Flirtatious Behavior-

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I woke up, feeling the heat radiating off my whole body. Did that really just happen? I just had an intense rough sex dream about Mike Fuentes, James Cassells and Ben Bruce. Why would my mind play that kind of trick on me!? Of course, I wasn't complaining though, it was a VERY nice dream but I knew it would never happen. A girl can only dream, right?

I let myself calm down before getting ready for another day of work. I had two days until the party but that wet dream made the wait more exciting and a little bit nerve wracking. Bits and pieces of the dream played in my head while I finished getting ready; I was convinced they wouldn't leave me until the party was actually over.

I drove to work while listening to Sublime's 40Oz to Freedom album, it always put me in a good mood and there was no way I could start my day with the average Asking Alexandria playlist because my thoughts were so tainted right now I probably wouldn't be able to control myself.

I pulled up and could've sworn I saw Sam Bettley and Danny Worsnop walking up to the door of my shop as I pulled around back to park. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me because when I walked in, they weren't here. I can already see my mind is staying in the gutter all day.

I worked my way through the day, we were fairly busy for a Saturday but I was glad. If we weren't my mind would just wonder. It was just around my lunch break when Vic walked in.

"Lunch?" he said hopefully and I told Dave I was taking my lunch break and would bring them all something back.

I followed Vic out to his truck where Tony, Jaime and someone else patiently waited. I hopped in the back with Jaime and the other guy.

"Jayme, this is Casey, he's Mike's drum tech. Casey this is the infamous Jayme." He chuckled and I shook Casey's hand.

"Infamous? Really." I shook my head and laughed but that kind of hurt. I didn't want to be that infamous girl who fucked Mike Fuentes; I just wanted to be, well, Jayme.

We pulled up to our usual place, In-N-Out, and I sighed. I wasn't that hungry but coming here, I always had to have a burger. I paid for mine and my co-workers food and started to eat but I was being stared at.

"Can you please not stare at me while I eat?" I said through the hand that was covering my full mouth.

"Sorry, your eyes were just all... glazed over and shit." Tony said while looking at me and smirking slightly. I felt my face get hot as I thought about my dream and they noticed.

"What's got you looking like a tomato?" Casey said and I looked at him like he was nuts. I didn't know this guy and he was already breaking my balls, OH HELL NO.

"Nothing, well nothing that concerns any of you." I smiled and took another bite of my food.

"Oh, well then." Jaime said with a mocked hurt face. I rolled my eyes and ignored their silly taunts in attempts to get me to tell them what was on my mind.

"So what are you guys up to today?" I asked to fix the silence that had fallen over us as we ate.

"We were in the studio writing for a bit and then we couldn't really come up with anything so we decided to come bother you." Jaime smiled and we all chuckled.

"That's good, I think." I smiled a little. Vic started up his car again to bring me back to my job.

"So we'll see you after work?" Jaime said while leaning out Vic's window.

"I guess, will you?" I asked while leaning on Vic's window.

"Yup, now go back to work. We'll see you later, Jay!" Vic yelled as he backed up and I walked through the door. I stopped dead in my tracks and had to rub my eyes. Was I hallucinating or were Danny Worsnop and Sam Bettley really sitting down in the waiting area?

"Hello, love." Danny said with a wicked smile. I blushed and waved a hello before walking to the back room to drop off the food then walked back to the front desk.

"Is Dave ready for me yet?" I snapped my head up at the sound of Danny's voice.

"Hold on, I'll go check." I said shyly and walked to the back room where Dave and Casey were eating.

"Hey, Danny is out there and wondering if you're ready for him." I poked my head in and said.

"Yeah, just let me finish tell him I'll be out in like five." I nodded and walked back out to see them, Danny and Sam, with my phone in their hands. They placed it back down and smiled innocently.

"Um, Dave will be out in a couple minutes." I said suspiciously and they nodded and walked back to their seats, giggling like little girls. I checked my phone and it was opened to the contacts tab. I shook my head when I saw they had both put their numbers in my phone. I was surprised and even a little embarrassed but I was also honored they would do such a thing.

