The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver

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You know the feeling you get when you hear about something terrible, that gut wrenching feeling that something is gonna happen to you? That's the feeling I had as soon as I woke up this morning. I felt like something bad was going to happen today but I couldn't pin point what it was.

I was jumpy and paranoid for absolutely no reason. My leg was still sore even though it's been a good week since I had slipped up. I still felt like shit for going back to my old ways but I guess old habits die hard.

The consistent buzzing from the tattoo seemed like the only thing keeping me from bolting out the door to run away from my problems and shut myself in my house. I saw someone standing outside finishing their cigarette and I almost flipped a shit. Mike was standing outside of the tattoo parlor, back facing me, and I just... froze.

"Jay..." I could no longer hear the tattoo gun going, just Dave's voice.

"Jayme, go to the back until I finish with his tattoo. I'll have Casey cover for you." He smiled sadly and I scurried to the back room just as the bell rang. I tried so hard to clear my head of every rambling thought but it just wasn't working. I could hear his voice, laughing and talking, and it killed me. I can't go out there until he's gone. I can't face him knowing he somehow got into my house and put the note on my pillow and then some. I sat in the back trying to sort through my emotions but it seemed to always come down to the same three; love, confusion and hate. As for my thoughts, they would probably look like a bag of scrabble tiles if they could be a physical thing.

I thought some things through and at some point I am going to have to face Mike, I might as well just do it now. I took a few deep reassuring breaths before walking out and telling Casey she can go back to whatever she was doing before. I sat down and tried to be my normal self, as if the guy I hated to love wasn't sitting in the back right now.

I heard the buzzing stop and I mentally prepped myself for anything that could possibly happen, though I was sure he wouldn't make a huge scene in front of everyone.

"Jayme?" I slowly lifted my head and was met with sad confused beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes will forever haunt me. I nodded but avoided any further eye contact.

"Can we talk? It doesn't have to be right now but I want to explain." What could he have to explain? If anything, I should be the one explaining. I wrote my number down on a sticky note and handed it to him. I didn't want to speak because I was scared of what I would say.

"Uh... I'll see you later Dave." I watched as he left the shop and I just felt bad. He looked so sad when he saw me sitting here and I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I did. There were so many more emotions mixed in with his sadness but I couldn't decipher what they were. Maybe if

I went about all of this in a different way, I wouldn't feel like this. I guess that's just a new feeling to add to the list.

Should I really even go talk to him? I don't want to but at the same time I do, I'm just so unsure of it now that I think about it. Maybe I should just stop thinking because it just gets me in a bad mood.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I was sure I knew who it was and I was right.

Unknown Number:

It's Mike when can I see you?

I carefully thought and realized my day off was tomorrow so I quickly responded so I wouldn't change my mind about all of this. I set my phone down, far away from me, and tried to focus on my job until it was time to close up shop for the day. It was tough focusing because all I was thinking about was what could, or would, happen tomorrow.

I was glad when I saw Dave and Casey starting to pack their stuff up. I packed the papers I had been working on and walked them to the back room before taking a moment to calm down because in less than twelve hours, I'll be sitting across from someone I hate to love and love to hate talking about god knows what.

I drove home without even the radio on because I was so distraught. I hated not knowing what was going to happen tomorrow.

I made myself some peanut butter crackers and decided to just go straight to bed, avoiding any alcoholic beverages or sharp objects. I slipped into my cool refreshing sheets and passed out almost immediately. I guess today really was exhausting, physically, emotionally and mentally. I'm just glad it's over.

Now all I had to worry about is tomorrow.

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