Like Chains Wrapped Around My Neck

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I woke up covered in a blanket on the couch and my computer was set on the floor beside me. I got up and found Danny and Cameron sitting in the front lounge watching the news and eating their breakfast.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Danny smiled and Cameron looked at me; A little too long for my liking but whatever. I made a cup of coffee and a piece of cinnamon toast and joined them.

"When's set today?" I asked as I kept my stare on the TV displaying mostly unhappy news.

"I think we're on late today, why?" Danny answered.

"I don't feel like doing anything today. My mind is just all over." I sighed. I sounded like such a complainer but I really just wanted to lie down all day and do nothing.

"Well, all you have to do is shoot us. It's not like you have to go out every day all day." Cameron countered.

"True but I just feel lazy if I just do nothing but shoot you guys all day."

"Well then just take today off, except for us, and chill out." Danny said wisely. I nodded and sipped on y coffee and I heard a loud yawn behind me. I jumped a little and saw Ben behind me
with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You know, I think I'll just be a fan today." I said my thoughts out loud. The three looked at me like I was nuts but I just shrugged and got up to get ready.

I could feel the yes boring into me as I reached into the spare bunk that held my suitcase to get my clothes but I didn't mind. Everything was covered so I was fine.

"Ow!" I squealed as a loud smack echoed through the bus. I whipped around to see who did it to find Danny. I started slapping the shit out of his arm until he apologized.

"Fine, Fine! I'm sorry. Damn." He rubbed his arm and I walked past him to go get dressed. I looked at my ass in the mirror and you could clearly make out a hand from the bright red mark slash on my tender skin. I tossed my clothes on and walked back out to see everyone wide awake and yelling about something again.

'Why the fuck did you sleep with her?!'

'I was drunk!'

'That shouldn't matter you know how Mike feels.'

"HI JAYME." Danny and Cameron yelled loudly as I made myself visible. I stared at them all in shock. They had been fighting about me this whole time. My eyes were wide as all the bad decisions I had made sense I told Mike, James and even Ben about the issues I was facing coursed through my brain. I had slept with James and Ben another time but not Mike. I was definitely going about this all wrong and I was just now realizing it.

I stayed quiet as finished getting ready and left the bus without another word. I felt my phone buzz uncontrollably but I ignored it. I needed time to mull this over by myself without interruption, as hard as that seems.

I walked around the empty venue and up the large hill that led to the even larger arena. The sun was just high enough in the sky to make it warm but the cool morning air still lingered.

Why did everything I do be so damn complicated? I couldn't just have a normal relationship or even a life for that matter. It was never a simple thing like just living day-to-day. It was always a large algebraic equations that ended in fucked up fractions.

I sighed loudly, wanting to scream out every frustration but refrained for fear that someone might run up to me thinking I was being murdered. I was glad I was gonna take the day off. I just had to make it through AA's set and I was good to go.

I decided to check my phone and saw a large amount of texts from Danny and Sam along with plenty of calls from all of them. I checked a few of the texts, all saying the same thing; come back or I'm sorry. Everyone was all the same. I think the only person who ever stayed constant was Priscilla. I didn't want to go to her with this until I sorted it out a little on my own.

I walked around for a little longer until I got the texts saying I had twenty minutes to get to the stage. I ran back to the bus, grabbed my camera and left again. I got there with a few seconds to spare. I snapped shots as they ran by me and onto the stage but my mind was still elsewhere.

My mind was in a flurry the whole set and I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that even before I slept with James, they talked about not doing that because of Mike's feelings for me. I guess everything that I said before this tour even started was true. This was and is going to be a hell of a tour. I couldn't believe how much has happened in less than three weeks. Emotions, drama and fucked up mind games. That just about summed it up.

Before I knew it, it was the end of set and the guys rushed past me. I lingered around the stage to see if they would leave but they were sticking around. I took my chances and snuck off to the bus without being seen by them but in my efforts of escaping unnoticed, I bumped right into Priscilla. She went to say something but I stopped her.

"I really have to go. I'll text you later." I felt bad for just leaving but I just wanted to go back to the bus and sleep. I kind of wished it was all a dream and I would wake up back in Santa Barbara. I knew better though, I knew it was all too real.

I punched the code in for the bus and put my camera back in its bag without even doing my daily uploading. I just went straight for my bunk. I made my best attempt at jumping up and finally curled into my blanket.

I just laid there, thinking about everything and anything involving my feelings, until my eyes grew heavy just like my heart and head and lulled me to a deep well needed sleep.

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