Good 4 It

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Today was the day that the guys left for the rest of their tour. I was too tired to be really sad like I normally was. It was four thirty in the morning and I was in baggy sweatpants and one of my oversized sweaters. It was a bit nippy out for it being so close to summer but it was very early in the morning.

"Sorry it's so early, Jay. I know you hate being up this early." Mike sighed sadly with a yawn. I just waved my hand and subconciously yawned as well. I had been used to getting up at around five thirty or six in the morning but this was truly too early even for me. Priscilla wouldn't have even goten up even for Tony. Thinking of that, I wonder how that's going if it even went anywhere.

I watched lazily as Mike and the guys stood around the bus, packing their things into it while I sat comfortably on the curb. They would only be gone for a little more than three months this time and I assured Mike, and Vic, numerous times that I would be fine and not totally melt down or shut myself off to the world.

"Jay...Jay..." Someone said as they shook my arm that my head had been resting on lightly. I must have dozed off slightly.

I forced my tired self to get up and staggered back but caught myself and slowly walked over to the guys. I was the only one saying goodbye to everyone since they didn't want their families to come out this early. Lucky them.

I didn't say anything I just held up my arms so I could hug everyone in the crew all at once because I didn't have the mental capability to do it individually.

"I'll see you guys when you get back. Mike and I will have one of our big barbeques. I smiled weakly and they all laughed.

"Ahh, I'm gonna miss you, ya little bitch." Casey said with a ruffle to my hair. I groaned and pulled away from him a bit.

"Yeah, I suppose I'll miss you too, you dickbag." We both chuckled and gave a good hug.

"Please keep an eye on him, Case." I mumbled and pulled away and he nodded.

Hime was the first to come up and say goodbye, he was just as tired as I was.

"Meeh." he said and I giggled.

"Blehh mehh." I said back, knowing what he said.

"Love you Jay, goodnight." He said in a quiet voice and a kiss to my forehead before trudging onto the bus.

"You two are so weird." Tony chuckled quietly. I looked him up and down quickly before he embraced me. I could tell he hadn't slept in atleast three days. His eyes were beyond bloodshot and drooping and a light purple shade was just starting to form around his bottom lids. I sighed.

"Tone, Please get some sleep." I felt him tense up and not say anything.

"Can I call you later?"asked with this sadness in his eyes that made me want to cry so I just nodded and so did he before walking away into the depths of the bus. I saw Vic and Mike chatting quietly while I cleared my throat and sleepily rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to get their attention.

I saw Vic stop talking and slowly walk over to me. He looked just as bad as Tony did and it made me sigh. I knew they both struggled with things I wasn't too worried about Tone but I worried a lot about Vic. He was my big brother after all. He cared for me a lot when I needed it and now it's my turn to return the favor.

"I'll text you about it later when I'm more awake." he sighed and hung his head. That's the only reason I knew it was bad.

"Get some rest Victor. You and Tony. Shit, take a nap together!" I mumbled to make him laugh and it worked.

"I'm really gonna miss you and your mothering." He said with a half happy smile.

"I'll miss you too, But you get your ass on that bus and get some sleep, like Jaime is." I pointed to the open door of the bus to hear the light snoring from him. He just shook his head and gave me one last tight bear hug. I was starting to wake up more with all the emotions now.

I sniffled a little as I watched him get on the bus. I looked sadly over at Mike who was digging his foot onto the gravel. I walked over to him and just wrapped my arms around him.

"I don't want to leave." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I know you don't but you have to. You can't disappoint all of your fans. You know they all love your epic drumming skills the most." I smiled and looked up at him and he had tears welling up in his eyes and a small smile playing at his lips.

"I'm crying about leaving for the first time and for the first time you aren't." He looked at me with an odd expression as I wiped away the tears that fell with my thumb.

"Mike, I'm too tired to cry right now but I feel it in my heart. I'm always sad when you guys leave me but right now, I don't even have the energy." I said half lying. I was more awake more but I knew he needed to not see me crying right now. He needed to let it out this time. He chuckled and pulled me in tighter and wept a bit more before I let go of him to wipe all the tears away. A sad smile crept up on to his face and I sighed.

"Like you always tell me, You'll be back before you know it. Darling, It'll be okay!" I said with a sad giggled and he smiled a little wider at me quoting his song. Even though I hated doing it, I did it for him.

"I love you so much, Jayme Brooks." he sighed and gave me a slow kiss.

"Not as much as I love you, Michael Fuentes. Now get your giraffe ass on that bus and take over the world!" I smiled and sniffled a bit.

He gave me another tight squeeze and a kiss before I walked him to the bus. I gave him one last kiss and sent him off.

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