The Party Scene

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The sound of the consistent beeping of my alarm woke me up, as it usually does. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and planted my feet on the ground. I got myself ready and got downstairs and smelled something delicious. When they said they would be here early, I didn't think they meant it.

"I guess you meant what you said when you said you were coming by early." I cleared my sleep coated throat.

"Yeah, I figured since you're letting us use your house for a party with a bunch of people you don't know, the least we could do is make you breakfast." Vic smiled as he handed me a plate with a short stack of pancakes and a couple sausage links. I could hear snoring from my living room and chuckled.

"Thanks. I guess the other three aren't morning people?" I chuckled and cut my pancakes into bite sized pieces.

"Yeah, once they smell the food they be-" before Vic could even finish his sentence, Jaime came walking in.

"See." Vic chuckled and handed him a plate before sitting down to eat his own food.

"I see you've found everything pretty easily, ay?" I looked around my kitchen and I was surprised he actually found the plates and stuff, it's not hard but it's a challenge.

"Yeah, a few times before you came home we would make food so I knew where some things were." Vic said with an innocent smile and I laughed; of course they would make food while I wasn't here. It seems like my house had become their house too.

"Figures." I chuckled and continued eating my food until Tony decided to join us.

'Oh, fuck! I have to get going. Um, if you guys can just put anything that looks really breakable under the sink or in the basement, that's be great. And if you can, please stay out of my room." I rushed out and slipped my shoes on and searched for my keys.

"Take it easy. Relax; we'll get it taken care of. Go to work and by the time you get here everything will be set up." Vic assured as he handed me my keys from the kitchen counter.

"Okay, okay. Don't burn my house down, you have my number. I'm leaving, I'll see you around three." I took a few deep breaths and they laughed at me. I flipped them off and ran out to my car. I practically sped my way to work and ran in the door. I can't believe I was twenty minutes late! I am never late! Damn those boys.

"So, I heard there's a party at your place tonight." My head snapped up to see Danny smiling down at me and Cameron off behind him on his phone.
"There is but it's not for me, it's for Mike." I said while typing in the rest of the appointments for the day.

"Well, expect us to be there. It should be a hell of a time." I rolled my eyes and nodded. I was just tired but it was rude nonetheless. I walked back to Dave to tell him Danny was here so he could finish up his sleeve. I sat back at my desk and toyed with my phone. That was pretty much all I did all day. I played with my phone or I told Casey or Dave that their appointments were here. I was glad it wasn't like yesterday, packed.

I watched as Dave shaded and colored Danny's arm. Tattooing was such a fascinating practice; I wish I had a steady hand to do it. I guess having the pain tolerance to get tattoos is good enough.

"So, how is Mike?" Cameron said as he pulled a chair over.

"I don't know, I only went to see him once and he was all doped up. I'm sure he's fine though." I shrugged and yet again that day's words haunted my thoughts.

"That's strange. How did he get hurt again?" he asked and I could feel my eyes start to water. The guilt I had suppressed was now boiling back up to the surface.

"Oh, fuck, I'm sorry. I-I didn't-" I stopped him and calmly got up to get a tissue. I don't know why I was so damn sensitive when it came to Mike. Anything and everything about him made emotions fly around my head like vultures.

"Listen, I didn't mean to get you upset." Cameron apologized.

"It's fine." I sighed shakily. He still sat just across from me until Danny came back out holding his arm tenderly. I inwardly laughed because he looked like he was in pain but when I got my sleeve, I wasn't even like that. Dave handed him another small bottle of A&D ointment.

"See you later, Love." He smiled and walked out, Cameron not far behind. At least I know to expect AA to be at my house, I wonder who else is gonna be there. I know they guys had some serious connections with bands I loved but I was in the dark as far as the guest list. I was pretty much in the dark for all of this, really.

The day seemed to drag on because things were so slow. I think that's what I hated most about this job; it could be busy as fuck one day and the next slower than a damn turtle.

"Have fun at that party Danny was talking about." Casey sighed.

"Oh yeah, tons." I mumbled and both Dave and Casey snapped their heads back.

