Pipe Dreams (La, Da, Da)

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I sat in my living room, drinking a cup of tea and watching the news. I found myself doing this a lot more rather than drinking myself into oblivion. Even if I wanted to drink right now, I couldn't because I was all out and didn't feel like drinking. Drinking got me into this fucking situation.

A car crash was just reported to us on the intersection on 1st avenue and Ash Street. We are not sure who was involved but we have someone on the scene right now. This is a clip of the car and semi-truck involved. As of now, all we know is the person driving the car is critical. We will update you as more information comes in.

I stared at my TV screen in shock. The car; THAT car look a hell of a lot like Mike's car. I scavenged to find Tony's number and quickly dialed it up.

"Have you found him?" he asked hopefully.

"Tony... they, they just showed a car crash and.. and... the car... it looked like Mike's!" my voice cracked as I spoke. I didn't want to believe that it was him. I didn't even know if it was him but my thoughts got the best of me.

"Oh my god1 Jayme... listen to me, calm down. Where was the crash?" he raced.

"Um... I think they said on Ash and 1st. fuck! This is all my fault." I was freaking out, on the verge of a panic attack. I could hear him yell something then rushing around.

"Fuck, uhh... okay, listen. Jaime is coming over there, I know you don't know him but I have to go with Vic to the hospital. I'll call one of you if we find anything out. Fuckfuckfuck."

"It's fine just, just go. Be careful!" he mumbled something but I couldn't understand nor could I ask before he hung up. I paced my kitchen over a thousand times until the doorbell rang.

"Hi, I'm Jaime." The spikey haired boy said with a dimply smile. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things because this kid was happy and calm even though his friend could be in the hospital dying.

"Jayme." I stepped back so he could walk in and he sat on the couch.

"So, how do you know Mike?" I chuckled at his question.

"It's... It's a long story. I know him from high school." His dapper mood put me in a better place, like things would be okay even though I was thinking the worst.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked. Jaime didn't look like he was from around here neither did Tony for that matter.

"Tony and I were in a band and then broke up during Battle of the Bands, I guess Tony knew Vic from a party and some mutual friends and they were looking for a bassist and guitarist and well, Tony and I just happen to play those so, here we are." He chuckled. His rambling ways made me laugh and I'm glad Tony sent him here, I don't know what I could do if I was around another person freaking out.

"Nice." I said as the news started to play the story again.

"Oh my, that's... that's Mike's car!" he gasped as the showed the mangled car and just then his phone began to ring

"Tony, I... what?!.... Fuck! Okay we'll be there in a few." He rushed and hung up. he looked around my living room frantically.

"Fuck... uh, put your shoes on. We have to get to the hospital!" he yelled. His happy-go-lucky demeanor switching to straight panic. I scurried to grab my things and followed him out to his car.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" I asked as I locked the door.

"No, fuck, please drive." He asked with tears in his eyes. I snatched the keys from him and slid into the driver's seat, ripping out of my driveway and to the hospital across town.

"Did they say what happened to him?" I asked while keeping my eyes on the road and glancing over to him.

"It's bad, really bad." He mumbled and wiped the tears from his eyes. I wasn't sure why I wasn't freaking out about this too because, well, this was pretty much my fault. I think it was because I was watching someone closer to him freak out and wanted to make them feel better.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and raced in to find Vic and Tony sitting there, anxiously.

"What's going on? Is he okay?" Jaime asked and they both looked up with teary eyes. I stood off to the side, guilty as all hell and fearing what Vic was gonna say to me.

"He's in critical condition. They said he was shit faced and when the truck hit him he hit his head. He's gonna be okay but he has a few broken bones and well his head." Tony sighed and looked directly at me. It was then when I noticed Vic glaring at me. he was ready to tear my head off but said nothing, he knew he didn't have to.

I sat next to Tony and didn't bother to look at any of them until a doctor came out and stood in front of us. We all exchanged glances and look intently at the buff doctor.

"Victor?" he asked and Vic stood up and shook his hand.

"Your brother is critical but awake. You can go see him but seeing as you are the only family member here, only you." He said while looking at the three of us sitting. Vic nodded and the doctor told him the room number then walked away without another word.

"I'm gonna go check on him. If mom and dad come just send them to room 237" we all nodded then Vic walked off leaving Tony, Jaime and I to sit and wonder how bad he really was. I had only ever met Vic's parents once when Priscilla dragged me along to Vic and Mike's house for some barbeque. That was so long ago, they wouldn't remember me now.
In walked the two of them. They looked the same, just their hair was different. I didn't say anything as they walked up, Mrs. Fuentes with tears in her eyes.

"Where is he?" Mrs. F said looking to the three of us and stopping at me but not saying a word.

"Room 237. Vic is in there with him. I'm so sorry guys." Tony said sadly and we all nodded.

They rushed off to find their broken son. Seeing their faces made my guilt so much stronger. I know I didn't cause the accident but I'm the reason he drank and drove and because of that, I will always feel guilty.

We waited for a few hours until they all walked out, eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I think I should bring you home." Vic said, surprising us all. I nodded and followed him out of the hospital to his pick-up after he said good bye to everyone. The ride was quiet, tense and sad. He soon pulled into my driveway and locked the doors.

"What did you do to him?" he asked without looking at me.

"I fucked up. I don't know why he got so upset." I sighed and let my eyes settle on my front door even though I could now feel Vic burning holes into my head.

"He got upset because the dumbass fucking loves you!" his voice raised and I looked at him and nodded my head.

"I know that now but, I don't know Vic. I didn't expect all of this to happen!" I whined and could feel the waterworks getting ready to start the more I thought about it.

"I know you didn't, it's just, I don't even know. I'll call you when you can see him, if you want." He sighed and gave me sad eyes.

"I do, I need to. I have to make this right. Thank you, Vic." I handed him my number as he unlocked the door and waited until I got to my door.

"Don't beat yourself up about this. It's really not your fault." He yelled from the window. I nodded and walked in. I sighed, sniffled and held back all the emotions until I was in the sanctuary of my room then I broke down. I crawled under the covers and cried myself to sleep. I felt so bad that this happened and now I had to figure out a way to make it up to Mike.

No matter what, I had to make it up to him.

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