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The time has come to meet up with the guys of AA and fly to SLC, Utah for the first day of warped and I'm excited, nervous and wrecked. I got a call from Mike a few days after the talk I had with Vic and it killed me.


"Hello?" I groggily answered the phone on my day off. It was late at night and my day off was just ending and I was due at work in another five hours.

"I can't believe you actually have to choose between me and fucking Cassells!?" Mike screamed from the other end. I jolted up out of my calm position and was put on edge.Vic fucking told him?!

"Mike, I-"

"Don't. I guess it is true what I used to call you in high school. You are a fucking whore!" and he hung up. My eyes stung from the anger and sadness. Why couldn't he just understand?


Ben was coming to pick me up after he got Sam so I waited outside with my two suitcases and duffle bag until a car pulled into my driveway. There were no hard feelings between Ben and I which I was grateful for but now we had our weird moments and nicknames just between the two of us. The sexual tension wasn't as high but we still knew that if we wanted to, we could easily fuck each other with no strings attached. Thankfully that wasn't the case anymore.

"Hey, Sweet cheeks. Ready to go?' Ben smiled as he helped me put my bags in the car.

"Of course, Cheeky, a little nervous but I'm definitely ready!" I smiled brightly and got in.

"Hey Sam!" he just waved a hello because he was too busy on his phone.
We got to the airport and checked all of our bags in and found Danny, James and Cameron waiting by our gate.

"Jayme!" James said happily and I felt the butterflies starting to flap their wings and when he hugged me they went into a fluttering frenzy. I gave everyone else a hug, besides Ben and Sam, so it wouldn't seem strange though Danny knew the truth.

Our flight was soon called for boarding and we all handed the person our tickets and found our seats. The flight wasn't going to be too long but I knew I was still tired so I quickly got my phone out and plugged my headphones in, patiently waiting for the plane to take off so I could stick them in and be lulled to sleep.


I was being poked awake by a smiley Cameron and I groaned. I had used his shoulder, or arm rather, as I pillow and my neck was killing me from the awkward sleeping position.

"Get up sleepy head, we're landing." I glared at him and he just chuckled. When we landed I stretched out and yawned as we walked through the terminal and to collect our bags.

"Can we just go to the hotel now?" I whined as we got into our car. The guys chuckled.

"Sweetheart, we have things to attend to. You can go sleep away the obvious jetlag you're dealing with but you better be up bright and early tomorrow." Danny smiled and I nodded. Sleep is sleep so I'll take it.

We arrived at the hotel and I grabbed my two room keys and ventured off to find where I was. I was in a separate room but it was joined by a door with Danny and Ben's room.
I plopped onto my bed after a long morning and was about to snuggle up under the fluffy comforter when I felt someone jump onto the bed. I opened one eye to see Ben staring at me with a large smile.

"Go away." I mumbled into the soft crisp pillow my head was on.

"No, your bed is comfier than mine is." He smiled and shut his eyes.

"Ben, we have to go." Danny popped his head in and I heard Ben groan.

"I'll be back." He winked and got out of my bed.

"Jay, I'll call you when we're on our way back. Don't sleep for too long." He said happily.
"Okay mom." I chuckled and I heard the joining door shut. I got more comfortable and drifted out into my own little world.


I could feel my phone vibrating beneath the pillow and I squinted at the bright screen. It was Danny text bombing me saying they were back. I could tell he was drunk just by the random letters in the middle of words. I stretched out and got up to take a quick shower, taking my clothes with me and locking the door the joined our rooms in case someone decided to visit me.

I washed everything and shaved everything that needed to be before getting out and getting dressed. I grabbed my laptop and camera and started going through old pictures that were still left on the camera from the last time I used it. It brought back all the memories of living in Santa Barbara. I had pictures of the sunsets and various spots in town and people I saw and was basically friends with. Maybe one day I'll actually go back.

I was snapped out of my reminiscent state by knocking at my door. I got up and opened it to see James and Sam standing there smiling. I let them in and went back to my pictures.

"What's up guys?" I asked as I finished clearing out the memory on my camera and placed the computer off to the side.

"Everyone is fucking but us so we decided to come and hang out with you." Sam smiled and I let out a little chuckle.

"I'm pretty boring to hang out with. I was just gonna watch a movie and pass out." I shrugged and turned the TV on to see if there were any good movies on and saw one of my favorites just getting ready to start.

"Oh cool, mind if we join?" James asked with hopeful eyes.

"Well, you're already here so why not?" I smiled and turned the movie on. It was one of those freaky movies; the Fourth Kind. It always boggled my mind and freaked me out beyond belief but it was such a good movie!

I was soon sandwiched between the two boys, snuggled under my covers, watching the freaky true story. The guys jumped a few times, as did I but only when the guy springs up from the bed. That part always got me no matter how many times I've watched it. I felt myself get drowsier and drowsier as the movie was coming to a close and I soon passed out again for the third time today.

My alarm was set for bright and early five AM and I knew I would need my sleep to actually function tomorrow. I was hoping not to run into PTV for a while but it was and evident thing seeing as they were a headlining band this year. I'll just shoot for staying away from them as long as I can. Especially with the call I got from Mike a week ago. I was most nervous about seeing him again.

I wasn't sure what he would do but I knew by the sound of his voice that day, that I was going to reap what I had sowed and his 'revenge' was going to be much worse that what I thought mine would have been.

A Fool's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now