Identity Disorder

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I haven't gone back to see Mike since the day he told me he loved me because, I guess my brain was screwing with my heart... if that makes sense. Vic, Tony and Jaime have been trying to force me to go but I would make up some lame excuse why I couldn't and they would get mad. They have also been hanging around a lot, coming to my shop and house. It still boggled my mind why they wanted to hang around me.

It was finally my day off and I was planning on just staying in and relaxing but I guess the guys had other plans. They were on their way over to ask me something, I don't know why they couldn't just ask over the phone, I wasn't really in the mood to talk or see people.

"Jayme!" Jaime yelled as he jumped onto my couch. I internally rolled my eyes but had a smile because you couldn't just not smile around Jaime. He just had good vibes all around him.

"Hello." I mumbled. I sounded like I just woke up but I just hadn't used my voice since I left work yesterday, not even for singing.

"What's wrong with you?" Tony asked while grabbing beers from the fridge. Seeing as these boys were always around, I decided to be the nice little hostess and stock up on their favorites, Coronas and cheese puffs, so they would stay away from mine.

"Nothing, why?"

"Cause you look... not you." He said as he sat next to Vic on the other couch.

"And a little pissed off." Vic added.

"And... well confused." Jaime finished. I looked at all three of them and sighed.

"I just have a lot on my mind." I said while playing with my fingers.

"Feel free to tell us." Vic chimed and I looked skeptically at him. I didn't want to tell them but I knew they would never stop bugging me until I did.

"I, uhh, I'm just stressed. With work and stuff." I fibbed. Well, it wasn't really a lie; work really was stressing me out.

"And?" they all seemed to ask so intently and I groaned inwardly.

"And... nothing." I said and got up to make some tea.

"Nothing is clearly something. We know damn well that your job doesn't stress you out this bad nor does it make you look confused or pissed off." Tony yelled from the living room. I walked back into the living room with my tea and sat down.

"Your brother told me he loved me." I rushed out and hoped they couldn't understand me but judging by the looks on their faces, they did.

"He finally said it." Vic mumbled, barely audible, under his breath but I caught it. Tony and Jaime exchanged glances at each other then Vic then back to me. They all fucking knew. Fuck me, right?

"So that's why you haven't gone to see him?" Jaime said in all seriousness and I nodded.

"You need to go see him." Vic said with a straight face but I could see the smile begging to be seen.

"No, I don't." I said my thoughts out loud although I didn't mean to.

"Yes. You do. Especially since we were gonna..." Vic cut Jaime off before he could finish his sentence.

"Since you were gonna do what?" I snipped. They looked anxiously at each other then nervously to me.

"We were gonna ask you if we could have a welcome back party for Mike here. We can't do it at any of our places because they are apartments and your house is huge." I could feel my brain begin to scramble in anger and confusion as Vic spoke calmly.

"Please! I know it would mean a lot to Mike if we had it here and it would mean a lot to us." Tony pleaded and the guys nodded. I pondered it for a while.

"How many people are we talking about?" I asked, glaring at each of them.

"Twenty to thirty tops." Vic guessed. I knew he was low balling though, they knew way more than twenty or thirty people so I was just gonna assume somewhere around fifty.

"If you guys are cleaning up, fine. But you better believe that if someone breaks something or fucks my house up, I will beat the shit out of them and all of you." I said being extremely serious.

"Ugh, thank you so much!" Tony sighed. It was like they were all holding their breaths until I answered. It was quite amusing.

"So, it's settled. When Mike gets out in three days, we'll have a party for him here?" Vic said for clarification. I nodded and the boys cheered. Why the hell did I even agree to have a party here, especially one for Mike? Sure, I felt extremely bad for what happened but I just offered my house up to a bunch of strangers. That night would probably be the death of me.

I didn't bother paying much attention to them until they started talking about who they would invite. I bugged out when I heard a very familiar group of names.

"Okay so I think they will be in town, I'm sure they're still working on their album but I'll have to call Danny to see." Vic said while going through his phone.

"Yeah, Mike would love to have his partners in crime, Ben and James, here." Jaime laughed.

"Wait? Who are you talking about?" I asked from my sparked curiosity.

"Oh, uh, just some guys we did Warped tour with. Asking Alexandria, why?" my breath hitched at Tony's words. AA was probably one of my favorite bands, they always got me through my struggles within life.

"I think we have a fan here, guys." Vic chuckled and my face went beet red.

"Oh shit, looks like you're in for a hell of a surprise next week too." Tony laughed making them all laugh.

I listened to them continue to talk about various people, some I knew or thought I knew, others I had no damn idea who they could be. I had to struggle to keep my inner fan girl at bay.

Sooner than I thought, they were on their way out. Of course saying they would come by either for lunch of after work. I bid them a goodbye, a smile still on my face though by now it felt forced.

As all the names they said swirled around in my head, the rest of my night was me just watching old horror movies. It was nice to not want to rip up my skin or drink the pain away but I did have the urge to light up. A smirk rose up to my face as I searched my kitchen for my second stash. I only had two hiding places, under a decorative cake pan on the wall above the sick and underneath my bed in my room. It worked out pretty well because most people never even knew I smoked so they never thought to look. I doubt even Mike remembers I smoked weed.

I snatched my grinder and loose papers and rolled myself a nice one. I walked out to my backyard and relaxed into one of the long lawn chairs before lighting up the illegal cigarette. It was one of those nights where it was warm but a soft cool breeze was blowing. My cup of tea, joint and the weather made me feel so relaxed that by the time I was finished with the tea and joint, I was tired and very calm. I could feel the droopiness of my eyes as I put my cup in the sink and made my way upstairs.

I struggled to get comfortable but as soon as I did, I fell right asleep. I thought about all of the things that had happened in the past week but really only one thing was more prominent; the upcoming party.

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