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Danny's POV~

Constant fighting over a girl that is nobody's but someone has claimed is all that has been going on. I felt bad for Jayme in this situation because she was stuck in the middle of a four-way love.... Square?

It was weird to hear them argue all the time about Jayme. I knew that the last time she heard us, not sure how much but she definitely heard. Ben was just looking out for Mike and knew James didn't do it deliberately but bro code kicked in, I guess.

I wasn't too sure on either of their feelings towards Jayme, well, I knew James had a little something for her but I doubt he would go for it because he knows Mike is basically in love with her. I don't even know what Mike would do if he found out that Jayme and James slept together.

He had confronted us while drunk one night, emotional as all hell, claiming Ben and James stole Jayme from him and he would get us back for it but we all knew not to take anything he said while drunk to heart because he would never do anything to us.

I made a mental note to talk to Jayme and set things straight because after she left this morning without so much as a goodbye and didn't answer any of our calls or texts, I knew the little wheels were turning in that pretty little head of her. I doubt most of it was good though.

Ben's POV~

How could James be so fucking ignorant?! I know he didn't purposely sleep with Jayme but seriously, how the fuck was that even an option? I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. Maybe it was my hurt feelings for her that were clouding my head. I knew for both our sakes, we couldn't be together, I was jealous though. I knew she liked Mike way more than she ever let anyone know. I also knew James had something for her too but I figured it's best to let him sort that out on his own.

I had my things in line now all he needed to do was get his shit in check. I'd much rather have James with Jayme because Mike has bullied her but it just wouldn't be right. I wasn't too keen on Mike being a dick to her just because she didn't know her own feelings but I suppose that's just how he copes, shitty but true.

I could tell from the look in Jayme's eyes the morning after she slept with James that she liked him. I was pissed at James for even sleeping with her but I was happy Jayme was at least smiling about it. as long as Jayme was happy, I'd be happy.

James' POV~

I don't think I've ever felt like this about a girl. I've never had the butterflies go crazy in the pit of my stomach when she comes around. I've never had a girl be able to turn me into a babbling mess and not be able to find the right words. I've never wanted a girl so bad. I've always been the 'on to the next one' kind of guy but there's just something so... addictive about Jayme. She just draws you in with her no-fucks-given attitude and bubbly features. Her imperfections were perfect and I wanted nothing more than to make her mine but I knew that wouldn't be right. I couldn't do that to Mike. I knew he really loved her but I might just have to be selfish and take her for my own.

I can tell she likes me too, she knows there's something between us. This girl was going to drive me crazy. I know Ben would just yell at me if I ever told him any of this but I don't want to see her continuously hurt by Mike. That night she woke up from a nightmare, I could hear her talking in her sleep almost screaming for help. She and Mike had this thing where they could be fine with each other one week but completely hate each other the next. I picked up on it rather quickly after that party at her house for Mike.

I just wanted her to smile all the time. I wanted to be the one to make her smile all the time. I knew Mike was just hurt but I couldn't bear to see Jayme get hurt in the process. It took all my might to not go up to Mike and knock some kind of sense into him. I don't think he really knows what he's doing to her, playing all these mind games with her. The Alysha stunt was stupid on his part because look where it got him; nowhere.

I'll just see where this goes. I won't restrict myself like Ben is doing, I'll just let things happen and if I'm lucky, they'll work out in my favor.

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