Accidentally In Love

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I had been up for a few hours just thinking about what I had done last night. I tightened my grip on Jayme a little when I saw the ring I bought her sparkling from the early morning sun on the nightstand on her side. I felt a little weird about proposing to her; the way I proposed to her. I feel like I should have made it a more personal thing rather than following Vic's suggestion of doing it in front of a huge crowd of our fans at a hometown show. Vic was nice in suggesting and putting that all together especially after all we went through on this last tour. I knew he was still a little bitter about the whole thing going on between Jayme and I and I don't blame him.

Sometimes I wished I had never gotten with her because I know how bad I have hurt her and I know it must still hurt her to even think about... But even after all of that shit, she still chose me. She chose to say yes to me last night and I couldn't be more grateful to have someone like her in my life.

A girl like Jayme was a one in a million occurrence. Someone so broken but so capable of loving others. She was truly the diamond in the ruff, the sunshine after the rain. It sounded so cliche in my head but it was true. I would never say the words out loud, I'm not insanely mushy like that but that's exactly what she was. I'd be lying if I said that I had my doubts like Vic did. I knew that I was honestly no good for her in the beginning of all this. I never thought that we would ever make it this far, I never thought one girl could change me this much but she did.

I looked down at the singlehandedly best thing I had in my life right now besides my career. She wasn't always perfect, she had rough edges and a fiery temper that sometimes got the best of her but a level head when she needed it. She had a way of just making things better when they were at their worst and whenever she smiled, everyone had to smile along with her no matter the case. She was addictive like narcotics but soothing like a cup of tea. She is perfect to me.

I felt her stir after one of the two animals scratched at the door. I looked down at her just as she opened her beautiful eyes. She looked up at me with a lazy smile and rolled out of bed. As she opened the door one tiny kitten trotted in and struggled to get up into bed. I leaned over and scooped him up. I laughed when he meowed at me and scrambled under the covers.

"Well, That's a cute way to wake up." Jayme said with her voice still raspy from sleep. She left the room and I heard her rustling around downstairs so I got up and scooped little Mittens up with me and went down to see the other cutie that I would be coming home to from now on.
When I had made it to the bottom of the stairs I saw this vivacious pup running around outside while Jay was fixing her coffee and the animals food. I set the little fur ball down and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. I felt her sigh contently and she leaned her head back on my chest with a smile on her face.

"You know, I never thought I could be so comfortable in someone's arms." Jayme said with a slightly confused tone. I let go of her so I could make my own cup of coffee and she sat on the couch in the living room.

"There are a lot of things I never thought I would be capable of when I left this town." she said while looking into her coffee as if it held all of the answers. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she thought of the past yet I still said nothing.

"I just never thought you and I would work out and I never thought I would make friends with people that I- that I admired! I never thought I would be able to love someone again." she said lowly while wiping the tears away. "Yet, here I am, the fiance of the one person who made me seek revenge and made me hate men all together. The one I fell so hard for even though he hurt me... but when no one was around and it was just him and I for that one whole weekend, That one very destructive weekend that really started it all." she sniffled and got lost in her thoughts.

"You know..." I said with a sip to my coffee causing her to come out of her own mind. "I remember the first day of high school, the first day I saw you. I followed you around that whole day and you never even noticed. I watched as guys repeatedly flirted with you and it made me so angry because you always seemed to just flirt back. I never had the courage to talk to you that whole first year and whenever I saw you I just wanted you to be mine but I could never admit it to any of my so-called friends. I had become the badass rebel asshole that everyone either loved or hated. I always felt bad for making you feel like shit all of the time. I just never thought I had a shot with you and every day when my friends would say how hot you were I would tell them terrible things about you and I can never forgive myself for that. I made high school a living hell for you not to mention I fucked with your pretty head when we finally did hang out." I sniffled and let my eyes drift somewhere else as bitter memories I had never told anyone bubbled up to the surface and were going to be exposed to the one that had my heart.

"Then that last day you came in to get your diploma in your sweats, hair disheveled and I could tell you were finally done with all the bullshit. It broke my heart to watch you drive off. I completely changed that day; instead of being the player I always was in high school, I was now the heart breaker. I slept with any girl that came up to me and just never bothered with them again. Until the night you came home with me. I was plastered and still heart broken. I'm not surprised that I didn't know it was you from the beginning. Your eyes just held the same fire in them that night as they did whenever you yelled at me. When I woke up that next morning and cleaned up only to find the note I had left you, I-I just freaked out. I was a mess; full of so many emotions. I searched that whole day to find out where you were staying and when I found out I knew I had to leave you something. We had broken each others hearts and I'll never be able to understand how to bitter people can put each other back together or how neither of us could realize how much we actually meant to one another." I cried, not bothering to wipe away the tears, looking her dead in the eyes as she cried too.

We both just cried, thinking of all the fucked up shit that happened up until now. I hated being this vulnerable. I was always this tough guy but this beautiful girl broke me apart in ways I'll never be able to comprehend. It was more of a therapy session for the both of us. Something to let both of us know things we had never actually known about one another.

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