Let Live

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I pulled into Vic's driveway and could hear the music coming from the garage. I walked the front door and make my way through the house to the door to the garage. I quietly walked into the garage, careful not to disturb the boys from their rehearsal. They finished the song and I smiled and greeted them all.

"Sounds great guys!" I smiled and gave them each a hug.

"Thanks! I can't wait for the first show on Saturday." Vic bounced excitedly and we all laughed at him.

"I can't wait either!" I smiled brightly and remembered their first and last shows were in Cali.

The first show was in Pomona and the last was in San Diego then they shipped out for Europe and South America.

I listened intently as the guys talked about tour venues and shows they were excited about. I stayed around as they went through their set.

When they finished we went inside and just hung out and talked. I knew I couldn't stay long because they were going to rehearse some more.

"Don't make any plans for tomorrow night." Mike whispered in my ear and I looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"I'm gonna get you weird stuff from everywhere." Jaime said with a smirk.

"Nothing too weird I hope." I chuckled and he shook his head and glanced at Tony.

"Of course not!" he smiled brightly and so did Tony.

I sat there for a while just cuddling with Mike and listening to the guys talk and joke around until it was time for me to go and them to get back to jamming out.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I gave Mike a long kiss and listened to the cat calls in the other side of the room.

"Okay, love you baby!" he said with a bright smile and a very passionate kiss.
I sighed as I left his arms and walked out to my car.

I drove home and as they said, they were already there. I was in a much better mood than I was when the day started. I walked in and smelled something delicious. I looked around to see the guys cooking, well Chris and Ricky were, everyone else was in the kitchen playing some card game.

"We're making dinner, go sit down. It's almost ready." Chris said before I even got into the kitchen. I sat on Devin's lap because they were taking up all of my chairs and he didn't mind. We ended up playing go fish and Devin and I were a great team.

"Fuck you, you fucking cheaters!" Ryan said as he slammed his last card down and moved to the living room.

"Get the fuck back in here, dinner's ready!" Ricky yelled and set a big bowl of salad on the table.

"Why don't we sit outside? The table can fit all of us" I suggested and we all moved out there.
Chris put down a big bowl of creamy delicious smelling pasta in the middle of the table and went back in to get all of the plates while Ricky came out with the cups and a pitcher of water.

"Dinner is served!" Ricky and Chris said simultaneously and we all laughed.
We chowed down on the amazing food and chatted until we were satisfied. We went back inside and just hung out in the living room until they decided to go.

"Thanks for dinner, it was so good!" I said as I gave Chris and Ricky a hug. They just smiled and walked out the door. I gave the rest of the guys a hug goodbye and closed the door as the final person walked out the door.

I smiled and decided to just do the dished in the morning because I was honestly too tired to do them now. I took off my jeans and bra and climbed into bed. I checked my phone and replied to the people who texted before plugging it in to charge and passing out.

A Fool's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now