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I woke up with a massive headache. It was so bad that you would think I was drinking heavily all day yesterday. I hopped in the shower in hopes that it would help ease the pain a little. It did but then the pain came back. I think it was just all the stress I felt over the past few days.

I sighed and went downstairs to make my coffee and eat something. Josh was up and looked much happier than he did yesterday and that made me happy.

"Good morning!" Josh said with a bright smile. I just waved and smiled back at him as I made my coffee.

"So what are we doing today?" Josh asked excitedly. I thought about what we could possibly do. I didn't have to go to work for another three days and I'm pretty sure he's seen every place there is to really see here.

"I don't know... there's really nothing to do." I shrugged genuinely stumped.

"Well, since you're almost out of food, let's go shopping. I'll make some calls and see who is around and down to hang out tonight... maybe we can have a nice little get together?" I swear, sometimes Josh was like a little kid.

"Ok, go get dressed and we'll go.." I said as I swallowed my first sip of hot coffee. He nodded and finished his coffee then raced up the stairs. Seriously, little kid.

I sent out a few texts myself to people I knew were always around and down to hang out. Most of them said they would come and I was actually really excited for tonight. A night to just be around good people is something I could really go for, something I really needed.

"You ready?"Josh chuckled as he caught me mid thought. I nodded and I made sure to feed Mittens before we left. He was more than content with his can of food.

"That thing is way too cute for his own good, I might take him home with me." Josh laughed.

"You are not taking my baby boy!" I yelled playfully and he burst out laughing.

"But my girl would totally fall in love with me if I brought him home! C'mon, don't you wanna be a good wing woman?" I just rolled my eyes.

"You better bring her with you for our new year's party! Or I'll come down to PA myself and tell a bunch of stories you don't want me to tell!" I chuckled and he scowled.

We bickered and bantered like that until we got to the store. We both grabbed a carriage and wondered around grabbing things we knew we needed for the party and some things for the house.

"Want me to grab the alcohol or do you want to?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Seeing as we're walking around the tore together, why don't we both go?" I laughed as we walked over to the alcohol. I grabbed whatever sounded good. A couple different Seagram's Escapes and Mike's along with a few different types of beer. The hard stuff would have to be bought across the street.

We finished our shopping with an insanely long receipt.

"I'm gonna go grab a few things from the package store, I'll meet you back at the car. He nodded and I walked into the store. I grabbed the few things I wanted and things I knew people liked, paid then left.

I put everything in the backseat and drove off.

"Is there anything else we need?" I asked as we stopped at a red light.

"Do you have firewood for your fireplace?" he asked and I thought about it and decided better safe than sorry so I drove to the nearest garden center and picked up a few bundles of wood.

After that we went home and started unloading everything.

"So who's coming?" I asked as I put the drinks in the fridge. He glanced down at his phone and smiled.

"It'll be a surprise." He smirked wickedly and I rolled my eyes. "Did you invite anyone?"

"Yeah, just a few people I met a while back that I was infatuated with during my fangirl days." I chuckled and so did he.


"It'll be a surprise!" I said mocking what he told me a few minutes ago. We both laughed and started setting things up for later. Josh went out to chop the wood and mow the lawn while I started cooking things and cleaning a bit.

Once we finished the things we were doing, we both needed a good shower. I let him go first because he looked gross. I just felt gross. Once he was done in the shower I hopped in my own. I finished up and left the bathroom lingering of coconut and vanilla while I got dressed. I just threw on a pair of yoga pants, tank top and my zip up Key Street hoodie. I made sure Mitten's had food and water in my room before I left the room. I didn't want the little one getting stepped on downstairs.

As I was coming downstairs, the doorbell rang and I jumped the last two steps with a loud thud as I landed. I peeked through window and got excited.

"DAMON!" I screamed and hugged him tightly. I scared him a little but he hugged me back regardless.

"Hey, Jay! How ya been? How's the kids?" he said in his old person voice and I couldn't help but giggle.

"I missed you so damn much! I'm sorry I haven't called you in forever." I frowned slightly and he just brushed it off.

"It's all good! I know how you are. I've known you for long enough not to feel hurt by it." he smiled and I realized he and his friends were still outside.

"Shit, where are my manners? Come in." I laughed a bit.

"Yup, same old Jayme." Damon chuckled and wondered around my house without introducing his friends.

"Oh shit, well, where are MY manners." He laughed. "This is Edwin, Cyr, Matt and his boyfriend Nick." I greeted them all and chatted for a bit.

"Jaymeeee?!" I heard from the backyard. I walked out to see who is was and I saw no one but was soon tackled to the ground by my favorite ginger.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?!" I squealed with excitement.

"Oh ya know, chillen'" Alan laughed and helped me up. Josh came from around the corner laughing his ass off.

Everyone was now outside and we were joking around and just having a good time as more and more people started showing up.

We had music playing and it was just starting to get dark when I got a phone call. I excused myself inside and answered the call as I made myself a drink.

"Jayme?" a voice whispered. I recognized it but I wasn't sure why he was being all hushhush.

"Jaime, what's up?" I said as I took a sip of my drink.

"Listen, I can't talk for long but I just wanted to let you know that for some reason Mike and Vic aren't talking. They are pretty much at each other's throats every second until we go on stage. If you could please call one or both of them to figure out what's going on that would be great. Neither of them will talk to me or Tony and we could really use your 'bring everyone together' skills right now. I wasn't going to tell you unless it got bad but it's bad. Anyways, I hope you're okay and doing well but seriously, I think they'll only talk to you and I don't know. I gotta go." He said then abruptly hung up. I stared at my phone in confusion then put it back in my pocket. So my boyfriend and his brother aren't talking and I have to somehow fix it?

I decided to put off mending a brother feud until tomorrow when I was bored and not around so many people. I walked outside to talk to all my friends that I haven't seen since Warped Tour or longer. This was my night to let loose and have some fun for a change.

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