"Danny, my man, let's finish that sleeve!" Dave said excitedly and they both got up to follow him to his booth. Just before Danny passed me he whispered;

"I wouldn't go through your pictures in public from now on." He winked then walked away with his laughing friend. I unlocked my phone and went to look at my pictures and let out a little shriek.

"Jay, what's going on out there?!" Dave leaned back and looked at me. my face was cherry red and burning up.

"She was probably just going through her photos. I TOLD YOU NOT TO!" Danny yelled then laughed hysterically. I had at least thirty dick pictures now on my phone along with a bunch of stupid 'selfies' from the two of them. I was so flattered and embarrassed at the same time. I had to lock my phone to stop staring at the pictures. Looks like life just wasn't gonna let my mind stay out of the gutter.

I was doing my best at focusing on putting all the upcoming appointments into the computer but as soon as Danny and Sam came back out, all my focus went out the window.

"Enjoy those... uhh... what's your name?" Danny asked as he leaned up against the counter with a smirk on his face. My voice seemed to escape my throat because all I could do was stutter in embarrassment.

"Her name is Jayme!" Casey yelled from the back in order to save my ass from looking like a total fool.

"Yeah, Jayme, enjoy those pictures." He winked at me then left. I had both my co-workers staring at me in confusion and wearing curious smirks on their faces. I ignored them and they just laughed and went back to whatever they were doing.


It was finally time to lock up and I was happy to just go home and relax. My mind was still all over, more now than ever because of the photos Danny and Sam so nicely left on my phone.

I pulled into my driveway and saw a different car parked in my driveway. I hopped out of my car and opened my door to six people chilling on my couch playing video games. I didn't really take a look at who the other two were because I just wanted a cup of tea.

"Are you guys always just gonna come into my house when I'm not home?" I asked as I pulled the shoes off my feet and walking directly into my kitchen.

"It's easier than waiting on you to show up. By the way, this is Sam and Danny" I almost spit out my scolding drink.

"Hey, love, nice seeing you again." Danny said and I furiously blushed.

"What's you two do to her?" Tony chuckled. They just turned to Tony and smirked. This is such a fucked up day, I can't even.

"I'm gonna go change." I mumbled and placed my cup on the coffee table. I ran up my stairs, almost tripping in the process, and changed into a tank and some sweats. I was glad to get out of my tight jeans and business like polo shirt.

I wondered back down stairs into a heated debate over something. I picked my cup and since there was nowhere else to sit besides the floor next to Tony, I took my seat. It was that or sitting on the counter. I. unluckily though, happened to have to sit on the side where Danny was. I had my back against the arm of the couch and
Danny kept nudging my arm with his leg. I don't care how much I like him or his band; he was really starting to piss me off. Every time I would go to take a sip of my drink, he would just tap my arm so it would almost spill all over me.

"Can you fucking stop." I growled and scooted over so his leg was nowhere near my arm. I sighed angrily and went back to drinking my tea and watching the guys play Fifa. Why I even bought that game was far beyond me. I played it once and got pissed off that I wasn't good at it.

"Alright, one of you bitches needs to bring us back to our hotel." Danny said and smiled nicely at me.

"No." I said plainly and added a sweet smile. He shrugged and Vic got up.

"We should probably get going too, we have to be at the studio all day tomorrow." Tony and Jaime cried out but Vic ignored them.

I got up as they turned my Xbox off to lead them out and say goodbye. I was suddenly pulled into hugs, most of them I didn't mind but when Danny hugged me his hands... wondered more than

I would have liked them too. I peeled myself away slowly and smiled at him, shaking my head at the same time as if I was saying it would never happen. His flirting was entertaining but too aggressive for my likings.

I watched them pull away from my driveway and go down the road. I shut my door and locked it before outing my cup in the sink and going for a much needed sleep. I had to put all of these dirty thoughts to rest, for today at least.

I guess thinking about it all exhausted me because as soon as I let my head hit the cool fabric of my pillow, I was out.

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