Time Travel

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The days seemed to just merge together. Every day that ended made us one day closer to being married. It was scary but amazing to think that I would be settling down with a single girl for the rest of my life. I would have a commitment that I could never break for the rest of my life. It was the beginning of May and with almost everything set for the wedding, Jayme and I had a lot of time on our hands. Well, when I wasn't on tour or in the studio at least. All that had to be done was for both my bachelor and her bachelorette parties had to be planned. Those were being handled by Priscilla and Vic. I didn't care too much about it but Jayme was excited so that meant I was excited too.

Most of our friends said they would be able to go to the wedding but a few family members and friends had to decline because either they would still be on tour or just couldn't make it. They all sent congratulations though so that was good enough for the both of us.

The boys and I still had to get new suits so that's what we would be doing today. Jayme and I picked a pretty simple color sceme; She wanted a light pink for the bridesmaids, or peachy-coral as she specified to me many times, and a red-orange for the guys' ties. She gave me swatches and everything so I didn't get it wrong and pick red or orange. I wanted a mint color but she declined it avidly. She put the color of the bridesmaids dresses net to the mint color I wanted and I discarded the idea as well. It looked disgusting.

She had planned everything and that kind of pissed me off because the whole point of hiring Marco was so that she wouldn't have to worry but she was a stubborn one and I loved it. She gave me things to pick as well so I didn't feel brushed off. She let me pick the kind of cake and type of flowers to have. It wasn't much but it was nice that she thought of me and my opinions and let me pick a few things. I ended up picking a vanilla bean cake with raspberry cream filling and I picked tulips for the flowers. I can one hundred percent say that my manhood declined a bit walking into the flower shop to order the flowers by myself but I didn't mind. Sometimes, you just have to tap into that feminine side.

Vic, Tony, Jaime and I arrived at the suit shop and, while we knew what we were there for, we were lost.

"Why do we have to get new tuxedos?" Jaime whined. He hated getting fitted for suits because every tailor he had been to fitted him wrong. It was almost comical.

"We aren't setting tuxes, Hime, Just some simple black suits and.. whatever this color is ties." I mumbled as a man, a little younger than myself walked up.

"That's blood orange." he smiled glancing down at the scrap of fabric in my hand. "What can I help you with today?" He smiled once again and we all smiled back at the young man.

"Hi, uh, well... I'm getting married in a few months and we all need some new suits" I smiled nervously.

"Along with four ties in blood orange... no problem!" This guy was a little too hype for myself but he was friendly so that was good. He wasn't looking at us like we were delinquents like most places like this do.

He showed us all of the suits and we all knew we would be picking the slimmer style just because we looked damn good in them.

We got measured and placed our order and he handed us our ties and they matched perfectly to the swatch Jayme handed me before I left this morning.

"Thanks so much, My fiance would have killed me if I picked the wrong color!" I chuckled and the guys did as well.

"That's what I'm here for, sir. Congratulations by the way." He smiled happily as he handed me the receipts. I nodded a thanks and we all left the shop with our 'blood orange' colored ties in hand.

We all got lunch and talked about upcoming tours and whatnot when the wedding came up in conversation.

"So, are you excited for it?" Jaime asked with a mouthful of burrito.

"Yeah, of course I am! I'm gonna be settling down with a girl that I love with all of my heart. Why wouldn't I be excited?" I said before taking a bite of my own food. I wasn't lying, I was excited to be marrying the girl I loved but what made me nervous was my old habits.

I didn't want to break Jayme's heart with a call from one of the guys saying I fucked up again. No matter how much I loved that girl and she loved me, somehow I always fuck it up. I don't want to do that anymore.

"Hello? Burritos to Mike! What's going on?" Jaime said with waving my burrito under my nose. I laughed and set the plate back down on the table and shook my head slightly.

"I don't know, man. I just don't want to hurt Jayme anymore. She's my life and I'm lucky that she's stuck with me this far. What if I get too drunk again? I know that's no excuse for my actions but it's happened before! I'm just scared." I said with a slight embarrassment that left my face a light shade of red. Vic looked at me knowingly while the other two gave me looks of sympathy.

"You'll be fine. If we have to super glue the ring to your finger so you know and every little hoe knows that you're very much taken, then we will." Jaime said with a straight face and the others nodded in agreement.

We talked for a while and finished eating but I just wanted to go home and relax with Jayme for the rest of the day but we had more stuff to do before the wedding.

The guys mainly wanted to hangout before I became 'unavailable' as they put it. All that really had to be done was booking the honeymoon. I hope Jayme will like where we're going. She's mentioned it a few times and I'm glad I remembered for this long.

We all walked into the travel agency and the guys almost lost it when I told the lady where I planned on going.

"Are you serious?! She's gonna love you so much." Tony said with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"She already loves me, Tone." I grinned slyly and folded up the paperwork that the lady handed me. I had to somehow hide it from Jay until after the wedding. I might hand it over to Vic because he was fairly responsible, I don't know.

We decided to part ways for the rest of the day and I was relieved to be done with everything.

I arrived home and Jayme wasn't here. I looked all over for her but I only found a note saying she went to dinner with Priscilla and Damon.

I sighed and waltzed over to the couch and cuddled up with Mittens and tossed a tennis ball around for Layla until I finally fell asleep. Jayme still wasn't home and I felt very lonely and strange being alone in our house. Is this what she felt like when I was away on tour?

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