A New Kind Of Hurt

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This weekend was a blur and I couldn't remember most of it, I was kind of okay with that though. What I wasn't okay with was the fact that I had to get up for school today; not a fucking fan of that, especially with my raging hangover.

I planned on bumming it but I ended up looking pretty good, well as good as I could look in sweats and a tee shirt with a little make up.

I made myself a large cup of coffee and made it out the door in record time; I still had another half hour to get to school. I took my time with the drive and tried to piece together what my weekend was. I felt my phone vibrate and checked it as soon as I pulled into the school parking lot.


Thanks for this weekend ;)

I had to double take after looking at the strange text. I couldn't, for the life of me, remember if I had someone over this weekend. I normally spent my weekends alone, wallowing in my own sadness. I ignored the text and got out of my car, coffee in hand, and started my journey to hell.

"Look, its Mike's weekend chick!" I heard someone yell after I passed Mike's friends but saw no Mike. I think I might have gotten whiplash by how fast I turned around and walked back to them.

"Excuse me?" I snapped; hangovers make me really cranky and today was definitely not the day to be fucking with me.

"Mike ditched us for you this weekend. The last time we saw him was when he walked into your house Saturday night." Josh bitterly said. I was wide-eyed in realization. Mike had spent the weekend at my house, he texted me this morning... I FUCKED Mike?! I panic a little and they surely noticed because they burst out laughing as I walked (scurried) away. I hope to god Mike didn't say anything to them, or better yet, I hope they didn't say anything to anyone else!

I practically ran up the stairs and dropped my bag off in math before running back out and into the bathroom. Nobody was here this early, there was still fifteen minutes until busses arrived, so I was good to make a call. I pulled the little piece of paper with Mike's number scrawled across it and dialed it up.

"Hello?" a scratchy voice picked up the phone.

"Mike?" I asked hesitantly and he answered with a grumble of some sorts.

"It's Jayme..." I heard him clear his throat before talking.

"What's up?"

"Did... Did you tell anyone you were... uh... at my house all weekend?" I tried so hard to remember but it was like the memory was never even made so I couldn't put it together.

"No, I haven't even talked to anyone since Saturday."

"Then how did your fucking friends know?!" I yelled and instantly regretted it because it echoed off the empty bathroom walls and rang through my aching skull.

"I'll fucking take care of it. I'll be there in a little bit." He sighed angrily and hung up. I wanted to scream but held back because I knew it would just attract more unwanted attention.

I could hear students making their way through the halls signaling there was probably five minutes until the bell rang so I cautiously and quickly made my way back to my class and sat down. My teacher gave me a few weird looks but decided not to speak since there were students already in class. I felt like I could hear them talking about me, whispering about what I had done. I hated the fact that I now felt paranoid because of one fuck up, it may have been a major one on my part, but I hated it more that Mike said he didn't even tell anyone and they knew.

The bell rang and everyone filed in, taking quick glances from me to their friends; oh yeah, they definitely knew. I couldn't even pay attention in class because I was far too worried about what everyone was saying. I know I shouldn't be but sleeping with the person you hated the most was kind of a big deal in my head at least.

"So, tell me, how was Mike?" the kid next to me whispered as the teacher wrote problems on the board. At that moment I wanted to just punch the kid in the face but I refrained when I saw Mike walk through the door breathing heavily and looking a mess. He handed the teacher his late pass and took his seat behind me. i felt a tap on my shoulder and a piece of folded up paper came into my peripheral vision.

We'll talk after class.
I stared at the piece of paper for what seemed like forever but the passing bell brought me away from it. Class was done. I sat in class and did nothing but stare at a fucking piece of paper.

I collected my things and slowly walked out of class, internally freaking out about what Mike had to say about this. I saw him leaning against the door frame and he pulled me towards the exit door on the first floor and to my car.

"What the hell did they say to you?" he said as we got into my car.

"They were just saying something about me fucking you all weekend." I mumbled quietly and he hit the door in frustration.

"Don't take it out on my fucking car?! I get you're fucking pissed, I don't know why, but don't you dare take it out on my car!" I yelled and he stopped and calmed himself down.

"Sorry, they just fucking go to assumptions and it pisses me off. I know we fuck with you all the time but I don't want people knowing this!" that hurt. That really hurt.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked in full defense mode.

"It means I have a reputation to uphold and I don't need people breaking my balls about it!?" he yelled and then realized what he had said. I could feel the tears building in my eyes out of frustration and sadness.

"Jayme, I.. I didn't me-" I held my hand up to stop him.

"Just get the fuck out of my car Mike." When he didn't move I snapped.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR!" I roared and he almost coward down, much like a puppy does when you scold them for doing something bad. He hesitantly opened the door and got out. Just before he shut it, I started my car and sped off.

Who the fuck does that. How can someone be so uncaring and only care about their reputation? You would honestly think I would be used to this by now but this was a whole new kind of hurt.

I didn't want to be anywhere near anyone. I didn't want to hear what they had to say anymore. This was the final straw. I had less than three weeks left until I graduate and those three weeks are going to be spent ignoring the fuck out of everyone.

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