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Me: what's ur fav top song Jish

Me: Josh??
Me: ayyyyyyyyyy
Me: hello from the other side
Me: oh I bet the concert started sorry
Me: k bye have fun new fren

I sighed and clicked my phone off, it was late already and I had work in the morning, not that I planned on sleeping anytime soon. I lived in an apartment next to a busy street, not only did I keep myself awake just by thinking deeply, but the city never seemed to sleep.

I waited, for what exactly? A text back from a strange man? Yes. I counted an hour my clock ticking on my wall, and nothing. Two, still nothing. I turned towards my window and crawled out of bed, I sat at a straining position to see outside. I wasn't at a high elevation where I sat, but I did get to see quite the amount of city lights each night, and I was alright with that. It was calming, and on summer nights, performers would play at the arena near my house and I could open my house and just listen. I loved Seattle, it treated me right, even my high rental fees, and the minimum wage jobs I did, full time.

It had been about thirty minutes later when my phone dinged.


this is longish lmao

Wrong Number (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now