The Bird And The Worm

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I woke up in terrible fright. It was my day off and I had to talk to both Mike and Vic. I had such a bad dream that I was actually crying when I jolted out of my sleep. I had had bad dreams before but this one was by far the worst. I was so beyond nervous about talking to Vic and Mike and really had no idea how I was gonna go about it.

I rolled out of bed and showered before heading downstairs to get a cup of coffee and start my day. No more than five minutes later, my phone started going ballistic. Texts were coming in left and right from Tony and Jaime. As I went through them I started freaking out. They said something about Vic and Mike getting into a huge fight because someone told Mike that Vic kissed me. I rushed around grabbing my things and running out to my car and flew over to Tony's house.

"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" I exclaimed as I beat the shit out of my steering wheel and pulled into Tony's driveway. I frantically banged on the door until Tony answered.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled and looked between Tony and Jaime. they exchanged looks before Tony looked at me sadly.

"I guess someone called Mike this morning and told him that Vic kissed you and I think said he loved you and you loved him and Mike just freaked and they beat the shit out of each other." He said hesitantly and I freaked out even more.

"Where are they?" I asked with a mouse like voice. I was on the verge of hysterics and had really no idea what to do but I know I had to; I needed to talk to Mike. ASAP.

"Mike's at his house and Vic's at his apartment." Jaime mumbled and I bolted out the door and sped off towards Mike's house.

The only person who knew about the whole Vic thing was Ricky and I doubt he would say anything, I hoped to god he wouldn't tell anyone especially Mike. I anxiously pulled into Mike's driveway with a short stopping squeal of the tires. I had to take a second to compose myself because I had no idea how this was gonna go. For all I know, Mike's gonna kick me out of his life forever and it'll go back to how it was.

I hesitantly knocked on the door and I heard him yell and something break. I cringe and looked up when he opened the door. He was fuming.

"The fuck do you want?" He sniped and I jumped a little at how frigid he sounded.

"I need to explain everything." I mumbled and looked down at my shoes. He led me in and we sat on his couch.

"So, explain." He crossed his arms over his chest and I saw his hands and how they were crusted with dried blood. I sighed and chewed my bottom lip until it bled.

"Vic did kiss me but I didn't tell him I loved him too. Whoever called you and told you that was one hundred and ten percent lying. I only love you." I looked up at him with blurry tear filled eyes and he had no expression on his face. I waited and waited for him to say something but he didn't. He just stared at me unimpressed by my explanation.

I slowly got up and left his house. I sat in my car and balled my eyes out. What if he thinks I'm lying? I let the last of my tears go before pulling out of his driveway. I drove to the only calming place I knew; the beach. It was the only place that I truly loved to be. I took my shoes off and found the most secluded place and just watched the waves crash into the sand. I ignored every call or text that came in. I didn't care to talk to anyone right now.

I sat there until I felt nothing. I got back up and torpidly walked to my car. I drove back home and I had all intentions of doing nothing but the handful of cars in my driveway said otherwise. I dropped my head hard against the steering wheel and screamed as loud as I could. I hated when they did this. They just felt the need to go into my house and wait for me to return on my worst days.

I walked in my door and looked at all of them before just walking up to my room, locking my door, grabbing my weed and curling up in my bed. I took out one of the joints I had already rolled and lit it up. I inhaled the intoxicating smoke and immediately relaxed. I zoned into my own world and tuned out the banging at my door.

When I reached my third joint I unlocked the door and sat back on my bed. Calm doesn't even begin to describe what I was feeling the moment my door crept open. I watched through slit eyes as Chris, Devin, Tony and to my surprise, Vic walked in.

"Jay, please don't shut us out again." Chris mumbled and sat on my bed across from me. I wondered as to why Vic was here but at the moment I didn't care too much about it.

"Seriously, Ricky told us all about it and dumbass here told us too." Devin began and pointed to Vic who was sitting in my computer chair across the room. "I understand this is what you do all the time but if this is how you deal with shit then you need a new method." He said with such demanding sass.

