No Matter What

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She wasn't mad at me. I couldn't believe that after all the shit I have pulled she wasn't mad. She hasn't left my mind at all. She is on my mind all the time and when I kissed her I could feel it; all of the pent up emotions between us.

She didn't kiss back though. I've regretted a lot of the things that I have done to her but kissing her and even sleeping with her is something I honestly do not regret. I don't know why but right after I kissed her, I panicked. I saw the scared and confused look of disbelief in her eyes and I just hurried to get away. I know kissing her might not have been the best idea especially since we just became civil again but I don't care. There's so much between us, I couldn't tell you exactly what is was, but there was definitely a lot of it.

When I got back to the bus, Vic looked at me with a worried expression, as did Tony. I was smiling like an idiot and I wasn't exactly sure why but I was.

"What's up?" Vic asked cautiously. I looked at him and smiled as I sat across from him and Tony. He gave me a look of desperation and I knew what was coming.

"Really? Mike you need to just leave her alone and let her figure her shit out! How many times do we all have to tell you that? Even Priscilla has told you that you need to stop fucking with her head!" he sighed and Jaime popped up from the back.

"I'm sorry but I can't stay away. She's just so fucking addictive!" I leaned back and smiled again but smaller this time.

"Mike. Listen to yourself. You're only thinking of yourself. Jayme is confused about a lot of things right now and you know that! You can't just go and screw with her head and her heart like you are. It's not right" Tony chimed in quietly and I glared at him. he hasn't said much about this situation but with him going after Priscilla, I'm sure they've talked about it.

"What's going on?" Priscilla asked as she walked on the bus and took a seat next to Tony.

"Mike is still trying to win Jayme over, that's what." Vic threw his hands up and groaned. Priscilla gave me the same look Vic did and sighed.
"What did you do this time?" Priscilla never really grilled me about staying away from Jayme because we have had quite a few drunken heart to hearts about my feelings for her and her feelings for Tony so she knew why I did the things I did.

"I kissed her." I mumbled and her eyes went wide.

"WHAT?!" she yelled. "Mike, you cannot... why?" she quieted herself down and relaxed.

"I don't know. I just saw her taking pictures and I just did." I shrugged.

"She wasn't taking pictures for AA was she?" she asked even though she most likely knew the answer. I nodded and she sighed before getting up to leave.

"I'll be fucking back." She growled and slammed the bus door. The guys all looked at me with disappointment and shock obvious in their features. I just got up, not wanting them to look down on me, and walked off the bus. I aimlessly walked around the venue and sat down on a grassy area. It looked like a mini park but it was in the bus lot so I knew no fans would come around, just bands.

I laid back on the grass and lit up a cigarette, slowly taking in the toxic smoke, and thought about what I just did. I really didn't know what came over me and possessed me to kiss her but I did and now I know I really have to avoid her. I know I can't keep screwing with her like this all the time. i remembered looking up just before I left and saw the pure hatred in James' eyes. I felt no regret because he knew I loved her, no matter what.

I wasn't sure of the repercussions coming my way from just kissing Jayme, but I knew it couldn't be good just by the way Priscilla acted when I told her that I kissed her.

I just want everything to go back to normal. I wish I was never a dick to Jayme in the first place then maybe I'd have a fucking chance with her instead of having to fight for her with another guy, one of my bestfriends.

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