Mike's not here. If he saw all of this he would be so confused because I NEVER eat like this." I said as I took a delicious bit.

"Speaking of Mike, how did all of that go?" Damon asked. I smiled a little but rolled my eyes.

"It went well overall. It was a little weird when Mike first saw me but it ended on a good note and really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I chuckled slightly.

"Why was it weird?" Austin asked.

"Well, when we got to the venue Josh and I only met up with Jaime and Tony. We decided to surprise them at their sound check and when Mike saw me he just didn't say anything. He just looked really scared that I was there."

"Well at least it's all done with and everything is happiness in the land of Jayme." Damon joked and I smiled and shook my head.

We sat there and watched TV and just hung out for a little while longer until both of them had to go home.

It was late; I was alone. All I wanted was to talk to Mike. I waited up for hours but I never got my usual call to say goodnight.

Mike's POV

I had been lying in my bunk just doing nothing. I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was off; something just wasn't right. I rolled out of my bunk and knew that I was alone because everyone had gone out to get something to eat so I grabbed my computer and just started scrolling through pictures from a long, long time. I found pictures of my old friends and high school memories that seemed to have faded away. As I kept scrolling I found pictures of Jayme that I don't remember taking. They were from the day at the beach and that night I actually hung out with her for the first time.

I started tearing up as I looked at all the memories that were good back then but turned to shit. Maybe Vic was right. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve her one bit. I deserve none of her kindness or love towards me. Vic has never done anything to hurt her like I did. Vic has been everything she has always wanted but she chose me. I get why Vic resents me for it and even if he won't admit it, I know he still does after Jayme settled it.

I shut my computer and went back to my bunk with a heavy heart and a large bottle of Jack in my hand.

Jayme's POV

I woke up the next morning and immediately checked my phone for anything from Mike but there was nothing. This was the first time that I didn't get anything from him since I got home. I decided I would give him a call just to hear his voice but he didn't answer. He was three hours ahead of me being as he was still on the east coast so I was confused as to why he didn't answer. I kept calling until he answered.

"Hey babe." I said cautiously when he didn't say anything.

"Hey..." I looked at my phone just baffled.

"What's wrong?" I hesitated to ask.

"Jayme.... Why do you love me? Why do you love a person who has hurt you so much and put you through so much shit?" I heard his voice crack slightly and I kind of lost my own voice. I had no idea where this was coming from. He was fine the other day! I could hear the slight slur in his voice; he had been drinking.

"Mike, I love you so much because you have changed. I've learned to realize that I can't hold a grudge forever. Even back in high school you showed me that you had to ability to change it and that it was just your friends that fueled the torment from you. Like you said back then, you had a reputation to uphold and I was part of it." I said with a sigh as I remembered the painful memory.

"But why did you choose me? Why didn't you just leave me for someone who would treat you like the princess you are... like Vic would." He said while holding back tears or crying, I wasn't too sure.

"Mike, get it through your thick goddamn skull that I will never ever like Vic, or anyone, like I like you. EVER. Vic is strictly my bestfriend and I feel that he is like my brother. You are the only person I have ever really loved and I need you to understand that." I paused while holding back tears of my own.

"All I want to know is why you chose and still choose to be with me." he said almost bitterly.

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