Just The Way I'm Not

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A ringing that felt like it was jolting through my head woke me up. I searched for my phone in the depths of my covers and answered without looking at the screen.

"What?" I mumbled with my eyes still closed.

"Umm... it's. Uh, it's Mike." My eyes shot open and I was suddenly awake. I checked the time and saw that it was almost ten in the morning.

"Oh, Uh, hey." I said hesitantly. I didn't really want to speak to him, especially since I just woke up but I couldn't just hang up in his face, that would just be rude of me and I have done enough.

"I was just wondering what time you wanted to meet up and where." There was something in his voice that made me hesitant to answer but I just wasn't sure what it was. It seemed like that's how it was gonna be from now on, not being able tell what he was feeling.

"Um, the time doesn't matter but, Uh, how about the park down the street from my house?" I thought and the park seemed like a decent place to meet up and talk.

"Okay... So is like twelve good for you?"

"Yea, sure." I wiped the remaining sleep from my eyes and sighed.

"Okay... See you then, I guess." He hung up and I stretched out. I guess I should probably start getting ready now, if I actually want to get there on time. I picked out simple jeans and a rose colored tee-shirt. It's not like I really have to impress anyone, right? It is my day off, after all.

I quickly showered and lagged to get ready. I was contemplating just not showing up but, I mean, he knows where I live so he could just come get me. Ugh! I'm just so nervous about this.

I shouldn't have pulled such a whore-ish stunt. Maybe all those kids in high school were right; I'm just a no good whore.

I checked the clock and saw that I had about forty five minutes until I had to be at the park. I figured I would walk since it's nice and don't feel like being in a car.

I tossed some sandals on, grabbed a water bottle and a light jacket and locked the door behind me on my way out.

I took my time because as I neared the park, I got more and more nervous and it seemed as if a knot tied itself tight in my stomach. I actually had to stop at the entrance to calm down. I still had a good fifteen minutes until Mike was supposed to arrive so I made my way up to the large clearing within the woods; a place I always seemed to end up hen life was just a little too much for me to handle.

I took in the scenery that I missed so much and just got lost in the beautiful nature that surrounded me. it was so peaceful and calming, almost.

"Jayme?" I was snapped from my little world to have it come crashing down.

"H-Hi Mike." I stuttered and felt my heart rate rise considerably. I hated how nervous I was around him; I hated how nervous he made me.

"So, Um... do you want to explain why you fuck me, left my note and ditched?" he said bluntly. Oh how the words stung my healing wounds.

He kept his stare on me and me alone until I answered. I just wish I could read him; I was completely oblivious to any emotion that he was feeling right now but I'm sure he saw all of the anxiety, guilt and sadness that I was feeling.

"I don't know..." I said timidly and he scoffed.

"What do you mean you don't know? You clearly planned it. You left that fucking note that I put on your window when you left, you had to of had some kind of motive!?" his yelling caught me off guard and I shriveled up, receding into my own shell.

"I-I guess I thought it would do some kind of, Uh, damage. I don't know!" I rambled and sat myself on the grassy area. He sat directly across from me.

"Well, congratu-fucking-lations, it worked! I'm pissed off... and sad." His voice lowered towards the end to the point where I struggled to hear the sad part. Why the hell would he be sad?

"Wh- what?" I said in confusion and he sighed angrily.

"Like I said, I really did, and still do, like you! Do you not get it?! Do you honestly think I would be sitting here now talking to you; wanting you to explain why you did this? Do you think Vic would have said something unless I was a little torn up about this?!" he got up and started to walk away in frustration. I sat there for a moment in shock before getting up and following him.

"Mike. MIKE. I honestly didn't think it would get to you. I swear I didn't think this would happen." I said as I tried to catch up to him. he snapped around and clenched my shoulders.

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN?" he screamed in my face and tightened his grip before growling and letting me go. I honestly didn't really know what was going to happen and his yelling didn't really help my scrambled thoughts.

"So, what did you think was gonna happen?" sarcasm and bitterness dripped from his words and I felt like all I could do was blink but every blink let the tears fall. No matter what he did, directly or indirectly, he always seemed to make me cry.

"Just.Tell. Me." I could've sworn I heard him sniffle, but I had to be wrong. When I didn't say anything he just stalked off. What was there to really say? I couldn't explain to myself let alone him.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and kept my distance from Mike as I watched him get into his car. He didn't leave right away but just sat there. I let my head hang low as I started my long journey home. What's gonna happen now?

I felt like someone was watching me as I unlocked my door and walked in. Just before I walked up the stairs, there was a knock. I peered through the peep hole and was shocked at who I saw.

"Can I help you?"

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