After Party

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I could feel pressure all along my body as my alarm woke me up, brutally. I lifted my head to see I was entangled between Sam and James still from our little movie night. I wriggled my way out of their limbs that held me down so I could get ready to start the first day at warped.

I grabbed a pair of faded black and white Aztec print shorts with my bright pink crop top along with everything else I needed before hopping in the shower. I washed up and got out and got ready.

When I was just finishing my light make-up I stepped out and it was about six thirty so I wasn't sure what to do while the guys were still passed out on my bed. I looked at the two boys that were snuggled up in my bed and I couldn't understand why they stayed the whole night, I expected them to be gone after I passed out.

"Jayme?" one of the mumbled and I walked over to the bed.

"Yeah?" I whispered so I wouldn't wake the other person that was still sleeping.

"What time is it?" I saw Sam's lips move and I moved over to his side of the bed.

"It's around six thirty, why?" I crouched down and grabbed my camera from the side of the bed. I figured if anything, I would go and take pictures of SLC.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed and moved his hand around until it hit James, waking him up suddenly and he fell to the floor with an audible thump.

"What the fuck?!" he screamed from the underside of the bed.

"It's six fucking thirty, we have to get everyone up." Sam said as he climbed out of bed. I saw them both scramble around my room like chickens with their heads cut off and I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go out and look around. I'll see you guys later." I said as I grabbed my stuff but they stopped me just as I was going to open the door.

"Give us a few minutes to wake the guys up and we'll go get breakfast." James said with a smile while same went through the door that joined my room to Danny and Ben's. I could hear faint yelling and I looked at James who just shrugged. The guys left, saying they would be back as soon as they got ready, and I just sat on my bed while I waited.

"Can I use your shower? Danny is in ours." Ben mumbled while wiping sleep from his eyes and I was stuck admiring his shirtless and pants less body. He stood there in just his boxers until I nodded yes. The smirk never left his face until it was out of my vision.

There was a knock on my door and Sam and James stood there with Cameron in tow and we all walked down to the lobby.

"Where are we going?" I asked although I knew one of them was bound to say 'to breakfast'

"There's a breakfast place down the street." Cam smiled and we started our short venture to the cute little breakfast nook. I stopped to snap a quick picture of the place as the guys were just crossing the road. I smiled at the moment captured in a single snapshot before running across the street to join them.

We were seated in a booth and ordered quickly. I snapped a picture of them smiling and set my camera down as our orders were soon brought out to us. We indulged ourselves in delicious food and weird conversation before we left to go back to the hotel. I guess we were finally gonna get set up on the bus before we did anything else.
We arrived back at the hotel and Danny and Ben were already waiting for us, all of our luggage in tow.

"You bitches ready to fuck shit up tonight?!" Danny yelled and I smiled.

"Well, Jayme isn't a botch but I bet she's ready. Right, Jay?" James said and smiled at me.

"Of course!" a black SUV pulled up and it was our ride to the venue where their bus waited. We piled all of our bags in and set off to the venue.

The car dropped us right outside the venue but more where all the bands and busses were located. We grabbed all of our stuff and got to the bus. I smiled as I saw their logo plastered all along the side of it and climbed on.

"Pick a bunk." Ben said and motioned to the back of the bus.

"I don't know. I terrible with decisions, pick one for me." I pouted and he laughed while leading me to the back, well middle and putting my duffle on the top bunk.

"The top is both the best and worst. Neither of us will accidentally climb into your bunk but if the AC goes out you'll be sweating like a mother fucker." He rubbed the back of his neck and placed his stuff in the one below mine but on the other side.

"Okay, well thanks but how the fuck do I get up there? I'm a fucking midget?!" they all laughed at me before showing me that all I had to do was get my footing on the edge of Ben's bunk and basically launch myself up.

"If I kick whoever decides to sleep below me, I apologize in advance."

"I won't take it to heart." James chuckled and placed some of his stuff in the bunk below mine.

This was definitely gonna be a hell of a tour with these five fuckers.

They gave me a mini tour of the bus and where things were located before staring at each other rather awkwardly.

"We have to find out our schedule, so if you want to come you can." Danny suggested and I thought about it. I've had a total of four hours by myself since we left Cali. Some alone time would be nice.

"No, I'm good, thanks. Just come back or call me before your set so I can do my job. I'm gonna check out some sets and walk around the venue for a bit.' I let out a little laugh and the guys smiled.

"Well, come with us and we can get you your photographers pass and then you can go off." Cameron said as they all started walking out of the bus. I grabbed my camera and followed them to the main gate. They talked to security and handed me my pass before we spilt up.

There was no one in here besides the crew and the few bands that were going on first and doing quick sound check. I took various minor photos as I walked around and scoped out the place. I saw the bright red Vans inflatable set list and wrote a few down that I wanted to catch before AA's set that was closing the night out.

While I was going through my camera I bumped into someone and fell right on my ass. I looked up and cringed. I bumped into Austin Carlile and he whipped around and started apologizing.

"Seriously, it was my fault. I wasn't looking. It's fine Austin." I laughed as he kept trying to apologizing.

"Wait, what the hell are you doing here?" he smiled down at me as helped me up.

"I'm taking pictures for AA." I smiled and let my camera rest around my neck.

"Oh cool so you're stuck with those guys all summer?" he asked quickly because the doors were about ten minutes from opening.

"Yup, sure am. I'll let you go though, I know you probably have things t do." I smiled and politely said my goodbye.

'Yea, I'll see you at the after party though, right?" I looked at him confused and he chuckled.

"The first night is always a huge 'kick off' party. The guys will drag you along, don't worry." He smiled.

"Okay, I'll probably see you during your set though if not then definitely at the party." I smiled again.

"Okay, I'll see you then. Have fun." He started to walk away and I waved a goodbye and made my way around trying to find the right stage for the first set I wanted to see.


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