"Well, guys, I really appreciate your concern for me but if you don't mind I'd like you to leave." I said calmly, maybe a little bitchy but I didn't yell.

"No, we're staying here." Tony said and made himself comfortable on my floor.

"Okay, fine. Can you leave me room at least? Except Vic, I have some shit to take care of with you." I said very bitchily and watched as they all left except for Vic.

"Why?" I could feel the fire bubbling up as I waited for his answer.

"I don't know." He mumbled and I popped.

"You don't know?! How the hell could you not know? Did you not think this was going to happen?" I paused and covered my mouth. I sounded just like Mike when we had that catastrophic fight months ago.

"Jayme, I just did it! I didn't think my brother would get this pissed, hell, I didn't even think anyone would find out!" he yelled and paced the width of my room.

"Seriously? Vic, you of all people know that this shit always happens! You knew I was finally happy at where my life was and then you pull this? Who the hell told Mike anyways?!" I said exasperated. He looked down at his tapping foot before looking back at me.

"You know what? I don't care. So my brother beat the shit out of me and I told the girl I have always loved that I love her. I can deal with it, can you?" he cocked his eyebrow and looked at me with all the confidence in the world. I was at loss for words. He chuckled and shook his head before leaving. I didn't even get a chance to make a rebuttal. Maybe that's because he was right.

I can deal with Vic kissing me and confessing his feelings because I knew that I only had feelings for Mike. I loved Mike!

I just had to get Mike to see that. How I was going to do that was beyond me because right now I'm pretty sure he wants nothing to do with me. I'll figure it out though; I always figure it out. The guys are right though, I need to find a different way of sulking when shit gets tough.

I made my way downstairs to see Vic and Tony gone but Chris and Devin were happily sitting on my couch watching TV. I laid right across them and watched until I was flipped to the floor.

"Damn, I was just laying on MY couch." I laughed and rubbed my elbow that hit the coffee table.

"You have bony hips and elbows, you had to go." Devin laughed and I slapped his leg most likely leaving a mark as I got up and wandered into the kitchen.

"So, you seem fine now. What's going on?" Chris observed and I smiled weakly.

"I don't know but it's gonna be fine. I have to give Mike some space, kill whoever told him and then go from there." I chuckled and they both looked away from me.

"You know who told him, don't you?" I glared at them but they kept quiet.

"That's cool. Don't tell me who ruined my day off and my relationship, that's fine. Whatever." I grabbed a bottle of water and walked outside before I slapped the shit out of them to tell me. the door opened a few minutes later with the two of them sitting in the chairs on either side of me.

"We don't want to tell you because you'll just get pissed." Devin said quietly.

"It was Ricky, wasn't it?" I stared off in the distance and waited for an answer.

"No, not him. we practically killed him because he wouldn't tell us what was going on." Chris chuckled lightly then got serious.

"So, who was it? I'm hurt enough, nothing can really hurt me anymore than I already am." My eyes pleaded for them to tell me and they sighed.

"It was Tony. We were all hanging out yesterday before we came here and we begged Ricky to tell us. Not even thinking that half of his band was with us. Tony meant well."

"Tony meant well, are you fucking kidding me? no, you know what? I'm not gonna get mad. I have to put this shit behind me and try to get my boyfriend back." I said calming myself down before I imploded.

I told the guys to leave so I could spend the rest of my day off in piece and they did, with much pushing. I locked my front door so no other unwanted friends could visit unexpectedly. I made a cup of tea and wound down, thinking about all the ways I could save my relationship from whatever turmoil it was in.

After three cups of tea and a lot of thinking, I was ready to pass out. Before my head hit the pillow I sent a lengthy text to Mike saying how much I loved him and how hard I would work to prove to him that this was just a big fuck up. I hope he will forgive me even though I didn't do anything wrong. He was so stubborn sometimes.

I plugged my phone into the charger and soon my eyes fluttered closed and I was out like a light.

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