Hell & High Water

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I hung out for a little while longer with everyone until I heard there manager yell the five minute warning. I got up and told everyone that I would see them in a little bit and went to see my lovely boyfriend.

"Shh!" Vic said as I walked up to the guys and I looked at him suspiciously but brushed it off.
I basically just hung out until they were just about to go on.

"Stay by the stage, okay?" Mike said before he kissed my cheek and ran on stage. I stayed by the stage and quietly sang along to each song until it got close to the end when everyone seemed to appear behind me.

"You looked a little lonely singing by yourself." Josh said with a coy smile and I just nudged him in the side with my arm.

"Okay, Before we end this night I wanted to call my brothers' lovely and amazing girlfriend onto the stage." Vic said and looked back at me and the crow screamed. I heard a handful of boo's but I just figured that this was going to be like the other times he had called me on stage.

He stepped away from the mic and Mike took his place. What was going on?!

"Jayme, I have loved you since the first day I saw you in high school. I am so lucky to have someone so driven and abitious and.. and beautiful in my life...." I sort of zoned out at this point because I knew what was happening. I had seen enough videos to know exactly what was going on and I had to cover my face with my hands to hide the slight embarrassment on my face.

"We have had our many ups and downs and I can't think of what I would do without you by my side cheering me and my friends on with everything we do." he got down on one knee and opened a tiny dark blue velvet box with a simple styled ring in it.

"I want you to be with me for the rest of my life and I want to be by your side until I die because without you there is no me." he said with a chuckle knowing I hated it when any of the guys quoted their own songs.

"So, Will you put up with my bullshit and craziness forever? Will you marry me?" He said with tears in his eyes and a gleaming smile and I nodded my head almost a million times yes!
He put the gorgeous ring on my finger and pulled me into a big twirling hug and the crowd which had grown quiet through Mike's proposal wildly screamed and cheered for us.

"Okay, Love birds, We have a show to close out." Vic chuckled and playfull pried us apart.
I walked back to all of my friends who were still cheering and I just bawled with joy and just happiness and relief! I was beyond happy that I was dizzy. Is there such a thing where you blackout out of happiness?

I wiped the tears away while everyone congratulated and hugged me.
All too soon the magical stun of the moment was over. Mike ran off stage with the others to get hugs and congrats from everyone. I remembered that I had to drive Lyci home but I wanted her to meet the guys first. I snuck away to look for everyone that I had came with and they were all just standing by the back door.

"Jay! Oh my god, Congrats!" Damon said and the others said their bid while I just smiled and accepted the hugs from them.

"I'm still in slight shock. I actually snuck away from all of the mayhem backstage to see if you guys wanted to hang out for a bit before we left." I said with a little sheepishness and an attempt to get all of the attention off of me.
they all nodded and we went back to where everyone was.

"Babe! Where'd you go? one minute you were here in the middle of all of us then you just disappeared." Mike chuckled and kissed me.

"I went out to get my friends. You know Damon, these are his friends Edwin, Matt and Nick and this is my friend, Lyci." I said with a slight push on Lyci to get her to introduce herself.

"Wow. I never thought I would actually get to meet you guys let alone be around ALL of you guys!" she said clearly baffled by the bizarre phenomenon. They all chuckled light heartedly and were more than happy to take pictures and sign whatever she had.

It all winded down pretty quickly and most people had left.

"Okay well, We gotta get going." Damon said looking at me with a half sad smile.

"Yeah, I suppose I better get this chick back home." I sighed.

"Oh, You drove here?" Vic said with a confused look and Lyci and I both nodded.

"Okay well, I guess I'll see you at home then." Mike said a little broken heartedly. I kissed him goodbye and gave the guys all hugs. They all looked sad to see me go even though we both know that we would most likely be seeing each other within this week.

I walked out with all of my friends until we had to separate to go to our cars.

"I'm so happy for you, Jay. You're one of the only people that truly deserves the 'happily ever after'." Damon said quietly as he gave me one last hug for the night.

"Thank you. I hope it turns out that way." I said with a very tired grin. He rolled his eyes and got into his car.

It was a decent hour drive to Alycia's house and at each stoplight I was more than ready to fall asleep. I was happy to drop her off and even happier that she had a great time. I said goodnight to her and made my way home where my bed was calling my name.

I arrived home and saw the living room lights on so I knew Mike was home. I felt whole again to have him back. I walked through the door and I saw that he was in the back smoking his weed an having a drink. I slipped my heels off and made myself a drink even though my body told me that I desperately needed sleep.

"You know, I never thought I would be the first one to get married out of the four of us. I always thought it was going to be Vic or Jaime. Shit, I never though I would have a girlfriend for more than a few months. But I'm glad I have you forever now." He said with a slight slur as I sat in the chair next to him.

"I never thought I'd ever marry or even date you to be honest but there is no one I would rather be with than you." I chuckled a bit glanced over at him through tired glazed eyes.

"I love you a lot Jayme Brooks and I'm glad you gave this a chance." he smiled and knocked back the rest of his drink.

"I love you a lot more Michael Fuentes. But not enough to stay awake and stare at each other." I said with a big yawn and he nodded.

"Yea, Let's go to bed. My baby needs her rest." he smiled and got up. I however let the cat and dog out for the night, gave them food and pretty much locked them downstairs for the night.

I stripped down to my panties and threw a over-sized shirt on before cuddling up to now fiance.

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