Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Fire Away.

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"Mike, what are you doing? Get away from me!" I screamed loud enough to wake everyone.

"You need to fucking leave, Jayme." He growled and the large piece of cutlery came into my view.

I started to back up but my back hit a brick wall. I had no clue where I was but I know I didn't want to be here.

He gradually got closer and closer until the knife just licked my throat.

"Goodbye, Jayme." He smirked as he plunged the knife deep in my chest.

I woke up gasping for air and making sure I didn't have a large knife sticking out of my chest.

The curtain to my bunk slowly opened and I backed myself against the wall.

"Hey, calm down. It's just me." James said softly. I could tell my little nightmare had woke him up. How, I don't know. I watched as he gingerly climbed into my tiny bunk that was definitely not made for two people but he somehow managed.

"Jay. Calm down!" I tried to control my staggered breathing but it just wasn't happening. I nudged myself closer to him and he pulled me in and rubbed circles along my back.

"It's fine. It was just a dream." He cooed but I could see he was on the cusp of falling asleep but I, however, was wide awake. His circles because slower and slower and his eyes shut and I watched as he fell back asleep. I curled my head into the crook of his neck and tried to follow his lead but it just wasn't working. I stayed like that, my head to his neck and my eyes shut, until I heard the others starting to stir.

I checked my phone and saw that it was nearing seven so I woke James up and basically made him get out of my bunk, much to his dismay. I stayed there for a little while longer just staring at my ceiling and feeling awfully cold without being wrapped up in James' arms. I've had the same feeling no matter who I fall asleep with but I was also in a bad/sad/still hungover mood so it made things no better.

I forced myself out of my bunk and to the mini kitchen to make coffee and I could hear the guys talking in the back. I walked back and saw them watching cartoons. I chuckled and sat next to Cameron and sipped on my coffee, not bothering to talk or pay attention to the guys.

"JAYME." They yelled in unison, well except James. He knew I wasn't in the mood for interactions right now. I snapped my head to look at them and they looked slightly worried.

"Sorry, what?"

"We were wondering what time you were gonna leave. Our show is one of the first today and then our signing is right after so we won't be doing much today. What are you gonna do?" Danny asked so very specifically.

"I'll probably just catch a few sets and come back to edit pictures. I'm not feeling to good today so I might be back before you guys." I fibbed and they nodded. My eyes connected with James' for a brief moment but I shot my glance to the TV and sat back, pondering why I had such a terrible dream last night.

I watched as each of the guys took their turns in the shower and get ready while I just stayed in the same position for the hour they took. I finished my coffee and rinsed my cup before getting ready, not bother with a real shower just a baby wipe down and no makeup.

I followed the guys out and to the stage, camera in hand. The crowd was large today and I had taken a few shots of the forming line outside. I loved crowd shots a little more than shots of bands preforming. They held so much emotion in one snapshot. You could see the pure joy on every person's face from just being able to see their favorite bands preform. I was the same way whenever I went to a concert when I was younger but now I was on the other side of the camera and it felt more than good. It out me in a slightly better mood but my dark cloud followed close behind me everywhere I went.

I did my job, what I was being paid to do, and when the show was over I didn't have to motivation to be walking around in the sweltering heat all day. I said my goodbye to the guys and walked back to the bus.

I grabbed my computer and uploaded the photos and started editing yesterday's pictures. I stayed up in the uncomfortable comfort of my bunk until I jumped when a knock sounded at the bus door.

I opened it to see Vic standing there with an awkward shy smile and I let him on and shut the door.

"Jayme, please don't take whatever Mike said to heart. He was drunk and-" he started apologizing for his brother but I stopped him.

"Vic, this is why I didn't want a relationship with Mike. He does this every time he doesn't get his way. Everything he said, it hurt but I'm a big girl and can move on from it. I know there will probably be more things like that as this tour goes on but it's something I'll have to deal with." I shrugged and he nodded.

"I know but he had no right to even go up to you, I just feel bad. I know how much you two like each other, don't even try to deny it, but don't do this to each other. Don't go back to the old habits. I know they say old habits die hard but I can't see you two destroy each other." He pleaded with his eyes but I was solemn and my face was placid.

"It's not like we plan these things, Vic. They really just happen. I never intended on hurting Mike but I know I did and now it's his turn for the revenge. I get that he's just hurt and probably doesn't mean it but it's like I told him; we go through this time where we sleep together, tell each other 'I love you' and then we do this. We fight and turn into conniving people when we really don't even mean to. It's how we are and will probably always be. Right now, I just want to be alone. Maybe you could tell Priscilla to come see me sometime today, if you can." I sighed and spoke the truth. He nodded and looked at me, thinking about something.

"Do you know if Pris has a thing for Tony?" he asked randomly and I laughed, first time today too.

"She sure does. I told her I would put in a good word but I haven't seen him to do so." I smiled and so did he.

"Good because he literally has the biggest crush on her. At least now I can assure him that she feels the same." He let out a chuckle and sigh of relief.

"Yeah, they'd really be cute together." I smiled and thought about how happy this could make Priscilla.

"So would you and Mike but I'll leave that for the future to bestow I suppose. I guess I'll go now, our set is soon and we have sound check in a half hour. I'll see you around, Jay." That coy bastard waved goodbye and smiled as he left the bus and me. I don't get why he does this too; always making me feel ever so slightly guilty, dropping those not-so-subtle hints that he wants me and Mike to get together. I think he's always wanted it to be that way ever since Priscilla dragged me out to go to the beach.

I stood there for a few minutes, almost expecting him or someone else to show up and lay a guilt trip on me but no one came so I went back to my bunk and continued editing photos.


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