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The aching in my leg woke me up along with the soft rings from my phone on my bedside table. I didn't recognize the number but I answered anyways.
"Hello?" I croaked while wiping the sleep from my eyes."You are nothing." They person said then abruptly hung up. I stared at my phone in shock and confusion. I also looked at the time to see it was three in the morning so I set my phone back on the table and I tried my best to go back to sleep. It just wasn't coming back to me though. The mysterious person's words still rang through my racked brain even though I was used to them, it still hurt.

I forced myself to not get up and slice open my skin again and tried my hardest to fall back asleep.

Yet again, I was woken up by the ringing of my see Priscilla's, my closest friend, name slashed across the screen.
"Hey Pris." I groaned as I stretched out, instantly regretting it because of the healing lines I made on my skin last night.
"Jay, You're coming out with me and a few friends, okay?" she said happily.
"Where?" I cleared my throat and pulled my phone away from my ear to see that it was nine now.
"The beach, where else?" she chuckled.
"You know I stay home on Saturdays!" I whined in attempt to finagle my way out of going.
"Just get ready, we'll be there around eleven." And with that she hung up and I sighed.
I struggled to get out of bed but eventually made it over and picked a pair of light wash skinnies and a loose shirt. I changed my bandaged before slipping my clothes on and walking downstairs.
I made myself a small piece of plain toast, my normal breakfast, and sat myself on the couch in my living room to watch some TV before I had to be forced to leave my home. I never really hung out with Priscilla and her friends outside of school but maybe this would be fun. What could honestly go wrong?
I sat around for another hour or so, trying not to scratch my wounds, until my phone rang.
"Come outside, we'll be there in like two minutes." Priscilla said then hung up. I slipped on a pair of beat up flip flops and grabbed my headphones and slipped my house key in my pocket before walking out and sitting on my front step.
I watched as an unfamiliar SUV pulled up next to mine and I cursed myself out for not offering to just meet them there. I got up, brushed the back of my pants off and got closer to the car. Someone, I didn't know, opened the door. I climbed in and was faced with mostly guys. I noticed someone in the far back but had no opportunity of seeing exactly who it was.
Priscilla was in the passenger seat and she turned around to face me and gave me on odd expression, as if she was sorry about something, but I just gave her a small smile and popped a headphone into my ear.
We arrived at the beach fairly quickly and I was the first to get out and stretch as I had gotten pretty comfy where I was. A handful of other people hopped out too but I didn't care.
"I am so sorry." Priscilla whispered in my ear as I got to her side. I gave her a confused look and she just pointed. I looked to where her finger was pointed and I swear I could feel the blood drain from my face. Michael Christopher Fuentes. Why the hell was he here?
"Why is he here?" I instantly asked Pris.
"He's Vic's little brother and his mom wouldn't let Vic go out unless he came." She sighed. She wasn't much of a fan of him either, mostly because of the shit he outs me through on a daily basis.
We all walked to a nice spot, secluded from most of the tourists, and settled in. I laid my towel down and sat while Priscilla started to introduce everyone.
"This is Vic, Nate, Eric and you know Mike." She scowled at the last name and I chuckled.
"Nice to meet you guys." I smiled shyly before playing with my phone, not caring what everyone else was doing around me. Although, I was a little on edge seeing as my tormentor was spending the whole day around me.
I noticed Priscilla lay down on her stomach beside me while someone else lay down on the other side of me. I turned my head to see Vic, Mike's older brother.
"Hey, If Mike says anything to you just tell me or Pris and I'll take him home." He smiled before getting back up and going off with the others.
"Didn't know little Miss Shut in actually came out." I picked my head up from my crossed arms and looked up to see Mike.
"What do you want, Mike?" I sighed and thought back to last night.
"I was just coming by to say hello, geez." He scoffed and sat down on his brother's towel. Everyone was out playing in the water and left me alone, with Mike.
"Well Hi. Now, if you don't mind, please go away." I dropped my head back down and relished in the warmth of the sun and slight ocean breeze. I heard the familiar pop of a lighter and smelt the very familiar smell of weed. I used to smoke it a lot, I think I still even have a small baggie of it somewhere in my room.
"You do realize we're in public and you could get arrested right?" I said with my head still down.
"Why do you care?" I could sense the smirk planted on his face.
"I don't." I snapped my head up quicker than I expected and his smirk grew to Cheshire cat grin.
"Really? Then take a hit." My eyes went from him to the rolled up joint and back to him.
"No, I quit smoking a while ago." I stammered and felt my cheeks being to redden. I rolled over to my back and propped myself up by my elbows. He still held out the joint to me, taunting me with it.
Just before he pulled it away, I snatched it from his hands took a large toke and held it in as I handed it back to him.
"Atta girl." He chuckled and lay back. I could feel the effects of the plant coarse through my veins and I missed the feeling so much.
"Want more, little stoner?" he chuckled and offered up the last bit of his joint. Fuck it, if he's gonna bully me at least I'll have a good buzz. I thought to myself and finished off the weed until it was nothing but a tiny roach. I buried it in the sand before turning back over and plugging my headphones in only to be tapped on the back, repeatedly.
"Mike, stop tapping on my back, I'm not your drum kit." I whined, feeling the full effects of the weed set in. I may not like Mike very much but I was a different person when high or drunk.
He kept up the tapping, a pretty good beat from what I could tell. I heard everyone just coming back from their swim and a very audible 'ugh' in the distance.
"Mike, get away from her." Vic said, clearly agitated.
"Why? For once we're getting along." He said back with a little bite. The only reason we were getting along is because we shared something in common; Weed.
"It's true but the day is still young." I rolled over and joked but only I laughed.
"Seriously? You got high with him?" Priscilla shook her head and walked off, I felt guilt but couldn't get the energy to move and go after her. I saw Vic motion for Mike to follow him, which, in turn he rolled his eyes but got up and walked off.
I shrugged and put my headphones back in and waited for everyone to cool off. If the ride home wasn't going to be awkward with just Mike, it definitely was now with Priscilla mad at me and Vic mad at Mike.
They came back and I was sandwiched between Vic and Priscilla but neither of them said anything.
"Can we go home?" I mumbled to Priscilla as I couldn't even keep my eyes open. She nodded and we all packed up. we had been gone for a while, it was now rounding six in the afternoon.
Boy was I right about the ride home being awkward. Nobody talked, joked or even cracked a smile. Who knew sharing a joint with someone could kill the happy mood for the day? Not me, that's for sure.

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