I Just Wanna Run, Throw It Away

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I stood awkwardly to the side as the guys gave Priscilla hugs and greetings.

"Guys, this is my bestfriend, Jayme." She moved and I waved, still not able to speak but managed a mousy hello.

"What brings you girls to our lovely mobile home?" Ricky asked as we sat down. I looked at Priscilla with a worried expression and she nodded.

"Let's just say... I wanted to help her be happy and since she literally loves you guys, this was the best bet." I looked at her with wide eyes and slapped her arm in which she shrugged again.

"Wait, I've seen you before, you come to our set every day." Chris smiled and I blushed but nodded.

"Yeah, guilty pleasure, I guess." I laughed and the guys smiled.

"More like just pleasure." Priscilla mumbled and I just glared at her.

"So, what have you been up to, Prissy?" I laughed a little at the nickname Ricky had given her but she didn't seem to like it. She glared at me and I just shrugged.

"Taking pictures and dealing with this bitch. You know, same shit just a different day." She giggled and hugged me.

"Who are you taking pictures for this time?" Ryan asked with a smirk. I had been pretty quiet but I just met them, they don't know me so it's understandable. Just as the thought popped through my head I watched as Chris walked over and sat next to me. I smiled and turned back to listen to the conversation going on.

"Pierce, she's taking pictures for AA though, lucky bitch."

"Stop calling me a bitch, you bitch." We both laughed.

"So that's why I see you everywhere! That makes a lot more sense then what I was thinking." Ricky said with a smiled eyed smile. I looked at him skeptically before asking the inevitable.

"What did you think I was doing here every day?" I let out a nervous chuckled and watched as he glanced at the guys.

"I thought you were just one of the girls that hung around tour. My bad." He shrugged and smiled but Priscilla and I burst out laughing at the irony. It sure seemed like I was just a groupie sometimes.

"The fucking irony, I swear." Priscilla said as she wiped a small tear of laughter from her eye. The guys just looked at us like we were fucking nuts.

"How is that ironic?" Chris chuckled and looked at me.

"It's a long ass story and, believe me, you don't want to hear it." I sighed but smiled. He shrugged, I seemed to be getting that response a lot, and the conversation quieted down.

"What do you guys want to do?" Priscilla asked and looked at me, god knows why.

"Wanna play NHL?" Chris suggested with a hopeful smile.

"I don't like hockey but I'll definitely watch. I'm more of a Call of Duty or Need for Speed chick." I giggled at my nerdy awkwardness. We all walked to the back after deciding to play the videogame and settled in.

Priscilla was definitely right, this did make me happier but the dawn thought of going back to my bus to essentially face the music killed my happy buzz.

"What's wrong?" Devin asked quietly as the guys set up the gaming console.

"It's nothing." I replied in a mere mumble under my breath.

"You sure, doesn't seem like nothing." Chris butted in and took a seat next to me therefore sandwiching me between him and Devin.

"I just don't want to go back to my bus. There's just a lot of shit going on. It's nothing though." I faked a smile but only Devin bought it. I saw Priscilla and Ricky looking at me, Ricky clearly confused and Priscilla ready to jump in to save my ass if she had to.

"Well, you could stay here, but I don't suggest it." Chris offered and I debated it but I couldn't.

"No, thank you though. I'll just have to go when I know the guys are out." I smiled dimly and watched the game begin. I hated the pity but I guess I always put myself in that situation for people to pity me and I need to stop.

We sat around for a few more hours watching and or playing NHL until I figured it was safe to go back. I was secretive but not secretive enough to send Priscilla a text saying we should go. It was nearing bus call anyways. I knew the guys were still out and I wanted to be in my bunk before they would be.

"Alright, we gotta go. It's almost bus call for us." Priscilla stood up and so did I. we waited for them to finish their game before we walked towards the door. The guys gave us both hugs goodbye and we left. We got to the point where we had to split up to go to our separate busses.

"Call me if you need me, okay?" she said as she gave me a hug and looked me in the eyes.

"I will." I smiled but on the inside, I was nervous as hell. We split up and walked onto our separate busses. I cautiously walked onto the bus and let out a sigh of relief when I found the bus to be so quiet I could hear a pin drop. I changed into some pajama shorts and kept my tank top on before climbing into bed just on time for the guys to come stumbling with a few minutes to spare for bus call.

I felt James collapse in his bunk beneath me and saw my curtain open just the slightest bit.

"Okay, good, you're back. Goodnight Jayme." Ben mumbled drunkenly and closed my curtain. I rolled over and closed my eyes, taking in one long deep breath and let it out.

I calmed myself down and felt my whole body grow heavy and soon let myself drift off into the one place where I didn't have to deal with as much of the bullshit or drama. I could just relax for once.

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