The End

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Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes.

They had been married ten years now; Both of them as happy as could be! They had plenty of fights along the way but loved each other regardless of what had happened.

Mike had set up their honeymoon all by himself and the night after their wedding day they got on a plane, Jayme having no clue as to where they were going. Mike wanted it to be the biggest surprise of her life.

When they landed, all she could do was cry; cry from happiness and sentimental value that this place meant. They were in Ireland. He had remembered the only place she had mentioned all those years ago when they were still in high school. She was amazed by the simple beauty of Ireland. They had spent two weeks there. Two wonderful, explorative and sexual weeks in Ireland.

When they had gotten home, everyone was excited to see the newly married couple for the first time since the wedding. Chatter about a tour caught the couple off guard as their relaxed vacation had truly ended. They had a little less than two weeks to spend with each other before all of the boys left for a few months on a long US tour.

A few weeks after her husband had left, she had to go to the hospital because she was feeling ill. The doctor gave her a nerve-wracking surprise. She was pregnant! she had been a few weeks along and the doctor assumed that she had conceived the bouncing baby a little before they had gotten back from her honeymoon.

She had gone home and cried, unsure as to how Mike would react to this excited news. Jayme was very happy and she thought Mike would be as well, but she could never be sure with him as he was very hard to figure out with big things such as this. He would be a dad even if he didn't want to.

Jayme had waited for almost two weeks before telling him. She told him via skype in a cryptic message kind of way and revealed it fully to him by telling him to look on instagram where she had posted a picture of her growing belly. Needless to say, he was hard to read again. He had started crying when he saw the picture. They were happy tears as Jayme soon found out after he had gotten up and yelled "I'm gonna be a daddy!" on the bus. The guys came running to the back lounge to find out what was going on and a celebratory shot was shared on the guys part and a small swig of water on Jayme's.

They were even happier to be expanding their family so soon. They would be home in about two months and that would be when they would tell Mike's parents. Jayme would be around four months along.

Mike and the guys came home to a swelled excited Jayme with gifts in their arms and claims of being the best uncle.

"If you want to be the best uncle then you all can make up the nursery!" Jayme said playfully but the guys agreed, not even thinking that she was joking.

Two days after Mike got home, he had told his parents to have a full family get together. They went feeling a little nervous for the reactions but excited for everyone to know. Mike and Jayme would be having their own "small" get together ith their friends to tell them all the news as well.

They had already found out the gender too, well Jayme did right before Mike had come home.
The day had went pretty smooth and as all the excitement had come to an end, they decided to make their announcement.

"Everyone, we have some exciting news!" Mike said as Jayme slowly lifted her shirt to show the words 'It's a girl!' written in light pink finger paint. Everyone cheered and congratulated them on their little one. Mama and Pops were both very excited to be expecting their first of hopefully many grandchildren to spoil.

They had left that night, both glowing with even more excitement to tell their friends.

They had pulled the same surprise with all of them and that day alone was one of the best until the little bundle came out five months later.

That day, or should I say very early morning, was hectic. Jayme's water had broken at around two AM and they frantically gathered a few things and rushed out the door to get to the hospital leaving behind a protective barking boxer and full grown meowing cat. It was amazing how animals knew when something was going on.

All Jayme had craved throughout her pregnancy was steamed pork dumplings from the chinese place down the street from their home and Andy's cheddar fries. Other than those two weird things, she was fairly normal with her eating habit but Mike was ready to lose it with her mood swings. One wrong word or move and she would go nuts; From crying and locking herself in her room to being pissed off and throwing things.

Not long after, maybe four hours, she had her bouncing baby girl in her arms. Family such as Vic, Vivian and Victor were all called as soon as they got to the hospital while Tony and Jaime were called after the little one was born.

Her name, you might be asking yourself: Nicole Vivian Fuentes.

Jayme's lovely brother in law kept calling her 'Little Nikki' much like the movie with Adam Sandler about him being the son of the devil, 'Little Nicky'. Jayme didn't find it too funny at first but she got a chuckle out of it a few times. It was a long running joke that her beautiful daughter wouldn't understand for quite a while.

Everyone watch the adorable little girl grow up and change and reach many milestones. All of the fans seemed to love her and love seeing her grow up as well. Around the time when Nicole was due to go off to school for the first time, Jayme had found herself to be pregnant again and much like the first time she announced her expectancy, everyone was thrilled to have a second little one to ooh and aww over.

Nicole was a curious little girl with a bright imagination and plenty questions to match her curiosity. Jayme was very excited to be having another child especially now that she knew what to expect.

The growing family had to move out of the house they had lived in for so long to a slightly larger one to accommodate to newest addition. It took a while to settle in and arrange the house the way the two wanted it but when it was finished, it was perfect.

They wanted the pregnancy to be a surprise for everyone so when delivery day came, so did the excitement. The bets on whether it was a girl or boy had stopped and those who said boy were the winners.

Jayme and Mike now had two beautiful kids who would grow up in a loving home with few restrictions. Nicole was excited to be a big sister and protected her brother, Jason Victor Fuentes, even at her young age. The two parents grew prouder and prouder as the years went on.

Vivian and Victor loved that Mike and Jayme gave the kids their names for middle names, they thought it was cute. Those kids would be spoiled to no end my their adoring grandparents.

Jayme had become a stay-at-home mom. She worked from home doing her photography most of the time unless she actually had to go to a shoot. In that case, she always tried to set them up for the weekends so she could take her kids with her when Mike was off on tour. All of their friends never seemed to mind when she brought them along and as the kids got a little older, they loved fawning over everyone's tattoos.

It wasn't until Nicole was around ten and Jason was five when they took them for a whole summer on warped tour. It was a risky thing to bring two kids into a very weird, loud and drunken environment but with help from many friends, it worked out pretty well. Everyone was very resectful in the sense of not dicking around or swearing when the kids were around but everyone that was on the tour absolutely loved the little tikes. They always kept everyone on their toes.

Bringing the kids on tour for the first time was a very cool nerve wracking experience for the parents, especially Mike. He thought the worst would happen like a fan trying to hurt them but nothing like that would ever happen. They never really went anywhere on the venue grounds without some other people with them just in case.

The tour was a cultural experience for the kids. They learned a lot about music and business stuff from asking so many questions ALL THE TIME and even the fans, who the kids were seldomly around, were happy to answer their nonsense questions. They were smart kids and anybody could tell that Mike and Jayme had raised them right.

Through the difficult times of actually raising children and the trials of never really having any time with each other, Mike and Jayme still loved each other very much. It wasn't until the kids were old enough to be home alone, around the ages of eleven and sixteen, that the two took a trip back to their honeymoon spot. Mama and Papa Fuentes kept a close eye on their children while they were gone. All the romance was brought back to them during that trip.

Mike, Jayme and their two kids lived the normal life that most would, well, as normal as it could be with musically famous dad and uncles. They kept their kids pretty grounded though; they never just gave them things, they made them work for what they wanted so they could learn work ethic and responsibility. They were the prime example of good parents.


Years came and went. People got married and had kids. Tours, new music and family vacations. So many memories that everyone would cherish. Graduations, college tours and more graduations and plenty of stupid arguments along the way. Jayme and Mike became empty-nesters much quicker than they expected. Their two wonderful kids had gone off to college and started doing their own things while their parents enjoyed and hated the quietness of their house.

That's the end of their story; Mike and Jayme's story. It wasn't always gum drops and sparkles but it was real. People argue and fight and hold grudges but they love each other as well.

When you look out at the setting sun, Another day has gone
Just remember how far you've come, When all is said and done - Kottonmouth Kings

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