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Today was my day off, but of course, it was also the day Josh had to leave again. He begged me to go with him, I was tempted to just quit my job and go with him, but I couldn't. I really needed to continue my life here, I really did.

"Please go with me." Josh pleaded. He'd been trying to bribe me and get me to go with him for the past hour or so.

"Josh, you're wasting the time we have left together." I said, to which I had been saying for the past hour or so.

"We wouldn't have to worry about our time being wasted if you'd just come with me." Josh persistently smiled again. And at that moment I just wanted to duck tape his mouth shut and just cuddle him. But instead, to shut him up I stood on my tippy toes and started to deeply kiss him. I moved my lips with his until he started to get a little too heated from what was meant to be an innocent way to shut him up.

I pulled back, only for Josh to go right back to my level and kiss me more. He picked me up and set me on my kitchen counter without breaking the kiss. I put both hands on his chest and pushed him away from me.

"Please.." Josh whispered in my ear, he then started to kiss the side of my head near my ear.

"Josh, no. I've quitted a job for you, and canceled on three better opportunities and I can't quit this one."

"Then go on vacation." He mumbled putting his forehead against mine. "Please"

I sighed, I wasn't gonna give in to his begs anytime soon. "No, and that's final. No doesn't mean 'convince me' it's means no."

"Fine, whatever." Josh said pulling away. I was wearing his warm sweatshirt that I was gonna keep while he was gone.

"Josh come cuddle with me." I suggested walking over to the couch. I sat down and waited for him to come in but he remained in the kitchen. "Josh?" I called out.

I went into the kitchen, he was gone. I went through every room, except my bathroom. I walked through my door and knocked on the bathroom door.


"What." He said flatly, I sighed and walked away from the door.

I figured maybe I deserved the way I was being treated, maybe if I had been better he wouldn't be mad at me. My mind was always going to such awful conclusions, I couldn't help but think about Jai in situations like this, I was no good with pressure and I was no good at being social. I didn't have friends, and I barely kept in touch with my sister after everything.

Josh came out of the bathroom and eyed me, sitting on the couch, "Why do you look so glum?" Josh spoke softly, I hated it.

I hated how everyone could see through me, and I hated how I took everything to heart, the mere fact he asked me how I was made me tear up. I was being ridiculous.

"I just always feel like I anger you and stress you out." (I s2g I'm gonna have 363993747 comments about Stressed Øut)

"Syrup you don't do either, I just get upset that I'm gonna be away from you, I'm falling deeply for you and it's so hard to not be with you all the time, you've been making my days so much better and that's all I want to do for you. It's hard to make you happy when I'm not beside you." Josh sat beside me and wiped a couple tears that were trying to fall down my cheeks.

"I know that Josh, I know you're just trying to keep us together, to me everything seems temporary and I'm constantly scared you're gonna leave, not that many things that I love stay with me and I'm doing my best to let down my walls completely to you, I'm sorry I'm hard to deal with." I confessed.

"You're not hard to deal with, not even a challenge, I don't care how long it takes, I'm staying here forever, I'm all yours lovely." Josh kissed me nose making me blush, but it was time for him to leave.


Once I got home, I was alone, I was still wearing Josh's sweatshirt and it still smelled like him. I already missed him.

I cuddled up on the couch to watch TV, and sent Josh a quick text.

Me: Have a safe flight and text me when you can, I love you ❤️

I fell asleep not long after thinking about my red-haired boy.


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