"How can you not be excited to have a bunch of famous people in your house?" Dave gasped and I shrugged.

"I may love most of them but I don't know them and they are just gonna show up to my house and party. It's just gonna be awkward for me, I guess." I sighed and walked to the back with them.

"I guess but you should have fun. You've stayed in all week! You deserve some kind of fun." Casey said with a smile as she hopped in her little car.

"I will once I get used to having them all around. Whoever them is." I chuckled and they both gave me confused looks.

"I don't know anyone that is going besides the guys from Asking Alexandria. Vic hasn't told me." they laughed at me, it was like everyone was reading my mind and knowing that I would freak out when I found out who was going. They said goodbye to me and drove off while I search my car for my water bottle. Once I found it, I turned my car on and drove home to Pantera. Them and Metallica are the only ones who will be able to get me all hyped up for this party. I was gonna pull in my drive way but there were two cars in my way. I didn't recognize them and that pissed me off. Like that's MY driveway, I shouldn't have to park on the street.

"Who the hell is parked in my fucking driveway!?" I yelled as I entered the house.

"Sorry, that's us." I looked to where the voice came from and saw Phil from Of Mice and Men. My eyes widened in shock. I didn't know people would be showing up so soon.

"Um, uh, it's fine I guess." I muttered as I walked up my stairs and to my room. I noticed my door was ever so slightly open and I could hear voices inside.

I kicked the door and saw everyone in my room. I was confused as to why OMM, some other people I didn't know and Vic, Tony and Jaime. All their heads snapped up to look at me when the door slammed into the wall behind it. Judging by the look on Vic, Jaime and Tony's faces, they knew they were in trouble.

"Why are you all in my room?" I questioned when no one spoke up. Phil slipped by me and sat back on my bed.

"We were going through your music for the party." Tony said cautiously.

"We didn't go through anything, I swear." Austin said while holding his hands up in defense.

"We couldn't find your CD's though." Jaime said sadly.

"That's because they're all in my car." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them. They all kind of just stared at me.

"Do you mind getting out so I can get changed?" I said blankly and laughed.

"Oh shit, yeah, sorry." Was along the lines of what everyone said. I made sure to lock my door before I stripped down to just my underwear. I searched under my bed where my stash of weed was and instantly became infuriated my when I couldn't find it. I searched all over my room and it was nowhere to be found. I quickly got dressed in dark shorts that accentuated my tanned toned legs with a Pantera muscle shirt I stole from one of my friends way back when. I did my make-up with simple eyeliner and my favorite red lip stick before throwing my black slip on vans on. I spritz my coconut lime perfume all over my body and ran downstairs to see what happened with my stash.

"Where is it?" I whisper yelled as I pulled Jaime, Tony and Vic aside. They looked at me slightly dumbfounded.

"The weed that was under my bed. Where the fuck is it?" I growled and they shook their heads.

"We didn't take it." Vic said honestly and I sighed. I shooed them away before creeping into the hiding place in my kitchen and swiftly making my way outside to roll up one or two to calm me down. My nerves were all over the place because I had some of my favorite musicians just chilling in my house. How does shit like this even happen, I thought to myself as I rolled up my first joint of the night.

"We're going to pick up Mike now." Tony said and scared me to the point where my weed spilled and got all over the table.

"Sorry, we'll be back in like three hours. Vic and Jaime are still here so you're not all alone." I nodded and gathered the rest of my grass back into the baggie before deciding to just roll up a few more in advance. Once done, I sat back and lit up the first one. I enjoyed the silence until the party that was inside, moved to my back yard. I had my eyes closed but opened them when someone tried to take my joint out of my fingers.

There Alan Ashby sat, his eyes pleading for me to share. I passed it to him without even saying anything and lit another.

"So, this is your house?"

"Yup." I sighed and ashed my blunt.

"It's a nice house. I never caught your name by the way." I looked over at him with a cocked eye and he smiled.

"Jayme." I smiled and held my hand out and shook it. We chatted about random things until he finish the joint I gave him and walked away.

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