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I woke up with a brutal splitting headache. I rolled out of bed and let Mittens out his crate. We both walked down to the kitchen; him for food and to go to the bathroom and I just wanted some coffee and something to relieve the pain in my head. I grabbed the painkillers in the cabinet and gulped them down followed by a sip of my coffee.

I sat at the table cradling my head in my hands when I suddenly remembered the phone calls I received last night. Something caught my eye outside while I was thinking of what to do with the dumbass brothers. I chuckled when I saw a handful of people strewn all over my backyard.

Some of them still had drinks in their hands. I heard the stairs creak and I turned to see a zombie-like Josh. I got up, made him coffee and handed him some painkillers to get rid of the obvious hangover he was suffering from.

"You're an angel." He mumbled before taking the pills with a sip of coffee while I just sat back down. I let the painkillers take effect before I pointed to the sliding glass doors to the groggy people just starting to wake up.

"Well, Looks like Benny boy had a good time." I said with sarcasm and he just glared at me.

"The bottle is next to the coffee." Josh said while holding back a laugh. We watched as a few people came in and made coffee and either sat on the floor, counter or at the table with us. It was comical really. I excused myself to grab my laptop because I had to get shit done with Vic and Mike. It would be over with, hopefully, tomorrow but I had to do one thing first.

"What are you doing?" Danny asked from the floor and everyone looked at me while I typed away at my computer.

"I'm booking a flight to...." I glanced at the schedule Jaime sent me last night. "Hartford" I booked the flight and made a group text to Jaime and Tony telling them I would see them in a few days and not to say anything about it.

"In Connecticut? Why the fuck are you going there?" Ben asked with a certain bitchiness that I was not having this morning.

"Well, for your information, my boyfriend and his brother are apparently in a huge fight and not talking and I have to fix it." I said with twice as much snap as he had previously.

"Why are they fighting?" Josh asked timidly.

"I don't know. Jaime called me last night and told me they were fighting. Neither he nor Tony know why. They won't tell them." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm not letting you go alone, book me a ticket too." Josh said with a concerned look but I shook my head.

"Someone has to watch the animals while I'm gone." He rolled his eyes and glanced at Ben and Danny.

"We'll stay here and look after them. You're only gonna be gone a few days max." Ben said.

"Yeah, we can actually be really responsible when we have to be." Danny added.

"Do you guys swear that you won't wreck my house or let my animals die?" I asked with pleading eyes because honestly, I didn't want to go alone either.

"Yes. We swear." They said in unison. I nodded and booked two tickets to Connecticut for the day before they were supposed to be there along with a hotel room.

"Alright. We leave in two days." I said and closed my laptop. He nodded and we all chatted for a while, just bullshitting about life.

I let the guys take a quick shower before telling them to leave. I took a shower and practically dragged Josh into the car when he was ready.

"Where are we going?" he said with a bewildered look and I chuckled.

"To pick up Layla!" I was so excited that I was able to pick her up today. I had her cute Tie-Dye collar, leash and bandana. I had all of her stuff set up all over the house. I was just excited for a puppy.

We pulled up to the shelter and I skipped to the door while Josh laughed at how excited I was.

"Hey Lyci! I'm here to get my little princess." She giggled.

"I'll go get her. Oh, did you bring a leash?" I smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"And a collar." she took them both from me then disappeared into the back kennels. She soon came out with a prancing excited puppy. I squealed a little and Josh burst out laughing. I just scowled at him and stick my tongue out before picking up my little girl.

"Ok, we got her house broken and she's really great on a leash and loves to play. I'm so glad she got a great home." Alycia smiled and gently stroked the cute pup.

"She's in very good hands." Josh said with a bright smile.

We chatted for a few minutes and then we had to leave. I still had to pick up food and toys for her so she would chew up my whole house. We did that and went home to relax. We both still felt terrible but Layla was a perfect distraction from our hangovers.
We got home and just played with Layla and Mittens for the rest of the day before calling it a night.

**Two days later**

I woke up and got ready. I pack a small duffle bag full of clothes. I was only leaving for a few days, I really didn't need that much stuff.

Danny and Ben would be here soon. Ben was going to drive Josh and I to the airport. I had my coffee and fixed Josh's while he was still getting ready.

I heard knocks at my door and I let Danny and Ben in who were soon greeted my Layla and Mittens. Both guys laughed as they played with the two adorable attackers. I made them both cups of coffee and they actually brought us donuts. Josh finally came down and tried to snag the only strawberry frosted sprinkled donuts but I slapped his hand away.

"Dude, she'll bite your hand off for her strawberry donuts." Ben chuckled and Danny nodded in agreement.

I giggled while Josh just frowned. It was quite a comical morning before we left. It didn't last long though. The mood soon sobered out as it got closer to us leaving. I was nervous and I just wanted to get it over with already. It was more stress than I really needed in my life but I guess being the person who can bring people together has responsibilities too.

I said goodbye to Mittens and Layla, I cried but I was just trying to let out a bit of my frustrations rather than being sad over leaving my animals. The three guys wouldn't know the difference so it was okay.

"It's okay. You'll be back soon to see them." Danny said as he hugged me and I just nodded. I calmed myself down enough to leave the house. I kept my tears in until we said goodbye to Ben.

As Josh and I waited to board our plane, I broke down. I had so much on my plate right now. I had to face my boyfriend who has broken my heart on numerous occasions but also made me feel more loved than I ever had and I also have to face my bestfriend who has been there through it all and to add even more, I have to bring the two of them together because they are fighting and letting that play a role in how their shows go.

"Jayme, shh, it's gonna be okay." Josh cooed and tried to calm me down but I wasn't having any of it.

"No, it's never gonna be okay. This always happens. Whenever I get my life to go right, something happens to ruin EVERYTHING! I can never win. I'll never win." I whimpered out. I wanted to yell and scream out all of my frustrations but that's hard to do when you're in an airport.

the voice called over the loud speaker inside the terminals. I wiped away my tears and got up and followed Josh to the plane.
While we went through the same shit with flight safety and all that bs, I was planning. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I asked the stewardess for a pillow and I fell asleep for the rest of the flight.

I woke up as soon as we hit the ground. I was happy to have slept through the flight because I would have just freaked out and cried most of the time.

I felt like a zombie; as if all of my emotions had been drained from my body. We still had apparently, an hour till we got to our hotel in Wallingford. I was more than ready to just take a shower and pass the fuck out.

"I'm so tired." Josh mumbled as we pulled up to the hotel. It was a little out of the way from the venue but we could still walk to it if we wanted to. I had actually rented us a car from the Hertz across the street so we could do some exploring tomorrow because we had a full day before they would even get into the state.

We checked in and trudged our way to the room. I called Danny to let them know we got here okay and to make sure they weren't fucking up my house or animals. Thankfully, they were just drinking together and playing videogames while the animals were sleeping. At least that's what they said but I could hear the Wii Play going in the background so I believed it.

I decided against taking a shower so Josh could because it's an eight hour flight and it was just rounding ten at night so we were both pretty tired. I was just too drained to take a shower.

I changed into my pajamas and slipped under the cool crisp comforter and sighed contently. Josh soon came out of the shower in his lounge pants and did the same thing.

"Josh..." I mumbled with my face half buried into the soft pillows.

"Yeah, Jay?" Josh mumbled also.

"Thank you for coming with me. I don't know what I would do if I was by myself." I said a little more clearly.

"No problem. I would never let you do this alone; even if I was back home I would still come with you." He sighed and then the room fell quiet.

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