Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites

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Waking up was rough. It always brought me back to my harsh reality I called a life. I wanted to know more about what the guys were talking about yesterday morning but I knew I wouldn't get much.

I had been up for a few hours since I went to sleep so early and it was only seven in the morning now. I decided to just get up and get ready and just relax. The bus was still in motion so I stumbled a little when it came to a stop and caught myself on the edges of Ben's and James' bunks before I hit the ground.

I stood up straight and walked into the kitchen to start the coffee. While I waited for the coffee, I got dressed. I was up to be productive today and productive I will be. I was determined to put off all of my love life drama to focus on photography, for today at least. I had so many pictures to edit and take along with wanting to see a few bands preform today.

I walked back out in fresh clothes and made a cup of coffee and quietly walked to the back lounge and shut the door. I turned on the TV and searched for something to watch. I ended up with cartoons and was quite content with that. They were the old cartoons that I watched when I was much younger not the crappy ones that are on now. Just as Tom and Jerry ended, the door opened. Ben came in and sat next to me with his own cup of coffee. We stayed quiet, occasionally laughing at the silly and slightly violent kids show.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked suddenly and turned to him. It was far too early for him to be awake so something must be on his mind, maybe I can get him to share. He nodded and I took a long sip from my coffee before setting it down and looking for the right words.

"What's going on with everyone?" I knew that didn't make sense by the way he tilted his head.

"I mean, why does everyone seem so... upset, I guess. Like I heard you and James fighting twice so far and yesterday... I, I'm not too sure what I heard. I just want to know what's going on." I sighed as my rambling mouth got the best of me. He scanned me over, debating if he should tell me or not, before getting up to close the door.

"It's stupid, really." He paused to see if I would push him or not which I did to his dismay.

"I got mad at James for liking you even though Mike has come to us admitting his feelings. Then he slept with you and I lost it. I know, it's really none of my business but I'm trying to look out for everyone in this case. I know we'll never be more than friends so I don't go after but believe me, I want to. I just know we wouldn't work. I'll put my two cents in now on the little triangle you have going; you and Mike may not seem good for each other but you really don't know until you try. He's a dick to you and I don't like that but it's only when he's drunk and he's hurting. As for you and James, he'll make you happy but for how long? I don't exactly know how he feels but I can sure as hell tell you two have something. All I'm saying is whatever you do, I want you to be truly happy." I was definitely not expecting that to come out of his mouth, especially this early. I sat back in half shock and half realization. He had good points and I was glad he knew to keep his feelings at bay but I was mad that he was beating James down for liking me. I get that he is just trying to be a good friend to Mike but it's got nothing to do with him anymore.

"I understand you trying to be a good friend to Mike but honestly, everything is up to me now ad if Mike or you or anybody has a problem with me going out and getting some then tough shit. I know Mike's feelings for me haven't changed but neither has the way he's been acting. I'm a big girl and it's my life. I'm starting too really like James and I'm just gonna let whatever happens happen. I've decided not to stress out about this anymore. Ever since the party for Mike, everything has me stressed and I'm not gonna go through it anymore." I sighed and got a little mean throughout my little rant. He nodded and pondered what I said for a moment before speaking again.

"I'll leave it alone then. I know having both of them around has got to be all kinds of confusing and stressful and I just want you to be happy. I don't want to see you hurt, ever. You're pretty much like my little sister now and nobody hurts my little sister." He pulled me into a tight side hug and I chuckled.

"Well, I don't want to be your little sister because we've fucked twice so... that's awkward but I know what you mean. I love you, Ben. Thanks for understanding and not pushing me towards one person." He laughed loudly and smiled.

"Yeah, that is a little weird but you're welcome. There's really no need to thank me, it's common sense and I'm not that kind of person anyways." He smiled and shrugged as the door opened again revealing Danny in all his tired glory. He looked at us cautiously before sitting down on the other side of me.

"What's going on? You are never up before I am, let alone both of you." He peered at the both of us and sipped on his coffee.

"We were just talking, calm down." Ben laughed and I rolled my eyes. I guess they were all feeling the same way; far too protective of me and my fucked up feelings.

Danny just nodded and turned his gaze to the television where the Looney Toons was now playing. We all sat for a while, not talking much, just laughing at how incredibly and amazingly stupid these cartoons were. it was nice and reminded me of Saturday mornings when I was younger and would be glued to the couch watching cartoon till the late afternoon with a big bowl of Captain Crunch fit snugly between my tiny hands.

It wasn't long before Sam, James and Cameron joined in on our nostalgia fest. I didn't feel as awkward of a tension between us but it was still evident. I felt bad for getting James yelled at but it wasn't directly my fault. I was mostly curious as to where this would take me after warped is over. I had a little over a month to feel things out with him then see from there but I was nervous to get into something with him too because I wasn't sure about anything, even myself. I wasn't sure when the next mental breakdown would come or, even worse, the next relapse. They have never really seen me at my worst or really my best, I've always tried to keep it to a somewhat neutral. It hasn't worked out all the time but I'd say I've been pretty close.

It was nice to sit around and watch cartoons, do something normal. I never would have imagined in a million years that I would be doing something I dreamed of doing when I was back in high school and yet, here I am hanging out and taking pictures of one of my favorite bands along with being friends with more of them. Who knew that your life could change so drastically just by knowing a handful of people from way back when?

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