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The header almost made me cry tbh

I was back on tour, but this time I had Sara with me. It did take a lot of convincing of course, matters of the fact she didn't have the money to pay for it, and didn't want me to pay.

However, Sara had seemed a bit distant and upset, I wasn't quite sure why but decided not to pry right away; she had off days a lot, but one off day stretched on to an off week.

Tyler and I had just finished a show, and Sara and I were in my dressing room getting ready to leave.

"Hey Sweets can I ask you something?" I spoke up suddenly, wiping some of my sweat off with a towel.

"Yeah what's up?" Her voice had a fearful tone to it, I realized my question made her anxious, but it didn't matter.

"Are you alright?" I turned to face her, she avoided looking back.

"Yeah I'm alright, I just have jet lag from all the flying we've been doing is all. My sleep schedule is so messy right now." Sara lied, and I knew she was lying, I didn't want to press further.

"Okay so since you don't want to tell me the truth we can talk about it later." She rolled her eyes.

"That is the truth. Whatever reason it's so important to you is beyond me. I'll be in the car." She left the room before I could respond.

Went I got into the car Sara was scrolling through Instagram, "Can we please talk about this?"

"There's literally nothing to talk about." She snapped.

"Sara." I said firmly, "I'm your boyfriend, and your best friend, and I love you. You can be honest with me and you can talk to me, please talk to me."

Sara sighed and stopped responding, the silence lingered for a couple more seconds until I turned on the car and the radio.

Once at the hotel we went upstairs, the elevator ride and the walk there was painfully awkward. Inside the room, Sara went to go put on her pajamas and left me on the bed to wait for her.

When she came out, she crawled onto her side of the bed, covered herself with blankets and faced away from me.

"Sara. We need to talk." She groaned.

"Can I please just sleep? Like I said I'm just tired from all the stuff we've been doing and it's making me cranky. Please just understand that and drop it."

"I would if that were the case, but we both know you're just saying that. There's no reason for you to be dodgy with me. I want to help you."

Her voice cracked, "Please just drop it I don't want to talk about it."

"Sweets come here, let me help you." I rubbed her shoulder but she didn't move.

"Just," she paused and sniffled, "leave me alone."

"Baby I'm not gonna let you go to bed sad, let me at least wipe your tears away, I can massage your back if you want?" I offered.

"I'm f-fine." Sara choked back a sob and I pulled her up from where she was laying.

I moved her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her, she started crying into my shoulder, I ran my hands through her hair slowly.

"It's alright baby girl let it all out." I rubbed her back, "You wanna tell me why you're upset?"

"I just..." She was trying to regulate her breathing so I started to help her, "I can't read my instagram comments because people are saying so many mean things. I don't get it."

"Are you serious?" I felt anger rise, fast.

I grabbed her phone from her bedside and unlocked it, she went to take it from me but I pulled it away.

I started reading comments from so-called "fans" of mine.

"He could do better lmao"
"Bruh she looks horrible with blue hair"
"Danggg I figured Josh had standards but..."

It dragged on and on, I turned off commenting on her Instagram unless she followed the person back. Sara watched me with the saddest eyes as I put her phone down.

"Why the hell would you not tell me about this?" I wasn't angry at her, but she figured I was and teared up again.

"I just didn't want to worry you, you've been so happy lately since your back on tour and.." she stopped talking and sighed, "I'm sorry Josh."

"Baby there's no need to apologize I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me right away, that makes me so mad that my fans would say that about you. You make me so happy I don't even care what they think."

"I care what everyone thinks."

Sara lied back down and shut her eyes, "Can you shut off the light please?" She whispered.


I decided to post a picture of me and Sara on Instagram, and I wanted to shade anyone who was saying mean things about her.

joshuadun: no offense but stop being rude to Sara, and don't call yourself a "fan" of mine if your gonna say mean things about her. I love her, and we're happy, that's all that matters. Our relationship isn't here to appeal to you, our relationship is between us and I'd rather keep it that way. Sara is beautiful, intelligent, she's literally the sweetest person you'll ever meet, she has such a pretty voice, she's always cold and I'm always warm so it's a good match, and I honestly can't think of anything I don't like about her. Anyways the point of this is, stop being rude to my lover. Thanks.

I sighed and clicked off my phone to go to bed, I pulled Sara's sleeping body against mine.

"Goodnight babygirl, I love you." I mumbled before kissing her on the forehead.

sometimes I forget that I have my sister and like irl friends on Wattpad so yeah I prolly shouldn't rant every 2 seconds am I right ??

also this chapter is really sad so I'm sorry for that, I didn't really have a good day, or week I guess. I'll make sure to add some nice fluff in the next chap yeah ??

Love you guys (:

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