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 sat there in pure shock. I didn't know what to say. What do you even say about this? I sat there just completely baffled and I looked for the right thing to say but it was so hard when your mind was racing a mile a minute.

"Ok... Vic, I appreciate how concerned you are but you're pretty much my brother... and that's all you'll ever really be to me. You've always been there for me when things went wrong and granted most of the time it was because of Mike but I really thought we got over this." I mumbled. It was harsh but it had to be said.

"And Mike, I love you with all my heart but in some ways, your brother is right. Most of our 'relationship' you didn't deserve someone like me and I didn't deserve someone like you. Like I've always said, we're always gonna be in a vicious cycle of hurting each other and then making up. I love you through it all even if sometimes I don't want to." I paused with a chuckle.

"But just because Vic said something careless and said his real feelings does not make it okay to hit him. I hate that part of you sometimes; the part that holds all the anger and the vicious temper you have." I said while sniffling. I was trying not to break down. I was so caught up and I didn't know what to do next.

"Hey, it's okay. Babe come here." Mike said and reached out for me but I pushed him away.

"It's not okay. I love you both so much and I knew how you felt, Vic, but like everyone including yourself has always said, I will always choose Mike. I love you like the brother and best friend I never really had. I can't lose that over stupid feelings!"

"I know that we'll never be together like that but it really just came out after we found out what he did." Vic said shamefully.

"In all honesty Vic, what he did wasn't that bad. I was hurt but it could have been worse." I said with a sigh as I continued to hold back the tears.

"I know it wasn't that bad but I hate that he does that too you. He hates that he does that too you! It's so frustrating to see him hurt you and you always forgiving him for it!" Vic huffed and started to tear up. Mike just stayed quiet though.

"I hate it too but it's just the way it is and one day you'll see why I do it. I love the dumbass with all of my fucked up heart and I don't think that'll ever change." I chuckled and I got a small smile out of both of the brothers.

We sat there, all just holding back tears until I hugged them both. That's when we just let it all out. It was a bittersweet moment.

"I'm so sorry for all of the shit I have ever out you though." Mike cried into my shoulder and I just nodded because I was choking up. We all calmed ourselves down and wiped away the tears.

"So, is this over with? Are you two good now?" I asked while wiping away my raccoon eyes. they both nodded and I shook my head and laughed a bit.

"C'mon, I'll be Momma F for a second, give each other a hug to make it all better!" we all laughed and they gave each other a big brotherly hug.

We fully calmed down and walked back out to the front. I gave Jaime a little thumbs up and sat down.

"So, anybody hungry?" I asked hopeful for a yes because crying and solving brother issues made me extremely hungry. They nodded and we all walked down the street to a place Vic liked. It was just a food truck he saw on their way to the venue but it smelled amazing!

We ordered and sat at the wooden picnic table to eat. It was fun without the tension. The food was a mix of Mexican and Puerto Rican. It was delicious but by the time we finished we didn't want to walk back to the venue.

When we got there, we all had enough time to take a quick nap but decided against it because we would all probably over sleep and ignore their tour manager when he told us to get up.

"I have so much shit for you." Mike said with a chuckle.

"I'm pretty sure fans gave him just as much stuff for you as he gets for himself." Tony chuckled and I smiled.

"Your fans just like me better than you!" I stuck my tongue out and laughed and he just rolled his eyes.

When we got to the bus he showed me all of the stuff his fans gave him for me and it was baffling. I told him to just mail it all home before he leaves the US. He just laughed and shook his head.

"I have something special for you actually." He smiled and brought me inside and to his bunk. He pulled out a little black box from underneath his pillow and handed it too me.

"I was gonna wait until Christmas to give it too you but since you're here.." he smiled nervously and I opened the box with a gasp.

"Mike, it's beautiful!" I squealed. He had gotten me a golden heart shaped locket with our names engraved on the front and inside was our pictures kissing each other. It was by far the most thoughtful present I have ever gotten.

"I have a surprise for you too actually." I said as I pulled out my phone and he looked at me strangely. I handed him the phone and he smiled widely.

"It's for both of us really." I chuckled and he laughed too.
"They are so cute. I can't wait to get home and be with them and you." He smiled and hugged me.

We walked back out to the front and bullshitted until it was time for the show to begin. I was happy to see everyone getting along again and even more happy to see them on stage again.
While they warmed up, Josh and I watched the other bands play.

"All is restored in the world. Jayme saves the day again." Josh said playfully and I rolled my eyes.

I watched as the boys got ready to take the stage. Mike was the first one to come to the stage and just before he ran out I gave him a kiss for good luck as I always did before he went on.

I watched them play with such passion and it just made me happy. I could hear a few people yelling my name from the crowd so I just hid further into the stage because I knew what would happen when Vic heard them and sure as shit, he called me up.

"You guys really love her, huh?" Vic said as I got close and they screamed. I just awkwardly waved and laughed.

"I'm sure she'll be with us later so you can meet her, right?" he looked at me with a hopeful smile as he put me on the spot. I just nodded and the crowd screamed with excitement. I laughed and he sent me back so they could finish their set.

"Damn girl." Josh chuckled and I slapped his arm.
I watched the rest of the set and went back to the bus with the guys so they could clean up before they went to meet fans, me in tow.

Almost four hours later and bloodshot eyes from all the camera shutters and we were done. It was time for me and Josh to go.

"Come on guys! We gotta get moving!" their manager said from the bus before angrily shutting the door. The guys sighed sadly and looked at us.

"Call one of us when you get home. I'm glad you came here even if it was just because of Vic and Mike. We missed you." Tony said quietly as he gave me a big hug.

"I missed you guys too. I can't wait for you all to come home." I gave him a final squeeze and moved on to Jaime.

"So, can we just take you with us or?" Jaime said while that exuberant smile that I loved so much.

"I have to go home. I left Ben and Danny in charge of the house and I can't be gone too long." I chuckled and Mike just screamed.

"You left those idiots in charge of our house?! And our kids?!" he chuckled and I blushed. He really said our house and called Layla and Mittens our kids. That was probably the cutest thing he's ever said out of random.

"Yes. I trust them just because I have Mittens and Layla there. They both have animals of their own and they would never let anything happen to them." I smiled and he nodded hesitantly.

I gave Jaime a huge squeeze and he thanked me for helping him and Tony sort this out. I just nodded and let him go.

"I'm gonna miss you, a lot. You're always so fun to be around and always make things better." Vic whispered in my ear with a sad tone striking his voice ever so slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too but before you know it, you'll be home again." I smiled and let him go. I knew he was hurt by what I said earlier but I was glad that he understood.

Before I could even turn to Mike, he scooped me up and kissed me. it felt good to be in his arms again even if it was for just a short while. He always made me feel safe and while I knew we both had to leave each other again, it was a sweet moment while it lasted.

"I love you so much, Jayme. I can't wait to be home with you and just have you in my arms every night." He sighed and kept me close.

"I love you too Mike." I mumbled sadly and let him go as his tour manager nearly blew a gasket while we were saying goodbye.

"You guys call me or text me. I get way too bored without you all bugging me all day. Have fun though." I smiled and stood next to Josh as we began to part ways.

We watched as they got onto the bus and the bus drove away. I was starting to get used to seeing that now. It still killed me every time though.

Josh and I drove back to our hotel room to get some sleep before our flight in tomorrow and after talking to Josh and watching movies for about two hours, I silently cried myself to sleep and wished for these last weeks to go by quick.

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