This Is A Wasteland

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Jayme's POV
It's been a long week with nothing to do. My, I think, boyfriend hasn't said a word to me and neither has his brother. I honestly have no idea what's going on with them and the rest of their band. If it wasn't for the Motionless guys, I would be totally in the dark. All I have gotten so far is that Mike is still pissed off and they are working hard on the album so they're really busy. I don't know why Mike is mad at me, I didn't do anything.

I solemnly got ready for another day at work. My days had become less and less enjoyable without looking forward to my little lunch dates with Mike every day. My days just sucked without seeing him in general. It sounds so mushy and shit but I honestly needed him in my life. All those times when people said we were made for each other and I undoubtedly denied it, well, they were right. Whether I cared to admit it or not; we were perfect for each other.

I finished my coffee and hightailed it to work and hopefully that would keep my mind preoccupied.

Mike's POV

I hated this feeling; the feeling of being empty inside. I missed having Jayme in my arms at night but the thought of her kissing my brother repelled me from her. I hated being so angry at my brother, her and pretty much everyone who told me something other than what Tony did. Tony had always been truthful with me and I didn't want to believe anyone else but him, not even my own brother.

I rolled out of bed with another pounding hangover. I had been drinking the pain away every night since Tony told me that my 'girlfriend' and my older brother kissed. It hurt, it hurt so bad to know that even family could be that conniving. I took a long thought filled shower and got out to head to the studio.

It has been so bittersweet going into the studio every day. I got to let my frustrations out but at the same time I had to see the one person who I never thought would stab me in the back and twist the knife.

I was soon strolling into the brick building to polish off my parts. I opened the door and said hello to the receptionist and made my way to our studio. They were all already there; Vic in the booth putting down vocals to the songs that were nearly finished while Tony, Jaime and our producer intently listened.

I plopped down on the couch and toyed with my phone. Jayme has been texting me every night before she goes to sleep saying how sorry she is and how much she loves me and needs me but I never reply. I love her to pieces but I didn't want to talk to her. Not yet at least.

"Hey Mike, how's it going?" Tony asked as the song finished and it was played back for Vic. I shrugged in response.

"I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to tell you but you need to get it through your head that Jay didn't kiss Vic back. You need to talk to her, Mike." Jaime sighed angrily. He had said it a thousand fucking times but every time I chose not to believe him. In my heart I knew she didn't do anything but I head told me that they were all lying to me.

"I just can't get over it." I mumbled angrily and they all looked at me.

"So you're going to let the girl you've loved since high school go because your brother fucked up?" Tony snipped.

"I'm not letting her go! I love her to fucking bits but this shit hurts. Like her, I like to be alone when shit happens." I yelled and surprised them.

"If you love her so damn much then you need to talk to her. All she does is stay home and even when Chris or any of us goes to see her she just talks about how you won't talk to her and she thinks you fucking hate her, dude! She loves you and wouldn't do something like this on purpose! You need to go talk to her, like now." I have never in my life heard Jaime be so serious in my life. Chris is her best guy friend and if she doesn't even have fun around him then it must be real. They're right! Am I really gonna let the girl of my dreams go because of something my brother did? HELL NO.

"I'll be back in a little bit." I said and ran out of the building. I knew what I had to do now. It just took a little bitching and mean words to get it through my thick skull.

I ripped out of the parking lot, made a few stops before pulling into my final destination.

Vic's POV

Jayme texted me numerous times saying we were all good but she could never be with me because she love Mike far too much. I knew that though; I knew we could never be together I just needed to get it out of my system. Ever since Priscilla made us pick up Jayme to go to the beach a few years ago, I had been infatuated with her. it was terrible knowing I could never have her because we ALL knew she would always end up with Mike.

I honestly don't know why I waited so long to confess to her and while she was drunker than all of us guys combined; but I did. I regret it a little but not much. So my brother beat the crap out of me and everyone is pretty pissed at me, who cares? Not me. I feel a thousand times better knowing I don't have to hide unwanted feelings anymore.

I had been listening to the laid down tracks when I heard the guys talking. The tracks stopped and the words were clear. No matter who or how many times we all told Mike Jayme did nothing, he refrained from believing us. I understood his point of view because he was hurt and everyone knew it by the amount he drank every night.

It killed me to hear that he hasn't talked to Jayme since this happened, she was so torn up about it. I wanted to yell and scream at him to get his shit together but I would be a hypocrite. I had no right to really say anything because I caused this and I couldn't fix it. I watched and listen discretely as they went back and forth for a few minutes then Mike bolted out the studio door. I stepped out and they looked at me with triumphant smiles.

"He finally listened to us or is listening to us." Tony smiled and leaned back in his chair. I nodded with a satisfied look evident on my face.

"Good, it's about time." I said and sat on the plush couch. They both glared at me this time. I knew what they would say next. Instead of grilling me about how this wouldn't have to happen if I didn't screw shit up, they simply shook their heads.

Seeing as there was nothing more to do since Mike left, we parted ways and went home.

I felt even better knowing Mike was going to talk to Jayme right now and I was able to rest easy. It's all on him now. He's the only one who can fix this now and I really hope he does. Jayme and Mike are truly perfect for each other.

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