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We rode a bus over to Sally's Beauty place, I need to redo my silver hair badly, it looked faded and gross. My hair was about down to my shoulders and wavy. I let Josh wander, I figured he was getting some for himself. He came back with a lavender color, "What do you think of this?" He asked me.

"For you?" I replied

"No, this is for you." He paused, "I'm sticking with red."

"I like it." And I did, it was pretty and would look great mixed with silver.
"Can I do it?" Josh asked.

"Yeah go ahead." I said admiring him up close. His eyes were so beautiful and unique, I couldn't help but to stare right into them.

"A picture lasts longer." He said noticing my stare, I blushed and looked away.


"It's okay, that was cute." I looked back up into his eyes, we weren't in the most romantic place. For I was sitting on a toilet seat, and Josh was standing on my bathroom floor. I stood up and kissed his cheek, I didn't have any confidence, and I knew I couldn't kiss him right on the lips. Josh pushed a hair strand behind my ear and began to kiss me slowly, it was deeper and longer than our last kiss. I took my hands and got them lost in his red mop. His hair was soft.

He finally pulled away, leaving me wanting to kiss him again.

"Sara, can I ask you something?" Josh questioned which scared me to death.

"Yeah sure."

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

why did I ever write this oh god it's so cringe

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