City Lights

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"So you have company! What can I get ya?" I heard the waitress say to whoever was sitting across from me.

"Just a cheese burger, please." I snapped my head up at the familiar voice and was faced with none other than Chris. I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the back of the booth.

"I thought I was the only one to know about this little place." He laughed and a opened my eyes just a sliver and looked at him. he held a sweet intrigued smile upon his face.

"I just had to get away for a while, away from everyone.' I said but realized it came out mean.

"I can leave if you want me to." He said in a hurt tone but didn't show it.

"No, no, it's fine, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I just meant that I'm getting tired of being around the same people and dealing with the same things all of the time, it's nice to just get away from it all. I've always been the one who would rather be alone or with just a very small group of people than go out and party all the time." I rambled and he smiled. Our food came out and we thanked our waitress and took a few bites of our food before he continued.

"I know what you mean. I always want to just get some time by myself, you know that. I'm not one for parties or large groups either but I like being around people, if that makes sense." He chuckled and took another bite of his food. We stayed fairly silent through the rest of our meal and by the time I was done, I was stuffed and ready to go to sleep.

"all set?" he asked with a silly smile.

"yes! And what's that look for?" I chuckled and whipped out my wallet to pay.

"I'm paying, put it away." He said sternly but I didn't listen. I pulled out the amount for my food and smiled. He pocketed it and forked out the whole amount.


"Hay is for horses now shh, I told you I was paying." He handed me my money back and I glared at him.

"Fine, next time I pay." I said with a huff and stood up. I put down a tip for our waitress and we left, walking slowly back to the venue.

"So what are your plans for after this tour?" he asked and stopped just outside the entrance to the venue.

"Go back to work. I figured this was just a favor to AA, a one-time thing I guess." I shrugged. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this again, sure it was fun but most of the time I was either extremely sad and upset or pissed off and I don't want to go through that again.

"Where do you live?" I guess it was time for twenty questions.

"San Diego." I smiled and suddenly had the urge to go home. I missed being able to just sit on my couch with a cup of tea and watch TV. I missed hating going to work and seeing Dave and Casey every day. I missed home.

"Sunny San Diego." He chuckled and kept walking.

"I would much rather have the sun all year than the crazy ass weather you guys get in PA!" I laughed. They got crazy amounts of snow on the East Coast and I was all about the heat. I loved it even when I hated it.

"Well, I'm barely home anymore so I don't have to be around it but I like having all four seasons over just spring and summer. That's no fun." He rebutted. I rolled my eyes as we came back into the party scene.

"I like my boring weather." I stated proudly as we reached my bus.

"Yeah, yeah." He laughed and looked down at me.

"So, are you just gonna pass out?" he asked. I nodded and punched in the code. I opened the door and stood there. I was thankful that I didn't hear moaning anymore so that meant I could actually go to sleep like I originally planned.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow though. You're stuck with me, remember?" I laughed and so did he.

"Alright. Goodnight, Jayme." He gave me a warming hug and waited until I closed the door to start walking back to everyone else.

"So, where have you been?" I jumped at the broken silence. I didn't realize I wasn't alone.

"I went to get something to eat, why?" I said as I walked back towards the bunks and past the smirking Ben Bruce.

"Well, you and Chris just disappeared and I figured it wasn't a coincidence." He said.

"It's not like we planned it Ben, wipe the damn smirk off of your face before I do it for you." I smiled and hopped up to my bunk.

"So nothing is going on, really?" he said with a serious look and tone.

"No, nothing is going on between Chris and I. he told me he's got a girl back home. I may be somewhat of a whore but I'm not a homewrecker.

"Really? 'Cause Chris is as single as they come." Ben chuckled and I looked at him in confusion.

"Sleep tight, Jayme." He smiled and I watched as he rolled into his own bunk and opened his laptop to Netflix.

I closed the curtain to my bunk and patiently awaited sleep to overcome me but it took longer than expected. I now had questions of why Chris would lie to me about his relationship, I don't blame him but still, there's no reason to lie about it.

I finally succumbed to the overwhelming urge to sleep as the various questions still circled around in my head like vicious little vultures.

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