Some Days, They Taste Like Lemonade. Some Days Just Feel Like Razor Blades.

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Three weeks has gone by and to think that tonight was the last night that I would probably see all of the new friends I had made, is totally unbelievable. Tonight was the HUGE end of warped party and I was beyond excited. I was about to get plastered since my flight home wasn't until late tomorrow. I wouldn't have to face the early morning hangover flight like most of the guys I was hanging with.

Mike has been popping up more and more and I think now that everyone knows that anything between James and I are done, they have been coming around more. For example, Chris and I were talking about it and Ricky joined the conversation around the end of it when I said I was single and that everything with any of the guys was over, he has now been hitting on me nonstop. He's cute and all but I don't think I would ever date him. He's all the way across the country, it would never work. It was weird because when I say everyone knew that I was single, EVERYONE knew. I really didn't think I was all that but I was getting hit on repeatedly throughout the day. I didn't mind it but it creeped me out.

I had been sitting in the back all day just catching up on my editing when the door burst open and in came like thirty people. The mad rush of people disoriented me for a moments and I was soon being carried out by my arms and legs. I could only see the ground since I was parallel to it but I recognized the voices talking. I could hear English accents and American ones. We stopped moving and started going up a set of stairs and a sharp turn which made me very nervous. I was thrown onto a couch face first. I turned my over and found the guys from ATL, Pierce, Motionless and AA just smiling at me.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I asked as I looked at all of them like they were nuts because, well, they were.

"You've been cooped up alone on your bus all day and sitting on a computer. This is an intervention." Alex smirked.

"So you bum rush the back room and take me hostage? Classy." I chuckled. I looked around again to see a few people missing, a few being Mike, Devin, Rian and James. I shrugged it off because it's not like this was planned, they didn't have to be here.

"Right." Chris smiled. But I rolled my eyes at how over the top they all were.

"So, now what?" I asked expectantly.

"We all have sets in a little while so not much but after were all just gonna hang out at the big ass party." The plan was set by Vic how happily smiled and I just nodded.
We talked for a little while until it was time for me and my guys to go. I had to run back to the bus to get my camera and made it just in time for them to run on stage. I think just hanging out would be fun tonight. I just know I wanted to get shit faced and go out with a bang so....

I did my job to its fucking fullest since it was the last one and I got amazing shots. I captured the full essence of a warped tour AA set experience in just a few shots. I ran off to catch the guys in the last group shot of the tour. I wanted them sweaty and fresh off the stage. I also wanted to get one with every band I had become a little close with this year, memories, ya know?

"That was fucking epic!" Cameron exclaimed.

"The crowd was going nuts and screaming every word." Same added.

"Did you see them fucking jumping! I definitely saw at least six girls flash me." Ben said with a wide grin.

"Is that really all you saw?" I chuckled and he nodded like he was the happiest five year old in the world.

We all laughed and talked as we made our way back to the bus. People who were already done with their sets and signings and whatever else they had to do, were setting up for tonight. We stayed on the bus for a little while just talking until it was time for them to go to their final signing.

I got myself ready and all cute for tonight and fixed myself a mellow drink as I waited for the guys to leave.

"Drinking already?" Cameron asked with the slightest bit of a smirk.

"Hell yeah, it's the last night and I don't have to get up super early. I'm gonna have a fucking amazing time tonight." I cheered and took a sip of my drink.

"So, I'm gonna end up either carrying you back, breaking up a fight or watch you leave to fuck someone?" Danny said rather bluntly and I let out a breathy laugh. In all aspects, one of them was bound to come true.

"One of them is bound to be true, I don't really care. I'm just gonna have a good night and hope to god nobody ruins it." I smiled. The guys looked at me skeptically and slightly worried but laughed.

They soon left and I was again on my own. I finished up the editing I had started this morning before I was rudely kidnapped and packed all of my shit so I wouldn't have to rush to do it tomorrow. I finished packing up just as someone knocked on the door.

"OPEN THIS BITCH UP!" the person screamed and continued to bang on the door in a rhythmic way.

"Ricky, can you fucking not?" I yelled and laughed as I opened the door and he, Chris and ghost came on the bus and made themselves comfortable.

"Sorry, I just wanted to be the one to start a mosh pit for once." He sighed and I rolled my eyes. I took a sip from my drink and out all my bags in my bunk and had just enough room to pass out if I wanted to.

"Let's go! I don't want to sit on a bus all night!" Chris whined and rushed me to put my shoes on. I slipped my flip flops on, grabbed my phone and drink and followed them out to where the party was.

We all sat with a bunch of other bands and crew members and chatted about what we would be doing when we get home.

"What are you gonna do, Jayme?" I was asked by Alan.

"I'm gonna go back to work, sit around and drink tea and be insanely boring like I always am." I smiled and sipped on the remaining bit of my drink.

"You are far from boring." Ghost butted in and I laughed boldly.

"I am though! When I'm not working, I am home just sitting on my couch either watching the news or playing COD by myself with a hot cup of tea. I really don't even go out." I sighed.

"It's true!" I heard someone scream from over the crowd. I saw Mike standing off in the distance with a bottle of Jameson in his grasp.

"She's always been that way though." he said as he sat next to me and I started to feel a little angry.

"She doesn't even like when we come over to hang out." He sighed and I glared at him with a 'what the fuck' expression. I rolled my eyes as he shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with his rambling drunk words.

"We'll come hang out when we go to Cali to work on our album." Chris smiled and eased my angered mind.

"All of you?"

"No, just me and Ricky for a little while but then all of us." The guys nodded in agreement with Chris and I just nodded. I watched Mike walk across the crowded area to hand off his bottle to his drum tech, Casey. He walked back and sat down next to me. I got up to make my second drink of the night and came back just as AA came into the mix of people. They pulled up chairs and settled in. I pulled my legs up and relaxed. I couldn't get too comfortable because of the light breeze that tickled my arms and made them erupt with goose bumps.

"Can you watch my drink?" I asked Chris. I knew he wouldn't fuck with it or drink it so I was good with him holding it.

"Where ya going?" he asked as I got up.

"Just going to get a jacket, I'm a little cold." I rubbed my arms to emphasize my point and he nodded as I walked off.

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